[爆卦]我在這裡here i am譜是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇我在這裡here i am譜鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在我在這裡here i am譜這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 我在這裡here產品中有167篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 20年前,我到了台灣,打算來這裡6個月。。。 剛來的那個時候也是剛剛9/11,美國被攻擊。不用說,從那以後發生了很多事情。20 years ago today, I arrived in Taiwan, expecting to stay here for 6 months…. It was als...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今天對大多數人來說是一個平凡的日子。 但對我來說不是,這是非常重要的一天,也許是我生命中最重要的一天。 八年前,我第一次踏上美麗的 #台灣 島。 我在這裡經歷了很多,我有很多時間思考,從我來台灣到現在。 因此,我決定拍一支影片: 8個台灣是世界上我最 #愛 #國家 的原因... 從微笑和友善,到...

我在這裡here 在 Janet Hsieh Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 12:02:40

20年前,我到了台灣,打算來這裡6個月。。。 剛來的那個時候也是剛剛9/11,美國被攻擊。不用說,從那以後發生了很多事情。20 years ago today, I arrived in Taiwan, expecting to stay here for 6 months…. It was als...

  • 我在這裡here 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-10 23:40:11
    有 83,091 人按讚

    20年前,我到了台灣,打算來這裡6個月。。。 剛來的那個時候也是剛剛9/11,美國被攻擊。不用說,從那以後發生了很多事情。20 years ago today, I arrived in Taiwan, expecting to stay here for 6 months…. It was also right when the World Trade Center was attacked. Needless to say, a lot has happened since then.

    21歲的我,來台灣當實習醫生救護人員。 我在醫院跟消防隊實習,夢想是可以跟國際醫療團飛來飛去幫忙。 At 21 years old, I came to Taiwan to intern at the hospital and fire department, working as an EMT and getting ready for medical school. My dream was to work as a doctor with Doctors without Borders.

    快要離開的時候,有人問我要不要拍一個內衣廣告。 我心理想了兩件事:“好cool喔!“ 跟 ”這個一定是詐騙吧!“ 沒想到,拍完這個廣告只是一個人生新的開始。一個有趣的新工作,包含了主持人,演員, 小提琴表演者,作家,製作人,演說家。 Just before I was to leave Taiwan, somebody asked me if I would be interested in auditioning for an underwear commercial. I thought “Oooh this could be fun!” and simultaneously, “I think I’m being scammed.” Turns out, it was the beginning of a very interesting new career as a travel show host, actor, professional violinist, writer, producer and motivational speaker.

    20年在台灣, 我的人生的一半, 從在紅毯旁邊的醫療站救護人員到今年入圍最佳女配角,然後要走紅毯。我在這裡也剛好認識了我的好多的“老公”, 跟其中一位在台灣生了兩個兒子。20 years in Taiwan - I’ve gone from working the first aid station at the red carpet to now, this year, nominated for Best Supporting Actress and walking the red carpet. I met my many (on and off screen) husbands George, 黃尚禾,and 王識賢 and hopefully more (真可惜不是都是真真的老公哈哈) here. I started a family of two boys with one of them. 😂😂 @instageorgey

    這幾年,我認識了好多好多影響,啟發、支持我的人。我也到處跟好多人拍了N張照片。 如果你剛好有, 可以跟我們分享嗎? Tag我,然後也分享這張照片哪裡拍的, 什麼狀況拍的。 我想跟大家回顧這些美好的回憶!Over the past 20 years, I have met countless people who have influenced me, inspired me and supported me. I have taken thousands of photos with people I’ve met along the way - if you have taken a photo with me, please share with me here!!! Post it, tag me, tell me about this photo, where it was taken, what happened when we took that photo, etc. I want to relive some of these awesome memories and moments of my time here so far!

    THANK YOU and to many many many more years, experiences and friendships!

  • 我在這裡here 在 Tom Rook Art Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-27 20:27:48
    有 433 人按讚

    (English below) 台南監獄是我在這裡見過在遺產保護的嘗試中最奇特的一個。最初建造於是日治時代,位在市中心附近,80年代初期原址被拆除時,值勤室和部分牢房被保留,但很奇怪地被移到了13公里外的新台南監獄並重建,然後閒置到荒廢。從Google街道實景就可以看到原址慢慢在倒塌,我覺得不能再更靠近因為那是監獄的一部分。如果任何人知道為什麼會發生這樣的事情,請告訴我,我真的很好奇!(From LTN: 勘查、審議後,未能列入文化資產. 在未來會做什麼?)

