

在 往生咒21遍產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【當吉祥物變凶物】(English writing below) WHEN AUSPICIOUS ORNAMENTS TURNED INAUSPICIOUS 我最近看到幾位臉書的朋友,每天都在分享一些賣風水吉祥物的直播。直播主播往往都是長髮披肩的年輕貌美女子。這些直播幾乎每天開播,一開播就是數小時...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,480的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,農曆九月初十九,就是普天下皆知的南無觀世音菩薩的出家日。其實並非佛教徒,凡是有華人的地方都曉得這尊大菩薩,甚至連外國人都懂,因爲祂的大慈大悲真的很攝人的心,也是我們學佛之人理應仿效的一個真諦。 提到祂,不能不提到祂的心咒,而這心咒是西藏人共同提倡唸誦的「六字大明真言」。 這咒不只是這麽簡單拿來持誦...

往生咒21遍 在 Valentine Wu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 19:07:27

⭕️第355次專注,持咒經行思惟「尊勝咒」,原稱大佛頂首尊勝陀羅尼或佛頂尊勝陀羅尼,亦名淨除一切惡道佛頂尊勝陀羅尼,出自於《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經》及相關經典的佛教咒語 。由釋迦牟尼佛為救度善住天子所宣說,也爲八十八殑伽沙俱胝百千諸佛共同宣說,另宋代法天譯《佛說一切如來烏瑟膩沙最勝總持經》謂此咒亦爲無量壽...

往生咒21遍 在 法鼓山 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-27 15:57:46

🎥揪團空中相會 宅在家連線加油打氣 「透過線上共修,彼此關懷與鼓勵,在這段時間是非常重要的連結。」來自桃園的呂誠章說,由於現在沒辦法去道場,他與好朋友們相約週二與週四,固定連線進行《大悲咒》與《藥師經》共修。他認為做定課能安定身心,尤其在疫情嚴峻、人心浮動時,讓幫助自己沉著不慌亂。 呂誠章表...

往生咒21遍 在 Sharis.C Beauty shop Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-02 10:14:34

💗大愛慈善行💗 💗大悲咒、心經、药師咒經文玻璃瓶300ml及心經不鏽鋼瓶450ml (全部連保溫套)💗 ❤️愛心價每個@HK$88-❤️ (包平郵或銅鑼灣門市領取) 💕順豐需要自費到付💗 😇每個經文玻璃瓶或保溫瓶扣除成本之款項將全數作慈善用途,如購買物資給有需要人士😇 🥰喜歡和購買經文玻璃瓶或保溫瓶...

  • 往生咒21遍 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-28 04:58:02
    有 8 人按讚

    【當吉祥物變凶物】(English writing below)


    熱情漂亮的主播,亮麗的背景,近距離打燈讓觀眾各角度看精緻的風水吉祥物,主播清脆的聲音宣說著吉祥物的利處 — 這是很吸睛的宣傳手法。



    (我頻道裡第二流量最高的影片 #大力推薦)










    鼓勵殺生不是人應該做的,也沒有人願意投胎做海鮮,被人如此販賣宰殺,因此, 還是最好不要分享此類直播。


    往生短咒 (7、21、49、108遍,越多越好):


    Recently, I have been seeing some Facebook friends sharing FB Live broadcast of companies peddling auspicious Feng Shui ornaments. The broadcasters are mainly young pretty ladies with flowing long locks. These live broadcasts are streamed almost everyday, and usually last for a few hours.

    These live streams have a few characteristics - friendly and pretty broadcasters with a clear and melodious voice that introduces the benefits of the ornaments, a vibrant background, focused lighting that showcases the exquisite auspicious ornaments from all angles.

    These marketing tactics sure draw a lot of eyeballs easily.

    Here let me tell you a real-life story of my client:

    This Bazi client got to know me, by watching this Youtube video of mine at the beginning of this year: https://youtu.be/dtcU9GG80wQ
    (2nd most watched video on my channel #highlyrecommend)

    She PM me for information on how to register for bardo deliverance for her baby lost through miscarriage. I guided her to register for my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng's weekly homa ceremonies.

    At the same time, I reminded her, "Gentle reminder, do not place too many crystals or Feng Shui auspicious ornaments at home. All these will affect the mother's chances of conceiving and pregnancy. When the ornament is placed at the wrong sector, it can also cause the baby to die prematurely.

    While some ornaments can accelerate wealth, they can also harm the descendants or personal health etc. These objects need to be placed in the right sector, based on the Bazi of the couple, Feng Shui of the home, the movement of the 9 Flying Stars etc. Not anyhow hentam.

    This client has maybe about 15 Golden Toads and Pixius etc placed at home. After hearing my words, she banished a large number of them to the cold palace.

