

在 慈善英文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 新冠肺炎的捐款過程 The most dangerous thing about the coronavirus is our neglect of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. 新冠病毒疫情最危險的,是社會因此對弱勢團體的忽視。 ...

 同時也有106部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅波蘭女孩x台灣男孩蜜拉士愷,也在其Youtube影片中提到,波蘭捐贈台灣40萬劑疫苗後,很多人跟我們說想捐款給波蘭慈善單位 我們超級贊成,讓波蘭人知道我們知恩圖報的精神吧:) 以下是我們每年都會捐款支持的波蘭慈善基金會清單,給大家參考: 1.WOŚP(聖誕慈善大樂隊) 這個慈善單位提供波蘭醫療設備,讓波蘭兒童可以享有更好的醫療環境,我們也每年捐錢給他們 ...

  • 慈善英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-16 16:00:05
    有 245 人按讚

    [時事英文] 新冠肺炎的捐款過程

    The most dangerous thing about the coronavirus is our neglect of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.



    In a previous post, I promised subscribers that I would donate all proceeds from the referral of a friend’s class (http://bit.ly/3d2c5PV). Because of the recent coronavirus event, I first contacted Taiwan’s CDC to donate (http://bit.ly/38UXthU). After calling multiple times, I was unable to get through and finally wrote them an email. I received a response referring me to an extension.

    1. donate all proceeds 捐獻所有收入
    2. an extension number 一個分機號碼牌

    前一陣子的一篇po文,我向訂閱者承諾將捐獻我於朋友課程的間接收入給慈善機構。 由於最近的新冠病毒事件,我首先聯繫了衛福部疾病管制署以進行捐贈。 致電多次未獲接通後我寫了一封電子郵件, 我立即收到一封回复指引我另一個分機。


    However, I was informed that the center currently has enough funding because of ample support from the public and a generous budget from the central government. The CDC staff told me that I could make better use of the donation by giving it to local charities supporting the disadvantaged.

    3. enough funding 足夠的資金
    4. ample support 充分的支持
    5. a generous budget 一筆慷慨的預算
    6. the central government 中央政府
    7. local charities 當地的慈善機構



    I then called Taipei government’s hotline (1999) to get more information, but they only accept goods and not monetary donations. I was referred to Social Assistance (6956-58), which in turn referred me to the Secretary Office (6993-6994).

    8. hotline 熱線
    9. monetary donations 金錢捐贈
    10. be referred to 被轉介到
    11. in turn 依次的、照順序的

    我之後致電台北市政府的熱線(1999)想獲取更多資訊,但他們只接受物資而非捐款。 我被轉介到社會救助科(6956-58),然後再度被轉介到秘書室(6993-6994)。


    I was told that the Taipei City Government does have services contributing to this cause. They would contact me either later that day or tomorrow.

    12. contribute 捐助; 有助於

    我被秘書室告知台北市政府確實為此提供了服務。 他們會在當天稍晚或隔天與我聯繫。


    A few hours later, they contacted me and told me that I would have to go to the post office and fill out a giro transfer form. I honestly had never heard of a giro transfer prior to this.

    Basically, you would have to go to the post office and tell them you need to do a giro transfer. For the "purpose" section, you would write "For Wuhan Coronavirus" and the transfer number is 1889-8514.

    I finally found out how to donate after a day of calling. However, after all this research, it is clear that the government is already doing an excellent job handling the pandemic and currently has sufficient funding.

    13. fill out 填寫完(整張申請表或問卷)
    14. giro transfer 劃撥捐款*
    15. prior to... 在...之前
    16. it is clear that... 很清楚...
    17. have sufficient funding 有足夠的資金


    當天稍晚,他們與我聯繫,並告訴我我需要去郵局填寫劃撥捐款表格。老實說,我之前從未聽說過劃撥捐款。基本上,你需要到郵局,告訴他們你需要劃撥捐款。你可以填寫款項要作為武漢冠狀病毒之用,劃撥號為1889-8514。 我終於發現要如何做到這一點。 但是,經過這些研究,我覺得政府已經做得很好了,目前也擁有足夠的資金。


    Thus, I feel perhaps it is more important to care for disadvantaged groups that are often neglected during health crises. After some research, I have decided to donate my proceeds to the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation. They specialize in aiding those in vegetative states and elders who cannot care for themselves.

