

在 戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Fan-Chiang Yi 范姜毅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 10/31 是著名畫家維梅爾(Jan Vermeer,1632-1675)的生日,藝術解毒小編來講講這個荷蘭人的故事。 或許你不了解維梅爾的生平,但你一定知道他那些非常出名的作品,比如《倒牛奶的女僕》以及《戴珍珠耳環的少女》。畫家出生在荷蘭代爾夫特一個中產家庭,少時家境優渥,足以讓他衣食無憂、心無...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅廖人帥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio) Any work invitations please mail us: [email protected] 故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Inst...

戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 許淑華 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:48:50

‼喜歡貓貓的朋友注意‼這裡有一批超可愛的喵公仔等你收編回家🐱~這些精緻的貓貓公仔,都是出自日本畫家山本修(Shu Yamamoto)之手,#拾穗貓、#貓娜麗莎、#戴珍珠耳環的少女貓、#貓之泉還有跟 #朱銘美術館 聯名的貓太極...每一隻我都超喜歡❤ 除了做工精緻,每隻貓咪公仔還附上對應背景與紙箱,...

戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 林君 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 21:21:09

#刺蝟的優雅 (作者:妙莉葉·芭貝里) 這是一本超過十年的書。 這陣子我重新翻閱房裡的書,家裡最多書的地方大概就是我房間,有自己買的、別人送的,更多不知道怎麼會有的,這就是其中一本。 猜測是某年在阿姨書櫃說想看,順手牽羊到現在🙈 我知道我沒看過,或許翻都沒翻過,我很沒有耐心,喜歡的多是散文,我需要...

戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 Kana Chiu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-05 13:14:30

皮卡丘再一發!!!😳 今天是《戴珍珠耳環的皮卡丘》🙈 做完這隻.... 我也終於把之前的波蘿皮都用完了~ 之後或許會再換個食材繼續玩?😆 #世界名畫 #名畫皮卡丘 ============== 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》維梅爾 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》是維梅爾少數望著觀者的作品,和其他不經意看向畫家...

  • 戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 Fan-Chiang Yi 范姜毅 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-11-02 08:00:00
    有 84 人按讚

    10/31 是著名畫家維梅爾(Jan Vermeer,1632-1675)的生日,藝術解毒小編來講講這個荷蘭人的故事。





    #維梅爾 #JanVermeer #荷蘭 #藝術解毒

  • 戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 帶我去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2010-08-30 11:58:18
    有 464 人按讚

    畫家在地上作畫, 碰到有人打賞, 畫家會抬頭看你一眼表示謝意. 圍觀和打賞的人真的很多, 應該是畫的不錯吧!

  • 戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-09-30 16:06:14

    **影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
    Any work invitations please mail us:

    故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。





    深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
    *事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
    名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
    名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
    名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
    名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
    名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
    名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
    名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
    *亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
    名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
    名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
    名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
    名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
    名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
    *偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
    *關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

    Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.

    In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.

    The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!

    Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!

    The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
    1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
    2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
    3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
    4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
    5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
    6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
    7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
    8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
    9. The marches of summer
    10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
    11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
    12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
    13. Salvador Dali

    * As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.

  • 戴珍珠耳環的少女畫家 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-11-24 19:24:26

    **影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
    Any work invitations please mail us:

    Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.

    In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.

    The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!

    Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!

    The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
    1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
    2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
    3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
    4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
    5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
    6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
    7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
    8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
    9. The marches of summer
    10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
    11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
    12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
    13. Salvador Dali

    * As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.

    故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。





    深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
    *事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
    名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
    名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
    名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
    名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
    名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
    名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
    名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
    *亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
    名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
    名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
    名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
    名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
    名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
    *偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
    *關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

