

在 希望online結束營運產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過37萬的網紅Uwants,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【想不到 TGS 會是這個畫面 💩】 今年東京遊戲展終於重新設置實體場地,不過由於今年主要還是 online 活動和發表會,所以現場規模大不如前.. 希望終有一天能再次看到從前那個精彩的 TGS 吧 😓 Switch OLED 與原版比螢幕差別好大 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3i...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,970的網紅蒼凱Soukai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,★雖然畫面跟遊戲性都不錯,可是精靈曝光度真的不高! ★行動生活「閒豬手遊」播放清單:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVDBhXOcE6XxfB2rXfJ0-ral_BtcJvw1p ★按下上面的「訂閱」成為焦疤的一員吧! ★希望我幫大家試玩甚麼遊戲,歡...

  • 希望online結束營運 在 Uwants Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 12:02:37
    有 104 人按讚

    【想不到 TGS 會是這個畫面 💩】

    今年東京遊戲展終於重新設置實體場地,不過由於今年主要還是 online 活動和發表會,所以現場規模大不如前..

    希望終有一天能再次看到從前那個精彩的 TGS 吧 😓
    Switch OLED 與原版比螢幕差別好大 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3ifHcM9
    Far Cry 6 超爆收藏版搶先開箱 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3EZEmEI
    神奇手遊上架同時宣布結束營運 ➡️ https://bit.ly/2VKnGPQ
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    Twitter @GZL|コイチ koichinko

  • 希望online結束營運 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-15 22:31:42
    有 1 人按讚

    Online Schools Are Here to Stay, Even After the Pandemic

    Rory Levin, a sixth grader in Bloomington, Minnesota, used to hate going to school. He has a health condition that often makes him feel apprehensive ( ) around other students. Taking special-education classes did little to ease his anxiety.

    So when his district created a stand-alone ( ) digital-only program, Bloomington Online School, last year for the pandemic, Rory opted ( ) to try it. Now the 11-year-old is enjoying school for the first time, said his mother, Lisa Levin. He loves the live video classes and has made friends with other online students, she said.

    In December, Bloomington Public Schools decided to keep running the online school even after the pandemic subsides ( ). Lisa Levin plans to re-enroll Rory for this fall.

    “It is such a good fit ( ) for him,” she said. “We’re really hoping they can continue it for the rest of his school career.”

    A year after the coronavirus set off ( ) a seismic ( ) disruption ( ) in public education, some of the remote programs that districts intended to be temporary are poised ( ) to outlast ( ) the pandemic. Even as students flock ( ) back to classrooms, a subset ( ) of families who have come to prefer online learning are pushing to keep it going — and school systems are rushing to accommodate ( ) them.

    The districts are racing to set up full-fledged ( ) online schools even as concerns mount ( ) that remote learning has taken a substantial toll on ( ) many children’s academic progress and emotional health. Parents and lawmakers, alarmed by the situation, have urged ( ) schools to reopen.

    Even so, at least several hundred of the nation’s 13,000 school districts have established virtual schools this academic year, with an eye to ( ) operating them for years to come ( ), education researchers said. Unlike many makeshift ( ) pandemic school programs, these stand-alone virtual schools have their own teachers, who work only with remote students and use curricula ( ) designed for online learning.

    Yet a surge ( ) of online schools comes with risks. It could normalize remote learning approaches ( ) that have had poor results for many students, education researchers said. It could also further divide a fragile ( ) national education system, especially when many Asian, Black and Latino families have been wary ( ) of sending their children back to school this year.

    “My fear is that it will lead to further fracturing ( ) and fragmentation ( ),” said Jack Schneider, an assistant professor of education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

    即便疫情過去 線上教學會繼續

    美國明尼蘇達州布魯明頓市的六年級學生Rory Levin曾經討厭上學,他有健康問題,常讓他和其他學生共處時感到焦慮,上特教課程對於紓解他的焦慮幫助不大。

    因此,當他的學區去年因疫情而設置獨立的全數位學程「布魯明頓線上學校」時,羅利決定試試。他的母親Lisa Levin說,現在這個11歲的男孩首度能夠享受上學了,她說,他喜愛直播影音課程,也和其他線上學生成了朋友。

    去年12月,布魯明頓公立學校決定,疫情趨緩後讓線上學校繼續營運。Lisa Levin計畫今年秋季再幫Rory註冊。






    「我擔心的是,這將導致(教育體系) 進一步的斷裂與破碎。」洛厄爾麻州大學教育系助理教授Jack Schneider說。

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  • 希望online結束營運 在 不禮貌鄉民團 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-21 17:18:44
    有 3,017 人按讚






