為什麼這篇應力消除退火鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在應力消除退火這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者maddeath ()看板Mechanical標題Re: [其他] 回火退火及淬火的不同時間Mo...
※ 引述《kevin8290 (泰國王)》之銘言:
: 原文吃光光
: 小弟剛好也有個退火的問題
: 藉由這標題上來請教一下
: 冷作之工件為消除應力,可施以(A)弛力退火 (B)回火
: (C)製程退火 (D)應變硬化
: 此題是一本高職 機械製造 課本後面的練習題
: 根據課本內容,直覺答案是(A),不過正確答案是(C)
: 掃瞄課本內容如此連結 http://i.imgur.com/0JSYeMT.png
: 還是要用更細微的探討才能解此題?
Process Annealing is used to treat work-hardened parts made out of low-Carbon
steels (< 0.25% Carbon). This allows the parts to be soft enough to undergo
further cold working without fracturing. Process annealing is done by raising
the temperature to just below the Ferrite-Austenite region, line A1on the
diagram. This temperature is about 727 ºC (1341 ºF) so heating it to about
700 ºC (1292 ºF) should suffice. This is held long enough to allow
recrystallization of the ferrite phase, and then cooled in still air. Since
the material stays in the same phase through out the process, the only change
that occurs is the size, shape and distribution of the grain structure. This
process is cheaper than either full annealing or normalizing since the
material is not heated to a very high temperature or cooled in a furnace.
Stress Relief Anneal is used to reduce residual stresses in large castings,
welded parts and cold-formed parts. Such parts tend to have stresses due to
thermal cycling or work hardening. Parts are heated to temperatures of up to
600 - 650 ºC (1112 - 1202 ºF), and held for an extended time (about 1 hour
or more) and then slowly cooled in still air.
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