    Tainan Prison is one of the strangest attempts at heritage protection I've seen here. Originally built in the Japanese era it was located near the center of the city. I drew it as part of Old Tainan. The headhouse and part of the cell block were saved when the site was demolished in the early 1980s. Bizarrely it was moved to the new Tainan Prison 13 kilometers away, rebuilt there, and then just left to rot. You can just about see it on Google Streetview slowly collapsing. I don't think it's possible to get close as it's part of the prison. Apparently it failed to get protected status and then was left. What will happen in the future?

  • 我在這裡here 在 張之豪 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-06 11:39:17
    有 5,381 人按讚


    美國參議員達克沃絲(Tammy Duckworth, D-IL)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)





    Landing speech 2021/6/6
    (Taipei International Airport)

    Tammy Duckworth, D-IL

    Thank you. I’m so honored to be here today. And we are here to underscore the bipartisan support for Taiwan and the strength of our partnership. This pandemic has been a global challenge and too many of us have lost loved ones and have their livelihoods taken away. And for the past year and half, we’ve seen how covid-19 knows no borders. It spreads quickly and without hesitation. And it doesn’t care about race, religion, or political preferences. Even if some nations seek to use the response to covid-19 to coerce others. We are here as friends, because we know that Taiwan is experiencing a challenging time right now. Which is why it’s especially important for the three of us to be here in a bipartisan way. Friends come to each other’s aid. The Biden administration has announced its framework of showing at least 80 million vaccines, uh, US vaccine doses globally and the plan is for the first 25 million doses. After several weeks of conversations between each of the three of us, and the White House officials, I am please to say that Taiwan will receiving 750,000 doses of the vaccines as part of the first bunch of doses. It was critical for United States that Taiwan be included in the first group to receive vaccines because we recognize your urgent need and we value this partnership. We’ll be meeting Taiwan’s leadership this morning to better understand Taiwan’s needs and carry those messages back to Washington. I know in the days ahead that Biden Administration will work to make sure Taiwan receives its shipment in as safe and effective its vaccines as soon as possible. This helps save lives and brings us closer to ending this pandemic once and for all.

    Because ending this pandemic means that all of us in international community must work together to get shot in the arms of as many people as possible because truly ending this pandemic means ending it everywhere. And it also reflects our gratitude to Taiwan’s support for the American people in our time of need. In the early days of the pandemic, Taiwan came to our aid, with supply of PPE and other donations that help to save American lives. And on behalf of American people, we want to thank you for that. This is yet another example of how democracies work together to help one another.

    You know I especially wanna be here because my family, most of you may know, my father’s family has served in the American military going back to the revolution, fighting for freedom and democracy. But most of you don’t know that my mother’s family is actually from Chaochiu from Guangdong who walked out of China seeking freedom to escape communism. And my mother was born in Thailand in the early 1940s. So it’s especially important to me to be here to support another democracy in the region. My family and I know the price of freedom. And I am here to tell you, that the United States will not let you stand alone. We will be by your side to make sure the people of Taiwan have what they need to get to the other side of this pandemic and beyond, Thank you.

  • 我在這裡here 在 外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-31 14:00:19

    今天對大多數人來說是一個平凡的日子。 但對我來說不是,這是非常重要的一天,也許是我生命中最重要的一天。 八年前,我第一次踏上美麗的 #台灣 島。 我在這裡經歷了很多,我有很多時間思考,從我來台灣到現在。 因此,我決定拍一支影片:

    8個台灣是世界上我最 #愛 #國家 的原因...



    0:00 介紹
    0:41 台灣人的友善程度
    3:42 美食愛好者的夢想
    6:54 數不清的旅遊地
    8:36 在台灣不無聊
    10:26 千年古老文化
    11:49 多樣、自由的經濟
    13:37 安全性和自由
    15:35 更多原因...
    你有Instagram嗎? 來看看我的:foreignerintw
    喜歡看我的Facebook? 找 ”外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界“
    --------------------- 其他影片 ---------------------
    為了20美金! 美國人38年前到了台灣,從此愛上! - For 20 USD! An American came to Taiwan 38 years ago and fell in love here!

    搬到台灣會讓你的生活更快樂嗎?從一個失戀又失意的男孩,到幸福雙收的臭豆腐愛爸 - Cole Fogle的採訪 - Moving to TAIWAN Gonna Make You Happier?


