

在 得喜胃通便秘產品中有37篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【人氣飲品】你飲過哪種堅果奶? ⭐常被當成牛奶的代替品 ⭐但要注意堅果奶屬於油脂與堅果種子類 #星期二提升正能量 哪種堅果奶適合你? 近年流行飲植物奶,植物奶是堅果、穀物、種籽及豆類等單一或混合製成的仿奶飲品,不同堅果可造出風味各異的植物奶,但這些「奶類新星」是否人人都適合飲用?從中醫角度看,可...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,900的網紅Daddy Frank,也在其Youtube影片中提到,15 #菊花羅漢養喉茶 | 秋天・白露 |【特別企劃.第一季】 養生食療、養生食譜 13 #美味 #美味い #scrumptious #菊花 #羅漢果 #保護喉嚨 保養喉嚨放大絕 養喉茶不只秋冬乾燥時喝很好,平常時常常喝也很保養你的喉嚨!! 00:19 簡介 01:11 食材簡介 01:55...

得喜胃通便秘 在 ?麗莎寶貝lisababy? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 16:20:35

現在大家都在吃益生菌,什麼樣的才是對身體最有幫助的? 我會先選擇有專利的 其實我不算是嚴重便秘的人,但是隨著身邊朋友的需求、關注,自己也慢慢開始研究益生菌起來,我有胃潰瘍病史所以想找不傷胃又可以改善腸道的狀況,增加便便次數的好菌產品 德寶生物科技有限公司的#激so印加秘碼2.0EX,天然植萃的益生...

得喜胃通便秘 在 林凱鈞 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 00:33:00

【凱鈞話重點】秋日就是要與健康零距梨!梨子的好處有哪些?冷熱都美味?五冷五熱料梨法大公開! 秋日氣候乾而燥,是一年之中養生的重點食節,像是具有潤肺止咳作用的梨子,入秋後正進入盛產,甜脆多汁的口感廣受饕客青睞。而吃秋梨在此時能為健康帶來哪些好處?冷吃之外,也能加熱食用嗎?這次特別匯集了五冷五熱的經典...

得喜胃通便秘 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【人氣飲品】你飲過哪種堅果奶? ⭐常被當成牛奶的代替品 ⭐但要注意堅果奶屬於油脂與堅果種子類 #星期二提升正能量 哪種堅果奶適合你? 近年流行飲植物奶,植物奶是堅果、穀物、種籽及豆類等單一或混合製成的仿奶飲品,不同堅果可造出風味各異的植物奶,但這些「奶類新星」是否人人都適合飲用?從中醫角度看,可...

  • 得喜胃通便秘 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-31 17:59:28
    有 435 人按讚




    杏仁奶 — 杏仁性平,有潤肺、潤腸通便功效,尤其適合肺氣虛弱人士飲用;注意感冒未清者、容易反覆腹瀉者都不適合飲用。

    腰果奶 — 腰果性平,有健脾開胃、潤肺補氣的功效,適合任何體質人士飲用。

    榛子奶 — 榛子性溫,有健脾養胃的功效,尤其適合脾胃虛寒、容易反覆腹瀉人士。

    核桃奶 — 核桃性熱,能補腎固精、益氣養血、潤腸通便,很適合產後婦女食用,核桃含有豐富營養元素,如優質蛋白及油脂,當中的油脂可滋潤肌膚及腸胃,促進腸胃消化預防便秘。

    開心果奶 — 開心果性溫,有溫腎暖脾、潤腸通便的功效,老少咸宜,適合氣滯者、寒底人士因胃寒引致的胃痛不適、腹脹及常嘆氣人士食用。


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    Which nut milk suits you better?
    Plant based milk has become very popular in recent years. Plant based milk is a milk substitute made from nuts, grains, seeds, and beans. Different types of nuts can be used to produce drinks of different flavors, but are they suitable for everyone? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, we can determine the suitability based on the nature of the nuts:

    Almond milk - almonds are mild in nature. They can moisten the lungs, moisten the bowels to relieve constipation, and are especially suitable for those with asthenic lung qi. Note that it is not suitable for those recovering from a cold/flu and those who are prone to frequent diarrhea.

    Cashew milk - cashews are mild in nature. They strengthen the stomach and improve appetite, moisten lungs and replenish qi. Suitable for all body types.

    Hazelnut milk - hazelnuts are mild in nature. They strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. Suitable for all body types. It is especially suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.