    Many people have this hope of doing less and yet making more and fast money, so such Feng Shui auspicious ornaments can often easily invoke the greed in people who flock to them, despite saying that they do not believe in Feng Shui.

    However, if you wish to share such FB Live streams, please think twice.

    The pretty broadcasters are not trained and experienced Feng Shui masters. They did not spend over a decade to study Bazi, destiny and Feng Shui. Their work is to sell more and earn more.

    If you do not have sufficient good fortune, when money comes pouring into your pocket, another aspect will be deducted from your life, be it physical health, marriage, career, studies, children or mental/emotional health.

    Because your Destiny isn't strong enough to fit all in. So please do not be greedy. Get the foundational Feng Shui of your home in order first, and you will realise that hey, sometimes many of your life problems can already be resolved.

    Another gentle reminder to FB friends who have taken a fancy to sharing FB live streams selling live seafood.

    These may merely be animals, but they are also precious lives. They committed many sins when they were humans and hence, got degraded to the realm of animals, having to suffer the destiny of being slaughtered for human food.

    However, this does not mean what we do as humans is sin-free.

    We should never encourage others to kill. Nobody wishes to be reincarnated as a prawn, sotong, lala or fish to be sold and murdered against one's will. Hence, my advice is it is best not to share such live broadcasts.

    When I see such livestreams on my newsfeed, I will recite the Deliverance Mantra and dedicate the recitations to these animals. You can do the same too. Cultivate your bodhicitta and form more virtuous affinities. These will go a long way to help yourself and your descendants to accumulate virtuous merits.

    Short Deliverance Mantra
    (7, 21, 49, 108 times, or the more the merrier):

    往生淨土 Wang Sheng Jing Tu
    超生出苦 Chao Sheng Chu Ku
    阿彌陀佛 Amituofo
    阿彌陀佛 Amituofo

  • 往生咒21遍 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-04-28 18:01:50
    有 146 人按讚

    《靈命的認知》(English version below)
    Understanding the Spiritual Existence
























    During lesson, my student asked for my opinion on the humane putting down of Inuka, the polar bear in Singapore Zoo.

    Before answering her, I asked my students, "Imagine if you are severely ill, would you want to be euthanized?"

    Their opinions were divided. Some of them didn't want to be a burden to their families, some felt that such a death can lessen their sufferings. But many were concerned if such a death would be considered a suicide in the eyes of karma.

    The Dharma teaches us to follow the course of Nature.

    To cage a polar bear in a tropical country like Singapore for selfish gains is already against the Law of Nature.

    1. Even though Inuka is suffering from illness, how do we know if he prefers to be put down?

    Since Inuka is not able to make a choice, no one else should decide when his life should end, just like you would not want others to decide your life and death.

    2. All lives are precious, and any form of killing is still killing.

    When you take away the life of a living being, it will bear resentment. This toxic energy of bitterness will proliferate into the environment and affect other sentient beings as well.

    In a similar vein, this is the same reason why I absolutely oppose abortion.

    3. If Inuka is suffering from a contagious disease, endangering the life of others, then it might be justified to put it down in a humane way so that other lives will be saved. It is similar to cases of mad cow disease and the bird flu.

    The Dharma teaches that we still must perform repentance on the animal's behalf, recite the Deliverance to Pure Land Mantra for its passage to the Pure Land, as well as to resolve its karmic grievances. These practices can transcend its soul to a higher level.

    An unnatural death does not mean that all will truly end. It could be the beginning of another endless karmic entanglement, returning an eye for an eye.

    You must hold the same attitude towards your own pets at home. Their karmic affinity with you in this lifetime is of no coincidence. Do your best to take good care of them and allow nature to end its course.

    You can play some Dharma music to them daily, so as to plant a seed in their consciousness. This will help them greatly in their future rebirths.

    My disciple said she would not choose euthanasia as the way to die if she were to be seriously ill, because she understood that the sickness suffering is due to her negative karma ripening. She would rather go through it this lifetime, than to prolong this suffering to her next life.

    She felt that no matter the depth of suffering from the illness, there would be hope of salvation if she could still consciously recite the mantras and the holy names of Buddhas.

    Her words highlighted an important point, which is the ability to remain conscious at your last few moments in this lifetime.

    When one is about to breath his last, there will be a great force attempting to pull you down. Without a clear mind and consciousness, a tantric spiritual practitioner will not be able to visualise his Root Guru, Root Deity and Root Protector, and invoke Their Deliverance.

    The Bodhisattvas fear the Cause, the sentient beings fear the Effect. Sentient beings are who they are because of their ignorance and disbelief in the Law of Cause and Effect.

    I am sharing this understanding of the spiritual existence today, in hope that all sentient beings can eradicate all their sufferings from sickness and killing in due time, and most importantly, never to commit the same sins again.

