

在 拉巴斯纜車產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅陽光綠屋頂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 全世界最長之一的公共纜車在南美洲玻利維亞首都拉巴斯,纜車靠太陽能發電,不僅紓解市區交通壅塞問題,並能夠結合綠色觀光鳥瞰全市風景,一舉數得!是玻利維亞與拉巴斯相當重要的太陽能公共工程👍👍👍 題外話:拉巴斯的夜景相當美,是陽光小編真心推薦的欣賞夜景的城市❤❤❤ #陽光屋頂百萬座 #太陽能 #玻...

拉巴斯纜車 在 Edson Lee Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 13:24:44

Day 39,拉巴斯 這是玻利維亞首都, 是全世界最高的首都, 從秘魯的普諾穿越的的喀喀湖到拉巴斯大約需要7小時之久, 沿途自然也是群山繚繞。 拉巴斯是個高原盆地, 平均海拔3800公尺, 盆地是商業區 金融區 富人區, 半山腰是中產階級, 以及沒有有高山遮風避雨的山頂窮人區, 這高低差最大達到...

  • 拉巴斯纜車 在 陽光綠屋頂 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-01-12 12:40:00
    有 33 人按讚



    #陽光屋頂百萬座 #太陽能 #玻利維亞 #拉巴斯 #高空纜車

    Cable cars to ease Metro Manila's traffic woes?

    Incoming transportation secretary Arthur Tugade says using cable cars as an alternative mode of transportation is 'being seriously looked into'

    MANILA, Philippines – Incoming transportation secretary Arthur Tugade is mulling the use of cable cars to help ease congestion in Metro Manila.

    In an interview on ANC's Headstart on Tuesday, June 28, Tugade said he is considering adapting the cable car system used in Bolivia to help reduce road traffic and speed up travel time for commuters in the metro.

    "I'm borrowing from the Bolivia experience where they use cable cars. We can start in the Pasig area and then move on to EDSA, use gondolas that can carry 35 passengers," he said in Filipino.

    In 2014, Bolivia launched the world's largest system of cable cars, an 11-kilometer gondola system that ferried passengers from the city of La Paz to the neighboring El Alto.

    Going airborne could be an alternative solution to ease traffic jams on the street level, Tugade said. If implemented, the proposed cable car system can be operational within 18 months.

    Tugade added that he has spoken to a cable car manufacturer to discuss the concept. Aside from being another mode of transportation, Tugade said that it can also be used as a more scenic form of travel.

    While saying that he does not have specific plans yet, and that the proposal is still subject to further consideration, Tugade said that the proposed system could link Pasig City to Makati City.

    The incoming transportation chief said he is also eyeing a possible cable car system running from Santa Rosa, Laguna, to Makati City.

    "The details are being studied, maybe it's not yet technically accurate, but it's being seriously looked into," he said.
    Tugade had earlier called for emergency powers to be granted to incoming president Rodrigo Duterte to allow him to solve the traffic crisis.
    Among other things, these emergency powers would allow the government to open private subdivision roads for motorists.

