👉🏼LS tips Final👈🏼
1️⃣[Personal growth]
- Parenting styles (管教方式)
- Role expectations (角色預期)
- Generation gap (代溝)
- Ideal self vs. Actual ...
👉🏼LS tips Final👈🏼
1️⃣[Personal growth]
- Parenting styles (管教方式)
- Role expectations (角色預期)
- Generation gap (代溝)
- Ideal self vs. Actual self (理想我 vs. 真實我)
- Self-esteem (自信心)
- Bandwagon Effect (潮流效應)
- Impulsive consumption (衝動性消費)
- Conspicuous consumption (炫耀性消費)
- Socialization (社教化)
- Gender stereotype (性別定型)
- Utilitarianism (功利主義)
- Altruism (利他主義)
- Hedonism (享樂主義)
- Individualism (個人主義)
2️⃣[Hong Kong Today]
- Rule of law (法治)
- Socio-political participation (社會政治參與)
- Freedom of speech, press, assembly (言論自由,新聞自由,集會自由)
- Resilience capacity of government (政府應變能力)
- Quality of life (生活質素)
- Civil disobedience (公民抗命)
- Wealth disparity (貧富差距)
- Property hegemony (地產霸權)
- Inter-generation poverty (跨代貧窮)
- Education commodification (教育產業化)
- Universal Suffrage (普選)
- Filibuster (拉布)
- Social cohesion (社會凝聚力)
- Collective memory (集體回憶)
- Political apathy (政治冷感)
- Populism (民粹主義)
- Welfarism (福利主義)
3️⃣ [Modern China]
- Socialism with Chinese characteristics (有中國特色的社會主義)
- Sannong problem(agricultural, rural area,farmers) (三農問題)
- Disparity between the rural and urban area (農村城鎮差距)
- Petition System (上訪制度)
- Cyber Censorship (網絡審查)
- Sweat Factory (血汗工廠)
- China Threat Theory (中國威脅論)
- Stability Maintenance (維穩)
- 4-2-1 Family Structure (4-2-1家庭結構)
- One-child policy vs. Two-child policy (一孩政策 vs. 二孩政策)
- Confucianism (儒家思想)
- Filial Piety (孝道)
- Leftover Children (留守兒童)
- National Soft Power & Hard Power (國家軟實力&硬實力)
遲來嘅final tips, 由於小編S嘅final tips長到instagram都唔俾佢post嘅關係,淨低三個modules我地聽日post埋佢,希望2018DSErs final用得著啦。😂🙇🏼
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