
為什麼這篇性關係英文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在性關係英文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者mrry (cat)看板Language標題有關「性」的英文時間Fri Dec 19 19:48...

性關係英文 在 吞吞日常小筆記☀️ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 16:46:04

2021.09.23 #讓世界多些可愛多些愛 全新特輯❤️~ 這部分我會分享一些親自幫助他人的故事經歷 會寫一些我的出發點、幫助方法、心得 一方面是想記錄一下✏️ 另一方面是 如果你看完文章也覺得不錯想一起 執行起來也就比較方便囉! - 一開始接觸到世界展望會的兒童資助計畫 是在我大學的時候 聽到...


一般來說,有兩種講法,一種是口語常用的premarital sex or illicit sex,另
一種比較正式,就是fornication (婚前行淫或稱「淫亂」)。淫亂(fornication )是指一

Fornication的動詞就是 fornicate,都是從希腊文 Porneia 來的。
pornography (色情影片、刊物等) 也是來於此字根。
你可能會覺得很奇怪,為什麼 fornicate的開頭是 F 卻源自於 porneia (P開頭)。因為
p 和 f 音常可以通轉,如 telephone的ph的 h不發音,而 p 是發成 [f] 的音。

根據『The American heritage Dictionary of the English Language, fourth Edtion
』的定義,這字的英文解釋為 『Sexual intercourse between partners who are not
married to each other.』Webster 則解釋為「 consensual sexual intercourse
between two persons not married to each other」。
Fornication 的字詞搭配則是 commit fornication 就像 adultery 的動詞搭配是
commit adultery。Commit 後面常接「負面的事情」,一般可譯為「犯…」,
如 commit a crime, commit suicide 等等。

The term fornication comes from the Greek: “porneia”. We get our English
word “pornography” from it. Literally, it means to sell oneself and is thus
associated with prostitution. The technical difference between fornication
and adultery is that adultery involves at least one married person while
fornication is a more general term for sexual immorality that may involve
married or unmarried persons.
另外,Fornication 也常被用在KJV 聖經, 是從porneia譯過來的。

Porneia, from which we get our common word pornography. The word refers to
all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage, especially sex between
unmarried persons. Illicit sex is associated with moral uncleanness and
impurity of the heart and the affections. Illicit sexual intercourse,
adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals
etc.; sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18; sexual intercourse
with a divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; metaphorically, the worship of
idols, and of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the
sacrifices offered to idols.

簡言之,Aultery 和 fornication 都是婚姻外的性行為。
再補充幾點,親人之間的感情常用 affection而
「迷戀」的英文一般說 infatuation 或 have a crush on 某人。
「柏拉圖市戀愛」也就是「精神上的戀愛」可翻成 Platonic love。
「之前的情人」(前男友或前女友」可說是 old flame 或 former flame,
或說成ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend。
而「好色的」英文可說 incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, libertine,
libidinous, lustful, salacious, satyric , concupiscent, goatish 等等。
※ 其它一些相關單字:

色情網站 pornographic website
妓院 brothel
男妓 gigolo
肛交 sodomy
性伴侶 sexual partners
性慾 libido
性學家、性學者 sexologist
前戲 foreplay
流鶯 hookers/streetwalker
紅燈區 red-light district
掃黃行動 anti-vice raids
淫褻及不雅物品 obscene and indecent articles
異性戀 heterosexual/heterosexuality
應召女郎 call girl
嫖客 johns
雛妓 underage prostitutes
變性 undergo a sex change/changed their sex
變性人 transsexuals/transsexual
孌童癖的人 pedophile
性騷擾 molest somebody
侮辱、冒犯 affront
為求快感撫摸女性身體 grope
強姦犯 Rapist
通姦 adultery
亂倫 incest (u)
愛撫 caress (n)
性騷擾 sexual molestation
輪姦 gang-rape
雞姦buggery (u)/sodomy (u); Buggery is anal sex./Sodomy is a sexual act
in which a man puts his sex organ into someone's anus, especially that of
another man.

"Fornication" is the word translated from the Greek word porneia. According
to the New Unger's Bible Dictionary, the word is used of illicit sexual
intercourse in general. The NIV reflects this fact when it translates the
word "fornication" with the word "immorality." It can more specifically
indicate sexual relations between unmarried persons. Relations between
married persons who are not married to each other are termed "adultery." Some
Bible passages, such as Matthew 5:32 and 19:9, seem to include both
premarital and extramarital relations in the general term "fornication,"
while identifying "adultery," as the specific sin of one who divorces his
wife and remarries another.

The Greek word "porneia" is used in a general way in 1 Corinthians 5:1 of the
man who lived with his father's wife. It is used in 1 Corinthians 6:13, 18,
Galatians 5:19, and Ephesians 5:3 of any improper sexual activity. It is used
in 2 Corinthians 12:21 of general sexual sin.

Porneia is the word from which we derive "pornography," which involves
fornication portrayed in writing or in pictures. The New Testament does not
deal with the immoral act only, but also the immoral thoughts leading up to
the act. Jesus spoke against sexual immorality of any sort when He taught
that even a lustful look is wrong (Matthew 5:27-30).

Immorality of all kinds--fornication, homosexuality, bestiality-were part of
the pagan religious practices of Tan ancient societies (most notably Ephesus
and Corinth Paul's epistles again and again confront the sexual immorality
prevalent in these cultures, and call for Christians to avoid it (1
Corinthians 6:18), and to come clean from it by repenting of it (1
Corinthians 6:911).

In the book of Revelation, worshipping idols is also called "fornication."
The term in Revelation is a metaphor for intimate companionship with
something other than the true God. This also calls to mind the immorality
often associated with idol worship among the Canaanites and other neighbors
of Israel, as well as the immorality associated with modern society in its
pursuit of "gods" other than the true and living God.

The prohibition against fornication rests on the ground that it discourages
marriage, tends to make the education and care of children to be more
insecure, depraves and defiles the mind more than any other vice, and thus
makes one unfit for the kingdom of God (adapted from New Unger's Bible
Dictionary, page 441).


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◆ From:
ywch:肛交 - anal sex 較口語 12/20 01:45
k33536: oral sex 口交 12/21 10:44
ichbingut:fellatio 口交 12/30 17:51

