作者khtw (khtw)
標題[討論] 適合情侶的英文短句
時間Thu Feb 1 14:30:58 2018
上面可以刻字 英文字20字之內
You complete me.
We complete us.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1517466661.A.783.html
推 marsonele: I see you.02/01 14:31
※ 編輯: khtw (, 02/01/2018 14:32:35
推 LastDinosaur: I want to have a happy ending 02/01 14:33
推 s910039871: For you,a thousand times over. 02/01 14:34
→ gracew0709: 英文不好還要刻也是傻眼貓貓了!! 02/01 14:35
→ echoo: I will be back 02/01 14:35
推 kevin0727a: How do you turn this on 02/01 14:35
→ echoo: 我將會成為你的後背 02/01 14:35
推 MissFaye: you are apple in my eye but I choose a big chest 02/01 14:36
推 Acrosstheuni: May the force be with you 02/01 14:36
→ Acrosstheuni: Fanny&Willy 02/01 14:37
推 jimmy225: I’m only one call away 02/01 14:37
→ Acrosstheuni: I love your fairy arse 02/01 14:39
推 ATLAS17: share my life, is yours to keep 02/01 14:41
→ mono5566: I had a pen 02/01 14:42
推 Acrosstheuni: Ah Ah Ah staying alive 02/01 14:43
→ Acrosstheuni: If you were a drum, I’d bang you everyday 02/01 14:44
推 hydra60319: How do you turn this on 02/01 14:48
→ LuciusMalfoy: One and only. always be with U 02/01 14:53
推 spp782002: We are made for each other 02/01 14:54
推 kraftwerk: Pay me monkey 02/01 14:56
噓 chaobii: I'm two-timed baby. 02/01 14:58
推 chuchangyung: You're god damn right. 02/01 14:59
推 Dreamer48763: suck me 02/01 15:00
→ someLetters: Fuck me 02/01 15:01
→ someLetters: Fuck you. 02/01 15:01
推 nanalia: Love me feed me never leave me 02/01 15:03
推 sunny851111: You are my every today and all my tomorrows. 02/01 15:03
→ gh263541: We are never getting back together 02/01 15:08
推 ohyii: I love you, it is from my bottom of my heart 02/01 15:10
推 sodahaini: the apple of my eye 02/01 15:11
→ abby825: You always get me top, get me there. 02/01 15:11
→ jameshcm: Translate Server Error. 02/01 15:16
推 pttwilliam: fuck my fucking pussy 02/01 15:16
推 z83818g: mei sho gam mo 02/01 15:17
→ jetaime851: we won't last than one year 02/01 15:18
推 pttnowash: May Show Gun More 02/01 15:20
推 lolan015: (默默收藏 02/01 15:26
推 wer8166: like no other you can't be replaced 02/01 15:26
推 s101881: How do you turn this on 02/01 15:36
推 pohungg: Dobby is freeee 02/01 15:37
推 evechen412: penpineapple applepen 02/01 15:38
推 secretain: You had me at hello 02/01 15:38
→ wedsxc: You jump I jump 02/01 15:39
推 Porara98763: Say my name 02/01 15:40
推 seina005: 幹 推文不要亂教啦哈哈哈 02/01 15:42
推 FlyingShark: you are easy 02/01 15:45
推 chrisyeh: I see Dad people 02/01 15:46
推 QAQOAO: 推文不要亂教+1 02/01 15:48
推 boboSana: You are my shit 妳是我的東西<3 02/01 15:48
推 weslee: Do you know da way? 02/01 15:52
推 anarchy: Expelliarmus! 02/01 15:52
推 FiveSix911: This is a pen 02/01 15:53
推 panda04056: Dad is like the wind always by my side 02/01 15:53
推 SACkings55: I was made for loving you - 歌也蠻好聽的:) 02/01 15:53
→ ccnoire: carry u in me heart 02/01 15:53
推 Grayfish: a penis more powerful than a sword 02/01 15:54
推 Yao910336: not one, not two.. 02/01 15:55
推 wayne9756: You can’t see me 02/01 15:59
→ ppccfvy: trust the process 02/01 16:00
推 StShero: You had me at hello. 02/01 16:02
推 coya: How dare you are! 02/01 16:03
推 morgankhs: Tight !tight! tight! 02/01 16:04
推 m821014: I want play a game 02/01 16:04
推 kongfusuperm: I want to play a game… 02/01 16:04
推 peachpuffch: i don’t know who u are 02/01 16:06
