

在 慈悲心英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,755的網紅Prudence Liew 劉美君,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Karmapa on compassion大寶法王開示慈悲 1/2 ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享) 2015/11/14 His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa shares a teaching on compassion. Compassion...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過55萬的網紅新聞挖挖哇!,也在其Youtube影片中提到,命理師廖美然慈悲心腸!心存善念在疫情中見證人性光輝~ 疫情爆發至今,台灣各個角落還是充滿很多溫暖與善良! 她看見台灣的人間活菩薩當場落淚! ⭐天命預言台灣疫情!廖美然斷言下半年國運 ► ►https://youtu.be/ThfKrZKrRZM 【台灣疫情露曙光!命理師神預言】► ►https://...

  • 慈悲心英文 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-04 19:23:50
    有 20 人按讚

    Karmapa on compassion大寶法王開示慈悲 1/2
    ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享)

    His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa shares a teaching on compassion. Compassion is one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism, about which Karmapa often speaks.

    “Compassion is our inherent nature and a quality of our minds. It simultaneously aims towards the true happiness that is inherent in all of us and it wishes to end confusion for everyone, thus enabling a correct understanding about the world and its beings. Through a very natural outflow of compassion, we give substantial meaning to life.

    Since this quality of compassion is inherent, we don’t have to look anywhere else to find it. Wherever there is a consciousness, there is a seed of compassion. It is the same for wisdom. Wherever there is a consciousness, there is a seed of wisdom, too. Compassion is inseparable from wisdom.

    The free flowing expression and quality of compassion is so important, for without it we will not be able to live our lives fully. Without it we will only be able to experience a fragile, conditioned peace. It is due to compassion resulting in true understanding that we can find unconditioned peace and happiness, and ultimately liberation.

    To approach this, the Buddha taught us to cultivate more compassion in ourselves, towards each other and the world by recognizing that the aspiration and motivation to want happiness (and not want unhappiness) is deeply rooted in all of us. If we use this understanding to connect with each other, we could create the basis to develop and cultivate what is most essential in our lives: compassion.

    By sowing seeds of compassionate understanding as each moment passes, we are able to overcome various kinds of confusion without much struggle. Obstacles are easily avoided and we advance safely along the path of virtue, making great use of this precious and fragile human existence. For example, in the midst of obstacles, by focusing on our innermost wishes, this will help us to overcome arising mental and physical challenges.

    We should remind ourselves that this cultivation of compassion can be achieved without much hard work. We can cultivate compassion while sitting, walking, or even sleeping. By applying ourselves in this way, we can utilise every spare moment to cultivate compassion, even within this limited physical world.


  • 慈悲心英文 在 新聞挖挖哇! Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-09 12:30:12

    ► ►https://youtu.be/ThfKrZKrRZM
    【台灣疫情露曙光!命理師神預言】► ►https://youtu.be/ilX0iw3G560
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    ⭐出國組團打疫苗? 台灣疫情何時能解封?
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    ► ►https://youtu.be/BoBZOixNhK4

    官方 Youtube 頻道喲!



