

在 廠商英文manufacturer產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有外國網友想要知道這款陸軍特戰突擊車的介紹,嘛,這算是有點「家醜外揚」的感覺,不過既然人家有心想知道,晚點附上英文版介紹 *** 陸軍SC-09A四輪傳動特戰突擊車,是由國內廠商「星僑企業」與陸軍合作的國造裝備案,陸軍要求可由直升機機動部署、能符合空降與機降的運用、同時也能支援山隘行軍的偵查...

  • 廠商英文manufacturer 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-30 18:44:32
    有 632 人按讚



    以民用版福特 ESCAPE2.3越野休旅車為基礎改裝,全長4.1公尺,寬2.2公尺,重量1225公斤,可乘載三名戰鬥成員,採用汽油版的16V DOHC Duratec-HE反制式引擎,排氣量2261cc,最大馬力157 hp/20.4 kgm,底盤方面前輪懸吊採獨立麥佛遜防傾桿設計,後輪則使用獨立複合多車桿副車架,強化舒適性

    車頭型式採用板狀外型,上層結構改為防滾鋼架籠型。車內儀表板改為板金件,座椅則採用筒形賽車椅,可供駕駛、車長及火力射手固定在座位上,車內並增設槍架、火箭筒固定架、車內中央通信裝備、防爆油箱,車外則加裝絞盤、防空燈、HID高照明頭燈、前保桿、後登踏保桿及防爆輪胎,該突擊車涉水深度稱可達23公分, 並有限制高度至1.9公尺,可輕易開入CH-47SD直升機機腹


    The Army SC-09A 4WD tactical assault vehicle(TAV), by domestic manufacturer "Shin-Chiao(星僑) Enterprise" and with Army in cooperation, requires that it can be deployed by helicopters, airborne and aircraft landing, supporting mountain pass reconnaissance, that can be used on roads in mountains and forests, totally needs 56 vehicles.

    base on the civilian version of Ford ESCAPE 2.3 SUV, 4.1 meters length, 2.2 meters width, and 1225 kg weight, it can carry three combat crews, using a gasoline version 16V DOHC Duratec-HE counter-engine, 2261cc displacement, the maximum horsepower is 157 hp/20.4 kgm. In terms of chassis, the front wheel suspension uses an independent McPherson anti-roll bar design, and the rear wheel uses an independent composite multi-bar subframe to enhance comfort.

    The front is designed with a plate-like appearance, and the upper structure is anti-rolling steel cage type. The instrument panel inside the car is changed to sheet metal parts, and the seat is a cylindrical racing seat for the driver, the captain and the fire shooter to be fixed on the seat. A gun rack, rocket mount, central communication equipment, bulletproof fuel tank are added in the car, and the outside of the car Adding winches, anti-aircraft lights, HID high-illumination headlights, front bumpers, rear bumpers, and anti-explosive tires. The tactical assault vehicle's wading depth can reach 23 cm, and the height is limited to 1.9 meters, enabling easy deployment In the belly of the CH-47SD helicopter.

  • 廠商英文manufacturer 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-21 15:49:33
    有 162 人按讚

    Taiwan Firm to Build Chip Factory in U.S.


    🇹🇼Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest contract manufacturer of silicon chips, said Friday it would spend $12 billion to build a chip factory in Arizona, as U.S. concerns grow about dependence on Asia for the critical technology.

    -contract manufacturer: 代工廠商
    -dependence: 依賴
    -critical: 關鍵的、致命的

    🇹🇼TSMC said the project, disclosed earlier Thursday by The Wall Street Journal, has the support of the federal government and the state of Arizona. It comes as the Trump administration has sought to jump-start development of new chip factories in the U.S. due to rising fears about the U.S.’s heavy reliance on Taiwan, China and South Korea to produce microelectronics and other key technologies.
    台積電這項建廠計劃可能耗資數十億美元。目前,由於越來越擔心美國在生產微電子產品和其他關鍵技術方面嚴重依賴台灣、中國大陸和韓國,川普政府(Donald Trump)已經在爭取啟動美國的新晶片工廠建設。

    -disclose: 揭露
    -jump start: 採取行動、推動
    -reliance: 依賴、依靠,相較於dependence,reliance多了信任的成分
    -microelectronics: 微電子產品

    🇺🇸Politically, the announcement could be a win for President Trump who has been campaigning to get companies to build in the U.S. He has also been looking to make sure that Republicans retain their majority in the U.S. Senate. Arizona Sen. Martha McSally is among the Republicans facing a tough challenge in this November’s election.
    從政治角度講,台積電的建廠計劃對美國總統川普來說可能是一個勝利,川普一直在爭取企業在美建廠。另一方面,他也在努力確保共和黨人能夠在參議院保持多數席位。一些共和黨參議員將在今年11月的選舉中面臨嚴峻挑戰,其中包括亞利桑那州共和黨參議員Martha McSally。

    campaign: 競選活動
    look to: 指望
    retain: 保留、持有



    The company is trying to _______ its ________ techniques by disclosing part of the skills initially. 這間公司嘗試透過主動揭露部分技術來保有其關鍵科技。

    A. attain, valuable
    B. gain, supportive
    C. retain, critical

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  • 廠商英文manufacturer 在 施振榮 Stan哥 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-07-15 10:11:01
    有 53 人按讚

    蝦米?施振榮正名產業名詞 OEM原指品牌電腦公司
    2016-07-14 18:56 聯合報 記者鄒秀明╱即時報導


    他舉「OEM」(Original Equipment Manufacturer)為例說,OEM的英文原意是指原設備系統製造者,以電腦產業為例,OEM指的是品牌電腦公司,電腦公司原本係由自己研發設計及製造電腦,但後來為了降低成本,於是在產品自行研發設計後,不再自行製造,而委託給EMS(Electronic Manufacturing Services)代工生產製造。例如美國電腦公司HP就是典型的OEM業者,委託給EMS業者-鴻海代工。


    後來由於台灣代工製造業者的能力提升後,台灣業者以其設計製造的產品供應給電腦品牌公司的做法,被稱為ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)。因此到後來,ODM在台灣就漸漸取代了OEM的用法。


    施振榮也說,在宏碁2000年的世紀變革中,當時將公司一分為二,分成發展品牌事業的宏碁(OEM)與負責研製服務事業的緯創,針對緯創的定位我就提出了DMS(Design Manufacturer Service),即是一般俗稱的ODM。後來,台灣為了鼓勵原本以製造為主的公司轉型發展品牌,因此也出現了OBM(Original Brand Manufacturer)這個名詞,OBM則較接近OEM的這個名詞的定位。


