
為什麼這篇感到充實英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在感到充實英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者atlantagreg (greg)站內Eng-Class標題[分享] 充實英文字彙 寫出通順英...

感到充實英文 在 練’R的思生活 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 06:12:05

忙了一整天,準備搭火車回臺北,臉書跳出動態回顧提醒,原來我在臺灣已住滿14年,而今天(2021年9月8日),是我在臺灣居住第15年的第一天… 心中頓時發出「哇」的聲音,14年欸!那表示2007年9月7日那一天出生的Baby,現在也已經是個國中生了! 14年歷經了三任總統,陳水扁、馬英九、蔡英文。...

英語充電站:充實英語詞彙 寫出通順英文

在21世紀的全球化趨勢中,英語文書寫與口語表達已經成為人際溝通(inter-personal communication;大陸地區人士說成「人際交通」)不可缺乏的必要工具。然而,如何寫出文情並茂、感人至深、用字遣詞均恰到好處的的短文、電子郵件(e-mail)或口頭話語,則人人均需在生活中,依正確方法勤加歷練,方能達成英語文聽、說、讀、寫、譯的多重目標。對於當前的大學生來說,這種切身的體認尤其重要。本專欄將從這個角度切入,將各種程度不同的學生之一系列英文寫作實例顯現的詞彙問題,詳細分析,然後提供正確的範例及參考資料,供大家參閱。


首先,第一段根據老師協助所寫出的破題句相當不錯;學生至少明白「自殺」需使用committing suicide這種搭配詞(col-location),就像「抗議、 抱怨」需用lodge a complaint/protest、「提交報告或建議」需用submit a report or proposal、「講故事」需說tell a story、「說謊」是 tell a lie(不可說成 *say a lie)一般,分別以lodge、submit、tell與名詞com-plaint/protest、 report/proposal、story/lie搭配,而不用其他非正式用法的動詞。同時,"committing

(1) The rate of (committing) suicide has increased in recent years.

「自殺率」可直接用the rate of suicide即可;committing在此可省略。

第二句的Young people lack confidence in facing trouble.在語法上處理得不錯,尤其是在介係詞in之後,沒忘了將face(動詞為「面對」之意)改成動名詞,並加將face加上 -ing而成為facing。然而,若能將facing改為coping (with),則更能真正展現本句「面對某種挑戰」的實質有力語意,例如:

(2) Many young people lack confidence in coping with troubles.

(3) Important topics discussed in the UN include international efforts in coping with terrorism and bird flu outbreaks in Asia.


第二句的young people最好能改為Many young people ...,才不會過度主觀,因為並非所有的年輕人均沒有信心。



(4) *When they get the worse grade, they feel sad.

惟,本句中的worse因在句中並沒有比較級對應之片語如than + Noun (phrase),所以應使用bad, 或poor, undesirable為宜;同時,句中的sad可改成depressed(情緒低落、憂鬱)較為貼切、有力。因此原句可寫成:

(5) When they get poor grades, they feel depressed.

第五句的Young people do not seek for right ways to solve their problems.還不錯,但可在詞彙與語法上似可再加以潤飾:

(6) Young people fail to discover the right and proper ways to solve their problems.

"fail to"用以取代cannot,則語意會更深刻、妥當。例如:

(7) Societies that fail to think about the fu-ture are doomed to fail.(取材自Amazon.com: Collapse: "How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" ...)

原文第二段的I think通常可以It is my (our) belief來替代較為合適。如此讀來,更像道地英語。又,在circular底下所標式的WD,表示「用錯字」(wrong word),也可能是拼錯字(misspelling)。該字應更正為extracurricular(課外的)。extracurricular是由extra(額外的)與curricular(curriculum「課程」的形容詞,意為of or relating to the curricu-lum)合併而成。extra可與很多字詞合併而成為嶄新的相關詞如extraordinary, extraterrestrial, extramarital, extramural,


How Can Young People Avoid Com-mitting Suicide?

The rate of suicide among young people has increased drastically in recent years. Young people usually lack confidence in coping with troubles or challenges. For ex-ample, when their teachers and parents place lots of pressure on them, they feel anxious and nervous. Also, when they get bad (poor, undesirable) grades, they feel depressed. They have no idea how to control their emo-tions in an appropriate way.

Many young people of today fail to find the right solution to their problems. When they are in trouble, they only deal with them in a negative and pessimistic way.

It is my belief that parents and friends should often communicate with young people, and do so in a considerate manner. Also, teachers can encourage them to take part in various extracurricular activities. In this manner, young people can become more confident as a result. They can thus readily release their negative energy. In addition, young people can search for religion support and nurture their mind if they encounter tough obstacles.

These are all possible ways to help young people avoid committing suicide.

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