

在 成功success產品中有2388篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 忙碌的企业家是如何保持活力四射,提升个人生活方式不只是靠自律努力,适当的享受生活的每个时刻,懂得放松身心与心情也助于产生更多的动力,挑战提升更强的自己.人生真正的成功是动懂得细心品味生活♥️ ———————————————- One of the keys for any entreprene...

 同時也有758部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please always remember other people’s success isn’t your failure!! 請永遠記住別人的成功不是你的失敗! 今天也要繼續加油哦💪🏼💕...

  • 成功success 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 22:15:19
    有 16 人按讚



    One of the keys for any entrepreneur to stay vigorous and improve their lifestyle is not by relying on self-discipline alone but by understanding the value of gratitude by enjoying every moment in their lives.

    Obtaining the importance of remaining calm helps relax your mind, which contributes to building motivation, preparing, and improving your lifestyle—the secret to success is understanding how to live life to the fullest.

    #Hundreds of market leaders are recommending Ophelia as their choice. Now, here is your chance to find out why!


  • 成功success 在 社會心理,從他們到我們-林仁廷 諮商心理師 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 08:39:44
    有 107 人按讚



    《做你喜歡做的事:以及其他關於成功和幸福的謊言》(Do What You Love and Other Lies About Success and Happiness)的作者宮德光(Miya Tokumitsu),認為賈伯斯的演說是「可愛的」工作的敘事結晶:當你愛自己所做的事情,不僅背後的「勞動」會消失,你的職能、成功、幸福與財富都會因此成倍增加。





  • 成功success 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 13:04:37
    有 19 人按讚

    剛完成了 #APrIGF2021 的互聯網基建討論,過去互聯網標榜的開放、互通這些成功要素,面對無限挑戰,未來如何發展和保障不變形,不走樣?與會者當然同意互聯網管治教育的重要,但討論更令我覺得互聯網面對的問題與整個世界、社會面對的,都一樣是資源和權力分配不公平、不民主,網絡世界針對大形科企,但各國政府透過法律的干擾何嘗不是最大、最根源性的問題?我想,從三方面尋找解決方案:討論及辯論更民主和授權(empower)所有用者的管治、利用開放科技解決科技製造了的問題(包括如何授權用戶選擇和決定權),和教育。教育和知識就是授權,問題是,這教育不能由政府們主導。

    Just finished an insightful panel with Adrian Wan YingChu Chen Pavel Farhan #GeorgeMichaelson on open and interoperable Internet infrastructure, where we agreed on the importance on Internet governance education for all. The more we discuss, the more I believe the issues facing the Internet are identical to the problems in society -- and as technologists we must use technology to try to solve these problems first and foremost, and also build the open, democratic and participatory rules of engagement to empower the users -- not the governments and big corps of the world. The key remains how to EMPOWER everyone, not just those in high places.

    My one-pager slide: https://www.slideshare.net/mok/why-open-and-interoperable-internet-infrastructure-is-key-to-the-internets-continued-success

    #互聯網管治 #APrIGF #ISOC #互聯網基建 #APNIC #TechForGoodAsia #internetinfrastructure #InternetGovernance