    Walnut milk - walnuts are hot in nature, can replenish the kidneys, strengthen qi and nourish blood, and moisten the bowels to relieve constipation. It is very suitable for postpartum women. Walnuts are very nutritious with high levels of protein and lipids. The lipids can also moisten your skin and bowels, improve digestion to relieve constipation.

    Pistachio milk - pistachios are warm in nature. They can warm the kidneys and spleen, moisten bowels to relieve constipation. It is suitable for the entire family, those with qi stagnation and cold nature body types. Suitable for cold stomach symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and bloating, and frequent sighing.

    Homemade nut milk
    Ingredients: 1 cup of nuts (can mix and match), 3 cups of boiled water
    Methods: Wash the nuts and soak them in water between 2-6 hours (depending on how hard the nuts are). Then, pour away the water. Add boiled water into the nuts, blend them at a high speed, and turn them into a paste. Use a sieve to remove the large bits of nuts and retrieve the nut milk. The residue can be baked into biscuits.
    *Nuts with skin will have a bitter taste. It will be good to boil them in water for 20-30 minutes before soaking them
    * Adjust the ratio of the nuts and water according to personal preference

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    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #氣虛 #陽虛 #氣滯 #腹瀉

  • 得喜胃通便秘 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-17 19:03:53
    有 252 人按讚



    生香蕉止瀉 vs 熟香蕉通便
    除了常見的香蕉,坊間亦有大蕉 (Plantain),別名芭蕉、煮食蕉,大蕉體型比香蕉短小但粗壯,由於含豐富澱粉質且甜度低,較適合煮食用途,大蕉屬性與香蕉相若,性涼,有潤腸通便作用。

    生香蕉 — 屬性寒涼,有清熱解毒及治痔瘡的功效,適合熱氣人士使用。要注意尚青或沒熟透的香蕉有收斂作用,能止瀉更有可能引致便秘,不宜多吃。

    熟香蕉或經烹煮的香蕉 — 寒性會減低,帶潤腸通便的效果,最好是香蕉皮上呈現梅花點。

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    Unripe vs Ripe bananas
    Do you like to eat ripe or unripe bananas? Besides the differences in taste and texture, from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, the level of ripeness would also determine the nature of the fruit.

    Unripe bananas are yellowish green in color. They are cool in nature, can dissipate heat and clear toxins from the body, and relieve diarrhea. They are, however, not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and stomach.

    Ripe bananas with spots on the skin or cooked bananas are less cool in nature, and they can enhance bowel movements. However, individuals with diarrhea problem should avoid eating.

    Besides the regular bananas in the market, there are also another type called plantains, also known as the cooking bananas. They are thicker but shorter than the regular ones and are high in carbohydrates but not as sweet, making them a suitable ingredient for cooking. Like regular bananas, plantains are cool in nature, and they can promote bowel movements too.

    Unripe bananas - cold in nature, clears heat, removes toxins and can treat hemorrhoids. Suitable for those who are hot in nature. Note that green and unripe bananas can also relieve diarrhea or lead to constipation so should be consumed in moderation.

    Ripe or cooked bananas - cold nature is reduced, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. The ideal ripe bananas would have small brown spots on the skin.

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    #男 #女 #腹瀉

  • 得喜胃通便秘 在 早安健康 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-30 06:00:57
    有 113 人按讚


    📌資料來源:中醫藥膳師 岩田麻奈未
    📝如果喜歡早安健康文章,請按讚追蹤 早安健康 粉絲專頁。【你的分享】讓這個社會變得更健康美好;【你的按讚】傳送大溫暖❤️支持著我們!

  • 得喜胃通便秘 在 Daddy Frank Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-08 09:00:01

    15 #菊花羅漢養喉茶 | 秋天・白露 |【特別企劃.第一季】 養生食療、養生食譜 13 #美味 #美味い #scrumptious #菊花 #羅漢果 #保護喉嚨


    00:19 簡介
    01:11 食材簡介
    01:55 開始製作
    04:00 完成與品嚐美食(feat. Irene)


    菊花 十來朵
    羅漢果 一顆(碎)
    紅棗 一顆
    枸杞子 十來粒
    紅茶包 兩包
    冰糖 適量(可不加)
    開水 1000+c.c.






    【養生食療】影片將在每個月節氣前的週五晚上八點定期更新。(其他影片,不定期 額外更新)



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