

在 後代descendant產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【萬善之頭】The Origin of Virtuousness 今天是農曆七月初五,也是我唸報父母恩咒的第五天。 這咒我唸了十五的農曆七月了。 讀到許多觀眾留言,說因為我的直播,他們也在今年開始持這咒,我真的真的⋯⋯為你們的父母感到欣慰。😄 在華人的社會裡,一般來說,正正當當的賺錢孝敬父母...


後代descendant 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-06 05:58:15

哎唷~ 再一個小時半之後(6/14 週一 22:00), 活動就要截止了耶! 在我們的FB社團: ❤️ 台大明明小高一 直播不停 ❤️ 有舉辦抽獎活動🤩🤩 在社團的活動照片處留言, 分享: ❗️與粽子的合照 ❗️ 打入學號+說出自己在暑假想達成的願望 補習班會從留言抽出幾名幸運寶貝獲得精美小禮物...

後代descendant 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-12 07:05:39

記得小時候, 端午節都是看著龍舟比賽、立蛋、吃粽子, 現在, 過節氣氛好像比較淡了。 不過, 今天我吃到了好久好久好久沒吃到的鹼粽😋😋 ———————————————————— 🐉 俐媽英文教室—端午節篇: 🎋 Dragon Boat Festival (n.) 端午節 🎋 zongzi (n.)...

後代descendant 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-12 07:19:48

有賽車手、有大反派、有友情、有懷舊電動、有現代網路、有穿T-shirt會飛踢的公主、有大冒險、有恐怖病毒、有非預期的結局— Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王2: 網路大暴走 —俐媽推薦! ————————————————— 🎞 俐媽英文電影—無敵破壞王2: 網路大暴走...

  • 後代descendant 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-23 20:32:35
    有 276 人按讚

    【萬善之頭】The Origin of Virtuousness











    不要小看報父母恩咒,因為這是釋迦牟尼佛所傳的。所以各位大德,千萬要記得這一點 - 一定要教您的孩子和您一起唸報父母恩咒!👧🏻👦🏻



    Nan Mo Mi Li Duo Duo Po Yi Soha



    報父母恩咒49遍: https://youtu.be/a9XbKo6_L6E


    Today is the 5th day of the 7th Lunar month, and also my fifth day of reciting the Mantra of Repaying the Debt of Gratitude to Parents this year.

    I have been reciting this mantra for fifteen years.

    I read many comments from my viewers, that they started reciting this mantra this year after watching my Lives. I am so glad for your parents. 😄

    In our Chinese society, generally speaking, the most basic forms of filial piety include:

    1) making a honest living to give pocket money to our parents
    2) being pleasant towards our parents
    3) not breaking the law
    4) carrying on the family lineage
    5) not doing any shameful act

    However, in the eyes of the Dharma, these are merely small acts of filial piety.

    Going by this definition, I am definitely an unfilial daughter. Because there were many years when I got into debt from doing business and was unable to give my parents a single cent. I could not bring myself to tell them the truth and could only say I was broke.

    Okay, if you are more capable than me congratulations on your big-time success in doing business! So you return to your homeland in triumphant victory and see your parents + ancestors of the past 18 generations grinning from teeth to teeth.

    That is just the medium level of filial piety.

    The biggest form of filial piety is spiritual cultivation. For you can help your parents to break free from the six realms of reincarnation and all of you will no longer have to undergo the sufferings of birth and death.

    Hence, when Shakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, his deceased mother, Queen Maya, ascended to Trayastrimsas Heaven to enjoy heavenly pleasures.

    When you start reciting one Buddha’s name, or one Buddhist mantra, you have already taken your first step onto the path of Buddhist cultivation.

    Do not belittle the Mantra of Repaying Debt of Gratitude to Parents, for it was expounded by Shakyamuni Buddha.

    So to all my noble audience, please remember this very important point - you must teach your children to recite this mantra together with you! 👧🏻👦🏻

    As parents, we should all be astute investors. Filial piety is the most important of all virtues. When a child knows how to be filial from a young age, he/she already has the most basic conscience as a human, and that will sow the seeds for fields of great blessedness.

    Come one day when you can no longer be by your child’s side, your child will definitely meet many benefactors in the life path and not have a wretched destiny, because they are filial from young.

    Moreover, if anything untoward happen to you and you fail miserably in your spritual cultivation, at least you still have a descendant to help you.

    Should you miss the lotus train to the Buddha’s Pureland, to be a celestial being in the Heaven far surpasses the fate of being squeezed like sardines in a urn placed in the columbarium. 👻

    Nan Mo Mi Li Duo Duo Po Yi Soha

    (I practices the True Buddha Tantric Dharma, thus I follow my Root Guru’s recitation sounds and recite “soha” at the end of this mantra. This represents perfection and accomplishment.)


    Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents x 49: https://youtu.be/a9XbKo6_L6E
    Merits of this mantra:https://youtu.be/x-7GPmbq5nw

  • 後代descendant 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文

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  • 後代descendant 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-18 22:17:18
    有 80 人按讚


    Ralph Breaks the Internet 無敵破壞王2: 網路大暴走

    🎞 俐媽英文電影—無敵破壞王2: 網路大暴走Part 2:
    🏎 cliche (n.) 陳腔濫調
    🏎 hobo (n.) 遊民
    🏎 illiterate (a.) 文盲的
    🏎 genius (n.) 天才
    🏎 trap (n.) 陷阱
    🏎 saturate (v.) 飽和
    🏎 boxing (n.) 開箱文
    🏎 pun (n.) 雙關語
    —> 劇中有很多和bee 🐝 相關的雙關語,很好笑,記得看英文字幕/聽英文發音哦!
    🏎 bizarre (a.) 奇怪的
    🏎 elite (n.) 菁英
    🏎 mature (a.) 成熟的
    🏎 erode (v.) 侵蝕
    🏎 guardian (n.) 守護者
    🏎 descendant (n.) 後代子孫
    🏎 cast (n.) 卡司;演員陣容
    🏎 comment (n.) 評論
    🏎 ace (n.) 王牌
    🏎 tattoo (n.) 刺青
    🏎 creepy (a.) 令人毛骨悚然的
    🏎 be supposed to V 應該⋯
    🏎 brainwash (v.) 洗腦
    🏎 impulse (n.) 衝動
    🏎 keep a low profile (phrase) 保持低調
    🏎 rumor (n.) 謠言
    🏎 tumor (n.) 腫瘤
    🏎 flaw (n.) 缺點
    🏎 reboot (v.) 重開機
    🏎 analyze (v.) 分析
    🏎 assault (v.) 攻擊
    🏎 gesture (n.) 手勢
    🏎 self-destruction (n.) 自我毀滅
    🏎 crash (n.)(v.) 對撞
    🏎 crush (n.)(v.) 重壓
    🏎 chaos (n.) 混亂
    🏎 harsh (a.) 嚴苛的
    🏎 tame (v.) 馴服
    🏎 narrative (a.) 敘述的
    🏎 make up (phrase) 合好
    🏎 fart (v.) 放屁
    🏎 adieu (int.)(n.) 再會
    #俐媽電影英文 #俐媽電影英文無敵破壞王 #wreckitralph #ralphbreakstheinternet #網路大暴走 #無敵破壞王網路大暴走

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