推 gogohunter: U know nothing 02/01 16:08
→ SlaveOfBoobs: may show gun more 02/01 16:09
推 welkin0105: You jump I jump 02/01 16:09
→ vonannes: 小生最新那篇爆文你沒看喔 當然是fast and furious啊 02/01 16:11
推 longlifenoc: why not both 02/01 16:12
推 chisestar: I love you. I know. 02/01 16:14
推 Mephist: 不要刻啦,不然以後分手不好處理 02/01 16:15
推 Louina: Can I have a cookie? 02/01 16:15
推 Abet: Nice to meet you 02/01 16:15
推 mag88078: Let’s grow old together. 02/01 16:24
→ lalakate: 快被這篇笑死 02/01 16:24
推 leng05100: 好多都在鬧XD 02/01 16:28
→ staynero8007: Do you know far way 02/01 16:28
推 makinoyui: Super risky stacking 02/01 16:28
→ zoophile: Do you inside? 02/01 16:29
推 yuridoremi: GIVE ME REMEMBER 02/01 16:31
→ zoophile: I'm heisenberg 02/01 16:33
推 makinoyui: Over my dead body! 02/01 16:34
→ HelenLie: I am pregnant, honey. 02/01 16:36
推 ben110: May showed gun mo 02/01 16:37
推 js9550107: Is it good to drink? 02/01 16:38
推 dalaF: may show gun more 02/01 16:39
→ meishan31: I've sacrificed everything. What have you given? 02/01 16:42
推 Porara98763: Who's your daddy? 02/01 16:46
推 jokersosmart: an apple a day 02/01 16:48
推 edison9311: U suck. I suck. We suck each other 02/01 16:49
推 junjunlol: I'm into u 02/01 16:49
推 yufat: we remember 02/01 16:49
推 Dukewang: Love will tear us apart 02/01 16:50
推 porkegg: What's your name? 02/01 16:50
推 frice: U complete me. I'm getting married. 02/01 16:50
推 amy660156: Please break up with me 02/01 16:52
推 kerberoSun: I'll be back 02/01 16:57
→ b4dawn: 第一句比第二句好很多..... 02/01 17:01
推 vonannes: im ur father 02/01 17:02
推 js9550107: I am the bone of my swords 02/01 17:03
推 AsPerfect: Put the hands up! 02/01 17:05
推 azxc564856: I mean all of you are rubbish 02/01 17:06
推 SilverGpoint: you're fired. 02/01 17:06
推 gygygygygygy: I have money 02/01 17:10
噓 disgusting: say my name 02/01 17:10
推 thenorth: Read my name 02/01 17:12
推 peterandjuly: I am the Danger! 02/01 17:13
推 lemondealien: It's time to break up 02/01 17:13
推 uland26922: I see u 是阿凡達嗎 02/01 17:14
推 azxc564856: Do you want to build a snowman 02/01 17:14
推 ellemo: XDDDDDD笑死我了 02/01 17:14
推 gogojoan: 乾推文好好笑 02/01 17:15
推 TSMLustboy: I FUCK TED 02/01 17:18
推 azxc564856: go go weapons go 02/01 17:18
推 greenyhi: MSGM 02/01 17:18
推 ad46zc13: 我是來看推文的 02/01 17:20
推 queen31227: See u again 02/01 17:20
推 zien0223: I'm watching you 02/01 17:20
推 azxc564856: like a g6 02/01 17:21
推 phoning: It's good to drink? 02/01 17:23
推 greenyhi: Costco 02/01 17:24
推 bigmod: May show gun mo? 02/01 17:25
推 evelyn0320: I am your father. 02/01 17:26
推 neivix: may the odds be ever in your favor 02/01 17:29
噓 RaiGend0519: People die if they are killed! 02/01 17:32
→ a9917637: over my dead body 02/01 17:36
推 a104018: 卡片: I'm your father 02/01 17:36
→ a104018: 女友: Nooooooo 02/01 17:36
推 lesleybb: I’m fine thank you and you 02/01 17:40
推 chihchuan: 推文好好笑 02/01 17:41
→ lesleybb: Over my dead body 02/01 17:41
→ chihchuan: Daddy's home. 02/01 17:41
推 moonseagull: I love you not because of who you are, but becaus 02/01 17:46
→ moonseagull: e of who I am when I am with you. 02/01 17:46
推 MEIZICO: 當然是Winter is coming 02/01 17:50
推 super1315566: Is it good to drink? 02/01 17:51
推 madslee: Make America great again. 02/01 17:52
推 zien0223: Tanaka Taikiku 02/01 17:52
推 joevic3974: I am Not the one. 02/01 17:54
推 HaHaPoint: shamma lamma mu mu 02/01 17:54