    棄高薪、賣房,從美國搬到台灣,值得嗎? - Quitting jobs, selling house, and moving to Taiwan. Was it worth it?

    5個為什麼外國人最愛住台灣的理由 - 5 Reasons Why Foreigners Love Living in Taiwan!

    台灣真的是水果王國? 5種全世界都羨慕的水果

    在台灣必做、必吃、必玩的10件事 - 旅遊導覽 - BEST 10 Things To Do in Taiwan Travel Guide

    我在台灣學到的7件事,也許全世界都應該學習 - 7 Things the world can learn from Taiwan

    #外國人​ #愛台灣​ #生活​ #老外 #文化 #台灣

  • 我在這裡here 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-22 18:30:10

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹
    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    spotify 歌單👉https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EfPjFfdqN8NzUwj1XNoZC

    Donate and support my channel👉https://p.opay.tw/WSwM8

    Submit your music 👉ginamusictaiwan@gmail.com
    For business inquiries about copyright issues, photos and song submissions,
    please contact👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    Social Media:

    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://presave.io/t/maze

    👑Mike Perry




    If you’re ever running round in circles
    I will leave a light on till you’re home
    Whenever it’s getting hard to breathe
    Remember you’re not alone
    請記住 你並不是一個人

    Oh, I will promise you
    That you’re gonna be alright, be alright

    Oh, I will guide you through
    Through the darkest times

    Don’t be afraid
    Just close your eyes
    I am waiting on the other side

    Put your hand on my shoulder
    I’ll be here till it’s over
    We’ll find a way out of the maze tonight
    今晚 我們就將找到離開迷宮的出路

    We’ll find a way out of the maze tonight
    今晚 我們就將找到離開迷宮的出路

    Put your hand on my shoulder
    I’ll be here till it’s over
    We’ll find a way out of the maze

    When it feels like rain just keep on pouring
    I will help you wash away the blue
    If you need a shelter in the cold
    Remember I’m here for you
    請記得我是為你而來 因你而在

    Don’t be afraid
    Just close your eyes
    I am waiting on the other side

    Put your hand on my shoulder
    伸出你的手 搭在我的肩上
    I’ll be here till it’s over
    We’ll find a way out of the maze tonight
    今晚 我們就將找到離開迷宮的出路

    Put your hand on my shoulder
    伸出你的手 搭在我的肩上
    I’ll be here till it’s over
    We’ll find a way out of the maze
    Don’t be afraid
    Just close your eyes
    I am waiting on the other side

    Put your hand on my shoulder
    I’ll be here till it’s over
    We’ll find a way out of the maze tonight
    今晚 我們就將找到離開迷宮的出路

    歌詞翻譯 : donanobispacem

    #mikeperry #maze #mangoo #Lyrics #輕電音

  • 我在這裡here 在 SKRpresents 陶山音樂 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-12 20:00:13

    原曲|一小片天堂 (Cover)
    Cover|九九 Sophie
    Cover詞|陶山Skot Suyama
    曲|陶山Skot Suyama、Sean M.Sinclair宋星凱
    編制|陶山 Skot Suyama
    共同創作|顏士育 Bruno Yen(導演剪接)
    九九 Sophie(歌手對嘴拍攝)
    曾郁婷 Angel Mao(演員)
    歌名手寫|班森學字 Benson Chen
    特別感謝|庭竹 TingChu、謝佳霖 Lynn Hsieh、林木森(演員)、林小沐(演員)


    A Little bit of Love
    Music: 陶山 Skot Suyama, 宋星凱 Sean M. Sinclair
    Lyrics: 陶山 Skot Suyama

    I’ve been searching for someone like you
    I’m hoping you’re looking for somebody too
    Because here I am, at your door
    Trembling, in the cold
    Tell me what will you do?

    You open, tell me, what do you see?
    你開了門,告訴我 你看到的是什麼
    The heart in my hands or the tears on my sleeve
    Cause I’m sorry, for everything
    What will we, end up to be?
    Tell me what will you do?

    Do we have any little bit of love left inside?
    Is there any place a bit of love left could hide?
    If I could find a little bit of love could we try?
    Would you be the death of me?

    Cause I remember every little time that we cried
    All of the fighting and every pretty little lie
    If we go back to living life like those times
    Would you be the death of me or would we die happily?