    We can do 7, 21, 49 or 108 recitations of the Short Mantra for Deliverance to Pureland for Inuka:


  • 往生咒21遍 在 轉運達人依玲老師 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-06-23 17:40:22
    有 630 人按讚


    ,如果在家裏唸,絕大部份都會招來陰魂,比如說: 往生咒、救苦誥、大悲咒、地藏經、阿彌陀經...,寶懺類.....


    至於請[代為迥向給冤親債主]這話可不必說 ,神明原本就會做主分配。


    1.內行人都懂得去善用這個土地公咒語 「安土地真言」──「南摩三滿哆,母度南、嗡度魯度魯、地尾梭哈。」


    2.財寶天王心咒是有財無庫或是自己做生意的人或是上班族,每個月農曆1日、11日、21日必唸的正財咒。【財寶天王心咒】(嗡 貝 夏哇 那也 梭哈)108遍。











    命運在自己手裡,不是在別人嘴裡,積德雖無人見,行善自有天知,在艱苦的時刻,依然能為別人設想的人,神佛必不會虧待他,一定會讓他家運 昌隆,平安如意,所求如願。

  • 往生咒21遍 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-10-29 11:51:53


    提到祂,不能不提到祂的心咒,而這心咒是西藏人共同提倡唸誦的「六字大明真言」。 這咒不只是這麽簡單拿來持誦而已。在和別人說完佛法的時候,妳你也可以唸上這句「嗡嘛尼唄咪吽」。 因爲這個咒是代表光明和圓滿,也就是說妳你所說的佛法,對方能得到光明的加持,圓滿智慧的灌溉,那妳你本身也圓滿了妳你的功德,所以是有很多很多的意義。這個咒,就如我所說的,是光明咒,是專門來破除黑暗的。當妳你持到最后,妳你的心自然而然就會流露出一種光明。這光明就會破除妳你累世的無明,而得到佛慧。這時候,就是一種開悟,一種明心,再修下去就見性,見性了,才是真正的得證成佛。





    This coming Saturday, 31st October or the Nineteenth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month, celebrates the Renunciation Day of the world-renowned Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, or more commonly known as Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa. In fact, this Bodhisattva is not just known to Buddhists only. As long as there are Chinese people in that region, they will not be stranger to this Bodhisattva. Even the non-Chinese foreigners are aware, because the Bodhisattva's great compassion and mercy are really captivating. These qualities should be modeled by all Buddhists as a way of Truth.

    At the mention of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, we must not forget to mention His mantra, which is the commonly known to and propagated by the Tibetans, known as the Six Syllable Mantra. This mantra is not simply for chanting only. When you are speaking the Dharma to others, you may also recite this mantra "Om Mani Pad Mae Hum" at the end of the session , because it represents light and perfection. It signifies that when you speak the Dharma, the other party also receives the blessing of the Light and the nourishment of perfect wisdom. In this way, you would also have perfected your own merits. There are so many meanings and essence to this mantra. Like I said, this is a mantra of Light, specially to eradicate Darkness. When you achieve accomplishment in this mantra, the Light would flow naturally from your heart, and vanquish your ignorance accumulated from aeons of rebirth. When that happens, you would have received the wisdom of Buddha, and would progress to realize your own Buddha-Nature and truly Buddhahood.


    WEBSITE: http://www.masterdaihu.com
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/masterdaihu
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/masterdaihu

  • 往生咒21遍 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2015-09-12 04:23:16

    南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩聖號 - 21遍
    Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva - 21 times

    農曆七月三十日 (12 September 2015) 是南無大願地藏王菩薩的聖誕。在這一天恭念祂的洪名、持祂心咒或唸《地藏菩薩本願經》,等等,功德加倍,有不可思議的力量!



    The 30th day of the Seventh Lunar Month (12 September 2015) is the holy birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. If you recite His name, His mantra or The Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vows, merits are multiplied and immense Dharma power is generated!

    On His birthday, you can do this at home: Take out the pictorial card of the Bodhisattva (if you have one), take a bath and observe the vegetarian precept, or at least, wash your face and gargle your mouth. After which you can respectfully recite the name of Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "南無地藏王菩薩 (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa)" or "南無地藏王菩薩摩訶薩" (Namo Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa Mo He Sa), for a total of 1080 times or at least 108 times, and dedicate the merits to your ancestors and deceased relatives for a swift rebirth in the Pureland or for yourself. If your friends or relatives are ill or hospitalized, dedicate the merits to them, praying for recovery from the illnesses or improvement in the condition and be discharged from the hospital.

    (Please refrain from doing the chanting on your bed.)

    Background music: KennieMusicLovers


    WEBSITE: http://www.masterdaihu.com
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/masterdaihu
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/masterdaihu