推 ksmeng: 各種好笑 02/01 17:55
推 westdoor5566: Summer is a bitch 02/01 18:00
→ westdoor5566: Summer is a bitch 02/01 18:00
推 caresomes: Damn!!!What's wrong with you? 02/01 18:00
推 kavingarnett: I'm Getting Medieval on your ass 02/01 18:01
推 kklighter: winter is coming 02/01 18:02
推 TomFord5566: Jessie we need to cook!! 02/01 18:03
推 sun32634: 當然是happy new year多應景啊 02/01 18:04
推 larose0123: you are a fucking birch 02/01 18:06
推 oeg619: Yahoo! ~~~~~~ 02/01 18:12
推 Sindush: Winter is coming 02/01 18:14
推 kiniyaro: China blue 02/01 18:16
推 RDS10: I R Winner 02/01 18:23
推 wwfrock14: 認真回 How do I live without you 02/01 18:25
推 demise627: Valar morghulis,Valar dohaeris. 02/01 18:28
推 jesuschristo: you deserve better one 02/01 18:29
推 ESSIM: beauty and the beast 02/01 18:34
推 keepasecret: dick and pussy 02/01 18:36
→ keepasecret: dicky and pussy 02/01 18:37
推 st920314: Who's ur daddy 02/01 18:42
→ st920314: 好啦~認真回: I see my future in your eyes. 02/01 18:43
推 slashhat: I love us. 02/01 18:45
→ st920314: I'll look for you, l'll find you, and I'll fuck you. 02/01 18:47
推 BlaBlaBon: you know nothing _(對方的名字) 客製化 選我正解 02/01 18:58
推 tobyisme: Come, and pick me up. There’s are many stars in th 02/01 19:00
→ tobyisme: e universe, but you are the only one in my eyes. 02/01 19:00
推 WilliamHsuxx: I want fxxk you 02/01 19:01
推 bear520: You're my kind of perfect. 02/01 19:06
推 wilson6405: I am inside you 02/01 19:06
推 jessy1992: Everything will be fine 02/01 19:12
推 shanpinlo: hakuna matata 02/01 19:17
推 claira: IKEA 02/01 19:18
推 taco85216: 認真回 02/01 19:22
→ taco85216: Time will tell how much I love you 02/01 19:22
→ taco85216: 可以刻在手錶上 02/01 19:22
推 oringefour: We belong to each other : ) 02/01 19:23
推 aztec1830: I will love you till kingdom come. 02/01 19:23
→ taco85216: Can’t remember to forget you 02/01 19:23
→ ptkost: I am rich 02/01 19:24
推 Hirajima: I love you. I know. 02/01 19:26
推 js9550107: Za warudo 02/01 19:27
→ js9550107: wryyyyyy 02/01 19:28
推 welkin0105: Fire in the hole! 02/01 19:33
推 aiguo: hakuna matata 02/01 19:34
推 AnastasiaC: you had me at hello 02/01 19:35
推 NotLikeThis: FOR THE ALLIANCE 02/01 19:35
推 Porara98763: Better call Saul 02/01 19:37
推 Wax7177: 太好笑了XD 02/01 19:37
噓 bassmaster: do you kmow de wae to devil 02/01 19:39
推 iPhone377s: Show me the money 02/01 19:41
推 Leeeli: You light me up. 02/01 19:41
推 kellycyn: You are my sunshine 02/01 19:42
推 deepinheart: You will my whole life depends on it. 02/01 19:45
噓 hhze0611: I will find you 02/01 19:47
推 versailles94: suck my dick 02/01 19:49
推 pearl0108: 看到Dobby is freeee笑到流淚XDDD 02/01 19:53
推 imkurt: I can teach you better 02/01 20:01
推 ttalk5566: hello banana 02/01 20:09
推 fireheart988: how are you? I'm fine thank you and you? this is 02/01 20:14
→ fireheart988: a book 02/01 20:14
推 owrtw4688: i see you 02/01 20:14
推 bensterson: say my name 02/01 20:17
推 yunyunxiu: You mean more to me than anything else 02/01 20:22
推 qaz556644: 乾快被推文笑死 02/01 20:26
推 kight91062: John Cena 02/01 20:32
推 hamrabbit: It’s raw 02/01 20:40
推 gainsheng: winter is coming 02/01 20:47
推 Isvain: I GOT IT FROM MY DADDY 02/01 20:49
推 cychung: Dobby超好笑 02/01 20:49
推 jij61029: 推文真的很好笑XDDD+D 02/01 20:56
推 zeng50: I'll find you and I'll ... 02/01 21:02
推 passme: 笑死XDD 02/01 21:04
→ meowde: show me your bba sae 02/01 21:11
