

在 推銷promote英文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]「 三倍券」英文怎麼說? 讀懂新聞英文,讓你邏輯表達、托福雅思寫作更有靈感 近 800 位同學在學的英文思考術 https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH Can the vouchers pay dividends without breaking the bank? pay...


  • 推銷promote英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-15 20:28:55
    有 1,406 人按讚

    [時事英文]「 三倍券」英文怎麼說?
    近 800 位同學在學的英文思考術 https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH

    Can the vouchers pay dividends without breaking the bank?

    pay dividends: https://bit.ly/2CFf8A4
    break the bank: https://bit.ly/3iYRHCe

    The first wave of people who ordered Triple Stimulus Vouchers will be able to pick them up on Wednesday and already restaurants and food outlets are courting customers amid a sagging economy caused by the pandemic. Some are offering discounts of 40%, while others are offering free coupons. Shops in Taipei's commercial districts, such as the Gongguan Night Market, are also offering 10% discounts for those who use these vouchers.
    1. the first wave of ⋯⋯的第一波
    2. Triple Stimulus Vouchers 振興三倍券
    3. outlet 專賣店;經銷點;零售網點
    4. court (v.) 討好;取悅;向⋯⋯獻殷勤
    5. a sagging economy 低迷的經濟
    6. pandemic 全球大流行病
    7. discount (n.) 打折;折扣
    8. free coupon 免費的折價券
    9. commercial district 商業區
    10. voucher 抵用券;代金券
    The Bangka Shopping District in Taipei’s Wanhua is making preparations to attract an influx of shoppers wielding Triple Stimulus Vouchers. It is promoting a night market food ordering machine and people using the paper version of the coupons will get 10% off. The Gongguan Night Market commercial district is doing similar things.
    11. shopping district 商圈;購物區
    12. an influx of shoppers 購物者的湧入
    13. wield 使用;揮舞
    14. promote 促進;促銷;推銷;推廣
    15. food ordering machine 點餐機
    Member of the public: “With Triple Stimulus Vouchers, you can get more discounts, so overall, I prefer to use them to buy things.” These businesses are pulling out all the stops to attract customers after the economy sagged due to the pandemic, and no one should miss out on the discounts that come with the government’s voucher scheme.
    16. member of the public 民眾
    17. overall 總的來說;大體上
    18. pull out all the stops 全力以赴;竭盡所能
    19. due to 由於;因為
    20. miss out on 錯失享樂(或獲利)的機會
    21. scheme (n.) 方案;計畫
    振興三倍券的威力: https://bit.ly/32kD4U7


    🌎國際新聞英文-六步驟思考術 限時優惠 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH


  • 推銷promote英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-08-28 18:23:55
    有 122 人按讚

    ☆ part time: 工讀生(PT)
    ☆ promotion girl: (靜態)女模(發 DM、推銷產品)(PG)
    ☆ promotion boy: 男模(PB)(PB時薪通常比 PG高)
    ☆ showgirl: (動態)女模(時薪比女模高)(可能要跳舞、cosplay、走秀、品牌代言)(SG)
    ☆ host: 主持人(男)
    ☆ hostess: 主持人(女)
    ☆ human resources: 人力資源(HR)
    ☆ supervision: 督導(super-: over/ -vis-: look, see)
    ☆ client: 客戶
    ☆ company: 廠商
    ☆ guest: 客人
    ☆ assistant manager: 助理
    ☆ photographer: 攝影師(photo-: light/ -graph: write)
    ☆ reporter: 記者
    ☆ VIP(very important person): 貴客、貴賓
    ☆ early bird: 早鳥
    ☆ receive: 接待
    ☆ receptionist: 接待人員
    ☆ guide: 引導
    ☆ experience: 體驗
    ☆ introduction: 介紹
    ☆ check in: 報到
    ☆ promote: 推廣
    ☆ sell: 推銷;銷售
    ☆ resident: 駐店
    ☆ standby: 待命
    ☆ package: 包裝、包貨
    ☆ bale: 打包
    ☆ arrange: 布置、排列
    ☆ send flyer: 發傳單
    ☆ questionnaire: 問卷調查
    ☆ tele-marketing: 電話銷售
    ☆ exchange: 兌換
    🎁 物品:
    ☆ competing product: 競品(同業競爭產品)
    ☆ new product: 新品
    ☆ direct mail: 廣告宣傳單(DM)
    ☆ freebie: 贈品
    ☆ punch: 打卡
    ☆ upload: 上傳
    ☆ hashtag: 井號#(打標籤)(最近展覽很多要你打卡上傳,IG都會需要 hashtag)
    🏢 地區:
    ☆ meeting: 會議
    ☆ seminar: 研討會、說明會
    ☆ presentation: 發表會
    ☆ press conference: 記者會
    ☆ concert: 演唱會
    ☆ exhibition hall: 展場
    ☆ exhibition: 展覽
    ☆ show: 表演、展演
    ☆ dinner: 晚宴
    ☆ banquet: 宴會
    ☆ party: 派對
    ☆ nursing room: 哺乳室
    ☆ smoking zone: 吸菸區
    ☆ lavatory: 廁所
    ☆ pantry: 茶水間
    ☆ cosplay: 角色扮演(costume play)
    ☆ salary: 薪水
    ☆ wage: (時/週)薪
    ☆ family day: 家庭日
    #俐媽英文教室 #辣媽英文天后林俐carol #俐媽英文教室徵稿中 #marketing #humanresources #parttimejob

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