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在 接觸理論contact產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【閉關坐月子】一講坐月就想到不能沖涼洗頭? ⭐古老坐月方法不合時宜 ⭐現代坐月注重衛生與產婦休息 #星期二提升正能量 坐月常識Q&A - 生活篇 Q:坐月不能開冷氣嗎? A:香港夏天炎熱又潮濕,產婦如果盲目跟從傳統坐月方法,不吹冷氣以致大汗淋漓會引起衛生問題,室內宜溫度舒適及空氣流通,只要將冷...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,140的網紅寶博士,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【來賓:蔡玉玲律師】錄音時間2020.06.04 📍Notion https://www.notion.so/desktop 📍IOT 物聯網 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/物联网 📍阿福管家 https://alfred.camera/ 📍Apple 和 Google...

接觸理論contact 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-03 11:34:42

【閉關坐月子】一講坐月就想到不能沖涼洗頭? ⭐古老坐月方法不合時宜 ⭐現代坐月注重衛生與產婦休息 #星期二提升正能量 坐月常識Q&A - 生活篇 Q:坐月不能開冷氣嗎? A:香港夏天炎熱又潮濕,產婦如果盲目跟從傳統坐月方法,不吹冷氣以致大汗淋漓會引起衛生問題,室內宜溫度舒適及空氣流通,只要將冷...

接觸理論contact 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

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接觸理論contact 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

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  • 接觸理論contact 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-01 18:04:21
    有 101 人按讚



    坐月常識Q&A - 生活篇






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    Confinement Month Q&A – lifestyle edition

    Q:Can we use the air-conditioner during confinement?
    A: The Hong Kong summer is warm and humid. New moms, who abide by the traditional confinement practices blindly, tend to avoid using the air-conditioner. They inevitably sweat a lot, and this causes poor hygiene. To ensure the enclosed space is comfortable and has good air ventilation, adjust the temperature of the air-conditioner to 24-26 degree Celsius. It is also important to make sure the cool air does not blow directly at the moms and the babies.

    Q:Why should moms avoid touching water that is not boiled during confinement?
    A: The older generation believes that once moms come into contact with unboiled water during confinement, the cold air would invade the body easily, causing them to suffer from aversion to cold and backache. It is actually fine to clean the body with warm water but make sure we wipe it dry after that.

    Q:Can we take this opportunity to lose weight?
    A: It is best not to lose weight after giving birth because the body needs time to recuperate. Improper diets can cause stagnation of the blood due to coldness in the body and lochia discharge to retain in the body.

    Not having proper diets can also lead to attack from cold air pathogens and in turn cause new moms to catch a flu and cold or experience dizziness. You should only start your weight loss regime about six months later after delivery.

    Do consume an appropriate quantity of ingredients that can strengthen the spleen, nourish the qi, and eliminate dampness from the body. You should also exercise regularly to shed some pounds in a healthier manner.

    Q:Should we cover ourselves up when we decide to go out during confinement?
    A: Women who are still in confinement should stay home and rest as much as possible, but if there is a need to go out, they must keep themselves warm and avoid being exposed to wind and chill.

    According to Chinese Medicine theories, wind pathogen is the catalyst of many illnesses. Since moms during confinement are already have weak qi and blood, they may experience the symptoms of ‘yue nei feng’ in Mandarin (literally means ‘wind during confinement’) such as dizziness, common cold, and cold limbs. So put on a sweater or bring along an extra hoodie if the place you are travelling to is air-conditioned.

    Q:Do we have to go through confinement after an abortion or miscarriage?
    A: Be it abortion or miscarriage, going through confinement is necessary to help the body recuperate. Just like new moms after childbirth, it is important to eat and stay healthy.

    Nourish the body to improve the functions of the spleen and stomach, invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis, and clear the lochia discharge from the body. Take this opportunity to replenish the yin and nourish the blood, strengthen lower back and nourish the kidneys, and above all, soothe your emotions accordingly.

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    #女 #孕婦

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    2021-05-06 18:55:35
    有 173 人按讚




    金銀花 — 性涼,有清熱解暑、疏散風熱、抗炎等功效,適合炎夏酷暑引致的頭暈、口乾、多汗煩悶、中暑者食用;適合各種炎性感染、潰瘍等症狀。由於性涼,脾胃虛寒、腹瀉便溏者勿食。注意蠶豆症 (G6PD缺乏症) 患者禁止使用 。



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    Consume honeysuckle to relieve ’housewife's hand’
    The weather during spring and summer is humid, and a humid environment can easily cause skin allergy, eczema, and ‘housewife’s hand’. Stay-home mothers, who have endless house chores to deal with, are always in contact with water. This causes the dampness pathogen to invade through our skin, causing our skin to itch, swell, and age. These symptoms are similar to eczema and atopic dermatitis.