    18. care for disadvantaged groups 關懷弱勢群體
    19. a health crisis 健康危機
    20. specialize in 專門, 專攻
    21. aid (v) 幫助;支持
    22. (persistent) vegetative state (持續性)植物狀態

    因此,我覺得關懷目前可能被忽視的弱勢群體也許才是最重要的。 經過一番研究,我決定將所得捐給創世社會福利基金會。他們專門幫助那些處於植物人狀態和無法照顧自己的老年人。 這是在危機時期最常被忽視的群體。

    創世社會福利基金會: https://www.genesis.org.tw/contents/text?id=18


    To keep my word, I have donated a total of 36,321+18,200=54,531 (http://bit.ly/3d46ysg), my entire payment from the class promotion (http://bit.ly/2UdnQKZ) and two months worth of pay from sporadic teaching and speeches (http://bit.ly/2tb821w).

    It’s not much compared to donations from celebrities and big companies, but I am only a single individual trying to contribute. This is a significant portion of my monthly income (cry). Some may question why I bother to post such trivial donations on my page. I did it to keep my word to my subscribers and to bring attention to such charities. I am not asking others to donate, but to pay attention to those who need help the most during this pandemic.

    23. keep my word 信守我的承諾
    24. a significant portion 很大一部分
    25. trivial (adj.) 微不足道的,瑣碎的
    26. bring attention to 引起對...的關注
    27. pandemic (n.) 大流行病

    為了兌現我的諾言,我總共捐贈了36,321 + 18,200 = 54531 ,這筆錢全部來自於一次課程推廣以及這兩個月的零星教學和演講。 與名人和大公司相比,這算不上什麼,但我只是試圖盡一己之力的人。 這是我每月收入的一大部分(哭)。

    有人可能會問為什麼我要在粉專上張貼這樣瑣碎的捐款。 我這樣做是為了對我的訂閱者兌現我的諾言,並引起人們對這個慈善機構的關注。 我並非要求其他人捐款,只是希望能關注那些在疫期最需要幫助的人。


    Hunger, poverty, and the lack of care are as dangerous as the coronavirus, and disadvantaged groups need our attention and care more than ever. May we all work to make society a safer, healthier, and happier place.

    28. more than ever 比以往更

    飢餓、貧窮和缺乏照護與冠狀病毒一樣危險,弱勢群體始終需要我們的關注和照料。 願我們大家努力使社會成為一個更安全、更健康、更幸福的地方。

    Image source: http://bit.ly/39VKEFo


    公益慈善英文詞彙: http://bit.ly/2wS7u28

    時事英文: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop

    生活美語: http://bit.ly/2RCebvL

  • 慈善英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-01 20:12:01
    有 260 人按讚

    [教育時評] 台灣冤獄平反協會






    Taiwan Innocence Project (TIP) was founded in 2012 to address the issue of wrongful conviction in Taiwan. We provide pro bono legal services for the wrongfully convicted, work to redress the causes of wrongful convictions, and support the exonerated after they are proven innocent. We also urge to reform the criminal justice system and seek institutional changes to prevent innocent people from entering a flawed legal process in the first place.

    1. pro bono legal services 無償法律服務
    2. the wrongfully convicted 被不當定罪者、冤案受害者
    3. redress the causes of wrongful conviction 糾正冤罪的起因
    4. support the exonerated 支持冤案平反者
    5. be proven innocent 被證明無罪
    6. reform the criminal justice system 改革刑事司法制度
    7. seek institutional changes 尋求體制上的改變
    8. flawed legal process 有缺陷的司法程式
    9. in the first place 於根源,最初

    台灣冤獄平反協會(TIP)成立於2012年,旨在解決臺灣的不當定罪問題。 我們為冤案受害者提供無償法律服務,致力於糾正冤罪的起因,並為被證明無罪的平反者提供支援。 我們還敦促改革刑事司法制度,並尋求體制上的改變, 於根源上防止無辜者進入有缺陷的司法程式。


    TIP only accepts post-conviction cases that claim to be innocent, either with flawed forensic evidence or severe due process violation. We also seeks to support our clients during and after exonerations.

