[爆卦]教授 感謝 信 英文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇教授 感謝 信 英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在教授 感謝 信 英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者ghostreporty (ghost)看板studyabroad標題Re: [問題] 國外教授...

教授 感謝 信 英文 在 外拍模特-蕾蕾/撮影モデル-つぼみ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 10:10:40

人從當受精卵那刻 就開啟了競爭 要先跟數億精子搶一個卵子 好不容易著床成功 待在媽媽肚子10個月 10個月後的出生 迎接你的不是期待與祝福 而是等你長大如何滿足他們的私慾 好不容易有意識了、會說話了、會走路了 就要你開始學心算、英文、鋼琴吧啦吧啦 美其名叫為你好 實則是好讓在家長會或同學聚餐可大肆炫...

給一下一些我去年的經驗 以下是幾封不同老師的回信 CS/EE 領域

希望可以幫助大家 祝大家申請到自己的Dream School : )

Dear XX

Thanks for your interests! Normally we do not give Master students
scholarship. Even you are applying for Ph. D. program, we consider
you as a MS student first before you pass the Ph. D. qualifiers.

結果:老師為台灣人 我沒申請 因為教授表明要先MS

Dear XX,

Thank you for contacting me with respect to your interest in my research
group and your Ph.D. studies.

I see that you have done some good work in the past and you definitely have a
great potential to do well in your graduate studies as well.

However, I will not be accepting any new students to my research group at
Cornell in the next year or so. I do have another research group at the
University at Texas at Dallas (http://cs.utdallas.edu/) and I would be happy
to consider you to join my research there. Please take a look at that
departmental web pages and let me know whether you might be interested.

結果: 跟老師來回幾封信 拿到PhD AD

I am pleased to see that your interests are close to my research. I usually
do not support Research Assistants during the first year of graduate program,
but I particiapte in selection of best candidates for our Ph.D. program and
work with students supported by TA in the first year or two of graduate
studies. Depending on your credentials, you may qualify for such Teaching
Assistantship. Those are very competitive. Preference is given to Ph.D.
candidates who demonstrate research interests (papers,presentations, etc.).

Our research focuses on computer and social networks and network science.
We are seeking students that are highly motivated, independent and
research-oriented. We consider students for TA/RA awards only after the
admissions process has been completed by the school.

結果: 超級罐頭信XD 沒申請

Hello, I am now hiring students only those who already have an MS degree.

結果: 老師太慢回信 我當時已經丟 最後是GG

We admit by central committee, not by individual faculty members. You are
welcome to apply.

結果: 罐頭信 也是因為老師太慢回 已經申請 沒上

Thanks for your note. It does sound like your experience puts you in a good
position for my research group. You've done all of the right thing; make sure
when you apply to the XXX department that you select "Software Engineering" as
your area of interest; that way your application will go to the group that I
work with for admissions. With respect to funding, we make those decisions at
the same time that we do admissions, so as long as your application is marked
that you're interested in funding, we'll consider you for our opportunities.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.

結果: 跟老師聊得超開心(他回信居然用笑臉XD) 來回好幾封信 本來以為會上 最後GG
這間本來是我最想上的 老師人很好 學校也超好 很可惜 所以也不是了得很快樂
就一定會上 有時候就是命啊

It seems that there is a good match between our research interests.
Please excuse the brevity of this email. It is sent from a phone.

結果: 來回幾封信 上了

※ 引述《transferking (transferking)》之銘言:
: 今天收到了兩到三週前寄給對方學校老師的回信
: 我有提到參與過的project和他研究的主題的關聯
: 然後也有附上我的resume和SOP 然後也說了我已經完成所有申請程序
: 最後我說 "I'm highly interested in working with you. Would you accept doctoral
: students in the following Fall?"
: 然後今天接到他回信說
: "Yes, I would be interested in working with you once all of your acceptance
: procedures are finalized."
: 這樣有望嗎?所以我是有被接受的嗎?這個program的截止日是12/1
: ------------------------------------------
: 基於本蛇對本版一直沒貢獻 最近editor話題又沸沸揚揚
: 我除了給版上一位有名的editor改外
: 後來上網找做proofread的freelancers
: 有一間公司是oDesk 她可以自己去登入資料 然後寫下要求
: 類似你是老闆上網找editor的意思 我是都選計時 看他們花多少時間改再從paypal扣
: 然後我目前跟兩位合作過 第一位是澳洲的英文老師 只小修了一位文法($9)
: 另一位是好像做了很久的editor 應該也是老師 我覺得不錯 修兩篇共$30
: 但這兩位不會幫你調架構 或給大方向的修改建議
: 我也有找版友上次推薦的editor 目前還在改 但過程我目前都很滿意
: 感覺很負責任 本魯大概能貢獻的只有這樣了...
: ※ 引述《transferking (transferking)》之銘言:
: : 借原po文的順便問一下謝謝
: : 今天收到老師的回信
: : 以下是第2封信內容:
: : Thank you for sending your materials. You have done a fine job on your
: : resume and personal statement. Your application goes to the XX graduate
: : school, and when it is completed it is forwarded to our committee. We look
: : forward to receiving your application!
: : 第1封信是她很客氣的回文
: : 順便跟我說我的原email沒附上CV和SOP
: : (因為我緊張到忘記了...)
: : We are delighted that you are considering the XXX Ph.D. program at XX.
: : There was no attachment in your email and applicants must be independently
: : submitted.
: : 大家覺得老師收我的意願大嗎?
: : 本來看第2封信覺得有點希望
: : 但看久了好像也滿官腔的
: : 各位覺得呢?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1416955143.A.57F.html
roy047: 感謝分享先例, 最後一個簡明扼要XD 11/26 07:28
MIKEmike07: 推 11/26 07:48
MIKEmike07: 請問若單純CS ms,沒想讀phD有需要找教授? 11/26 07:49
單純CS 不寫論文好像就沒必要聯絡老師 但是我老師說不寫論文的MS比較難上
我們系上就是一堆印度人用寫論文名義進來 然後想轉不寫論文 搞得Graduate Advisor
Hikkiaholic: Sent from my Nokia 3310 11/26 07:51
其實老師拿iPhone XD
Khalilli: 請問最後上了哪一間呢 有點好奇耶 11/26 10:48
※ 編輯: ghostreporty (, 11/26/2014 11:54:10
nsysukober: 想問一下,如同前面那位所問,單純想申請cs(要寫論文) 11/26 18:48
nsysukober: 還是可以寄信給想跟的老師? 11/26 18:48
nsysukober: 因為單純據自己了解,國外好像都是advisor 導師制度 11/26 18:49
nsysukober: 沒有像台灣的研究所有LAB這種概念不是嗎? 11/26 18:49
ghostreporty: 回樓上 我最後只上CSMS 但是是因為聯絡到老師 老師 11/26 23:43
ghostreporty: 才strongly recommend我給committee 當然系上有些同 11/26 23:43
ghostreporty: 學是錄取之後才找老師 但先找老師錄取機會大超多 11/26 23:43
nsysukober: 了解 謝謝囉:) 11/27 08:50
※ 編輯: ghostreporty (, 01/14/2015 11:35:59