    Chinese Medicine theories view ‘housewife’s hand’ as the outcome of the dampness pathogen’s invasion. Other accompanying symptoms include dry mouth, aversion to heat, and yellowish urine. It would be best to clear the heat and dampness from our body and get rid of toxins to prevent itching from getting worse.

    Honeysuckle, which is often used in herbal tea, is cool in nature. It can clear the summer heat, dispel wind and heat from the body, and is anti-inflammatory. Other than being a topical medicine, it is also an edible ingredient. One can consume honeysuckle to relieve itchiness caused by ‘housewife’s hand’. When you are planning to eat hotpot or barbecue, consider making a drink with honeysuckle and chrysanthemum. These ingredients can help clear heat and eliminate toxins from the body.

    Honeysuckle – cool in nature; can clear summer heat, dispel cold and heat, and is anti-inflammatory. It is suitable to relieve summer-related conditions such as dizziness, dry mouth, excessive sweating, irritability, and heatstroke. It is also suitable to treat infection caused by inflammation and ulcer.

    Since it is cool in nature, individuals with a cold and weak stomach and spleen as well as those who experience diarrhea should avoid. People with G6PD deficiency (Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency) should avoid consuming this ingredient as well.

    Tea remedy to 'housewives hands': Honeysuckle tea with smilax
    For consumption:
    Effects: Clears heat, dispels dampness and relieves itchy skin. Relieves redness, seepage and itchiness problem due to housewives hands.
    Ingredients: Honeysuckle, smilax, forsythia, liquorice 10g for each
    Preparation: Rinse all ingredients. Combine all ingredients with 800ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into a thermos and tea can be re-brewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

    External rinse:
    Preparation: Wait until the tea cools down. Use a thin towel or cotton pad to soak up medicine and gently pat on the affected area. We don’t recommend applying medicated cotton on area for long periods of time. Simply damp the area and let it air dry. Do this three times daily and it is not necessary to rinse after. Use as needed. Cook a new batch of medicated water daily to use externally.
    Note: use it on a small area first to ensure there is no allergic reaction.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱

  • 接觸理論contact 在 WORMxTOY 相談室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-28 16:17:13
    有 371 人按讚

    前幾天分享中提到「聽聞 Vallejo 的顏料系列中有奸細!是一款用水無法稀釋的金屬顏料,然而它卻跟硝基溶劑相處融洽!」這實在太有趣了~所以透過台灣Vallejo取得幾瓶“Liquid液態金屬色系(圖左)”,也就是那個“傳說中的奸細”。

    昨天一收到奸細我立馬轉瓶身、看底細,看看是不是硝基漆偽裝成水性、在Vallejo裏當臥底;很明顯的,不是!液態金屬色的說明中有清楚標示“我就是奸細”XD...更正!是清楚標示著「Dilute with alcohol(用酒精稀釋)」。也就是說,液態金屬色是屬於酒精系的顏料!

    酒精系的顏料有個特性,它不僅可溶於酒精也溶於硝基溶劑;理論上用水稀釋也OK,但就是溶解得不太好,尤其是內含溶劑、助劑特別多的金屬色,我可一點也不想碰到水...不要覺得它特別奇妙,田宮水性、Mr. H系列水性...也是如此!


    二、Liquid的使用說明中註明「metal pigment will rust if in contact with water.(與水接觸金屬顏料會生鏽)」。我的解讀是...不管你漆面做得多漂亮,漆面若直接與空氣接觸,它就會漸漸的變黑;除非疊加透明塗層來隔絕水氣,才能永保如新。若不能接觸水,那透明塗層只能是硝基透明漆了。

    總結一下感想!除非我想追求更好的金屬質感,否則我更傾向使用“水性的 MATAL Color(圖右)”。雖然它得先打底再上色、光感也不如Liquid系列...但MATAL Color它可筆塗、可噴塗、可乾掃...金屬色澤也不差,也不會在兵荒馬亂之際換溶劑;對我來說不僅萬用而且方便得很!