    10. claim to be innocent 真實無辜
    11. flawed forensic evidence 證據有缺陷
    12. due process violation 嚴重違反正當法律程式
    13. seek to support 尋求去支持
    14. exoneration 免責



    We hope to create an open and dynamic space that can spur more public discussion and the exchange of ideas to resolve the problem of wrongful conviction. We hold our annual conference in August, inviting professionals, such as scholars, professors, judges, prosecutors, forensic experts, and attorneys, to attend. Besides the annual conferences, we also actively engage in public communications. We hold training workshops for attorneys, ask experts from different disciplines to give talks, and hold campus tours to share the stories of the innocent people and to show documentaries about their lives.

    15. an open and dynamic space 開放和動態的空間
    16. spur public discussion 激發更多的公開討論
    17. the exchange of ideas 思想交流
    18. engage in public communication 參與公共傳播

    我們希望創造一個開放和動態的空間,激發更多的公開討論與思想交流,以解決不當定罪的問題。我們將在8月舉行年度會議,邀請學者、教授、法官、檢察官、法醫專家和律師等專業人士參加。 除年度會議外,我們還積極參與公共傳播。 我們為律師舉辦訓練工坊,請不同學科的專家進行演講,並進行校園參觀以分享無辜人民的故事並展示他們的生活紀錄片。

    TIP: https://twinnocenceproject.org/


    公益慈善英文詞彙: http://bit.ly/2wS7u28

    公益講座計畫: http://bit.ly/3990snT

    死刑和相關議題的看法: http://bit.ly/32CgbcJ


    時事英文大全: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop

    教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9

  • 慈善英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-12-27 12:24:09
    有 214 人按讚

    [生活美語] 公益慈善英文詞彙

    朋友要求分享這個影片時,我猶豫了幾秒鐘,因為也許我的一些訂閱者並不想看到請求捐贈的影片。然而,如果我怯於利用自己的影響力為真正需要幫助的人喚起更多關注,那我會是一名什麼樣的老師?後來我研究了影片中的慈善機構並認同其成立原由。如果我們能更關心周圍的人,那麼我們的社會就不會有那麼多的分歧。我們需要的是同理心和關懷 (empathy and care)。

    倘若不便捐獻, 只要點擊或分享影片便能幫助這些志工將關懷的訊息傳遞出去,謝謝!



    Charity 慈善機構

    1. preach philanthropy 宣揚慈善
    2. voluntary giving 自願捐贈
    3. help those in need 幫助有需要的人
    4. a humanitarian act 人道的行為
    5. sizable donation 相當多的捐贈
    6. benefit others 造福他人
    7. love of one’s fellows 對同胞的愛
    8. have empathy for 對...有同理心
    9. charitable trust 慈善信託
    10. worthy cause 值得的/可尊敬的理想
    11. recipients of charity 善舉的接受者
    12. the impoverished 窮困的人
    13. cannot support themselves 不能自力更生
    14. solicit aid 懇求幫助
    15. provide basic necessities 提供基本必需品
    16. visit the imprisoned or housebound/homebound 探訪被監禁者或(尤指因病)不能出家門的人
    17. educate orphans 教育孤兒
    18. fund research 基金研究
    19. dedicate care for the poor 專門照顧窮人

    Criticisms 批評

    20. critique of charity 慈善機構的批評
    21. remove guilt 消除內疚
    22. conceal true suffering 隱藏真正的苦難
    23. out of self-interest 出於自身利益
    24. government responsibility 政府責任

    Effective Altruism 有效利的他主義

    25. most effective way to benefit others 造福他人的最有效方法
    26. consider all causes and action 考慮所有起因和行動
    27. evidence-based practices 循證的實踐
    28. nonprofit sector 非營利部門
    29. eliminate extreme poverty 消除極端貧困
    30. equal value of life 生命的平等價值
    31. reduce existential risks to humanity 減少對人類的生存風險
    32. cost-effectiveness 成本效益



    This is my favorite comment on the video:


    Having a meal could not be more ordinary for the average person. For the impoverished, it could save their lives. For those who contribute altruistically, I have the utmost respect for you. Because of your contributions, you bring warmth to those in need.


    Video: https://youtu.be/Rd5I4azdCC8