推 chenjie: 快笑死XDDDDDD 02/01 21:12
推 okla: 好北爛的歪樓喔 XDDDD 02/01 21:13
推 gtcw: people mountain people sea 02/01 21:13
推 kerberoSun: Give this man a shield 02/01 21:17
推 augustues: this is a book 02/01 21:19
推 yunmi: A is an apple. 02/01 21:24
推 galaxyku: 幹may the force be with you XDDD 02/01 21:25
推 sam87070: I want to play a game!!!!! 02/01 21:29
推 maylin810: Why so serious 02/01 21:34
推 crackpotjean: I have 30cm~You have E cup!! 02/01 21:48
推 hjt11201213: Is it good to drink? 02/01 21:52
推 nonedude: 你:I am your father 她:NOOOOOOO~! 02/01 22:06
推 infuture56: Morning nine nine how how one. 02/01 22:11
推 Prof68: Without you, I am piece of shit. 02/01 22:12
推 youwilldie: Fuck me. 02/01 22:18
→ beumoyi: I cheat you, I lied to you too 02/01 22:21
→ sasado: I hate you 02/01 22:30
推 yu790524: Hold the door! 02/01 22:31
推 stune: Freeze!Put your hands up . 02/01 22:35
→ a48956312: Fuck up my face 02/01 22:35
推 antim168: In your Face 02/01 22:35
推 a48956312: Please don’t bro 或是中文葛格母湯 參考看看 02/01 22:37
→ isscat: Fuck you ,又赤裸又真誠 02/01 22:42
推 kusos623: Don't be shy. 02/01 22:43
推 epidemic000: do you know da wae? 02/01 22:44
推 nthugirl: I love you not because of who you are, but because o 02/01 22:52
→ nthugirl: f who I am when I'm with you 02/01 22:52
推 josephchen08: you green green der 02/01 22:52
噓 victor3359: enemy's found 02/01 22:59
噓 match123: Cash me outside howbow dah 02/01 23:05
推 m821014: over my dead body 02/01 23:23
推 majorland: I am your father 02/01 23:25
推 eboss: trust me you can make it 02/01 23:37
推 wu0h96: Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today 02/02 00:11
推 kkevinhess1t: Captain teemo on duty 02/02 00:16
推 NaoNagasawa: Do u know de way? 02/02 00:42
推 Surfindeer: we are family 02/02 01:00
推 ARicci: GGININDER 02/02 01:01
推 PuddingPTT: Moon Tom O 02/02 01:34
推 monicaliu416: u r my lobster 02/02 01:43
推 saber102: Inside me 02/02 01:48
推 jenyuzzz: The war has begun and nothing gonna beat my ass 02/02 02:03
推 AgentCatter: 來亂的哈哈哈 02/02 02:18
推 xsdoggg: you don't have to win a lottery, you just have to win 02/02 02:26
→ xsdoggg: my heart 02/02 02:26
推 Zhang97226: Bang 02/02 02:26
推 pigfist1113: Two in a pink one in a stink 02/02 02:45
推 AJhe0924: May the force be with you 02/02 03:23
推 YiYaochAng: I want to wake up to you everyday. 02/02 04:49
推 supermemo: long time no see~ 02/02 09:31
→ supermemo: No pain no money~ 02/02 09:32
推 Eric30878: I love your pink nipples 02/02 10:07
推 mittys0827: 推文笑死哈哈哈哈哈 02/02 10:38
推 FLy60169: May show gun more 02/02 10:50
推 Cathy0526: I love your ture color或是I love just the way you a 02/02 12:26
→ Cathy0526: re。 02/02 12:26
推 fioking: I love us. 02/02 14:22
推 greeedisland: I’m your father 02/02 14:44
推 tsjkr1a0: you know nothing john snow 02/02 16:24
推 goodroy0424: Those guys were so funny. 02/02 16:24
推 qw2781728: 認真回 02/02 16:52
→ qw2781728: Everything is secondary but you 02/02 16:52
推 DamonAlbarn: Do you want to build a snowman ? 02/02 17:36
推 KS23: it's fucking rawwwww 02/02 19:07
推 vq007: I want to play a game..,live or die,make your choice.這 02/02 22:17
→ vq007: 句最經典! 02/02 22:17
推 ATHEM7: After all this time? 02/03 14:39
→ ATHEM7: Always. 02/03 14:39
→ ATHEM7: *times 02/03 14:39
推 julia97228: things that fall 一首浪漫的詩~ 02/12 23:41
推 logspiderman: your magic is mine! 02/27 13:50