

在 工作得獎感言英文產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎! South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winnin...

工作得獎感言英文 在 HK Food Media《飲食男女》 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-10 01:17:22

足本睇片👉🏼:https://bit.ly/3xr7qRG 「街坊們常常看慣我斬魚,便稱我作魚王,我真的不明白,人人也懂得劏魚,人人也是這麼賣魚,不知道為甚麼就是特別欣賞我,這其實讓我挺自豪的⋯⋯」綽號「西環魚王」的鄭錦雄,笑笑說道。在堅尼地城士美非路街市,他坐鎮的周記魚檔,總是人頭湧湧,一斑街坊...

工作得獎感言英文 在 吳迦樂 Olivia Wu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 18:10:57

每年的生日過完了之後,心裏總是五味雜陳的有好多話想說,得到的祝福總還是想認真的感謝你們,但說出來又好像是得獎感言番的冗長...但我還是想講。 謝謝我的家人,爸爸媽媽哥哥弟弟,阿凱凱阿樂樂還有汽水,聚在一起平凡的窩在家裡吃飯切蛋糕,這樣子平凡但卻是最幸福的事了。 謝謝演藝圈的長官們前輩們還有哥哥姊...

工作得獎感言英文 在 方健儀 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 03:32:30

2016.7.8 港股策略王周刊 破天「方」專欄 《G-Dragon是可怕的!》 G-Dragon真係好恐怖,恐怖在我去完一轉韓國之後,佢徹底將我的口味改變晒,你細讀文章就知點解... 專欄全文: http://goo.gl/5lw4hP #strategist #港股策略王 #column co...

  • 工作得獎感言英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-10 23:40:49
    有 406 人按讚

    [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!

    South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.

    1. black comedy 黑色幽默
    2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
    3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
    4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言

    Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)



    Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!


    Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.

    5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束

    6. be done for 完蛋了

    7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了



    Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.

    8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...

    9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*



    Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.

    10. be nominated for 被提名
    11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎



    When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.

    12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
    13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
    14. short list 短名單



    And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.

    15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
    16 split into 分成
    17. share it with all 與大家分享
    18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
    19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院

    還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。

    *未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛


    奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs

    落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

    電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd

    攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D



    Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/

  • 工作得獎感言英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-10 23:40:49
    有 406 人按讚

    [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!

    South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.

    1. black comedy 黑色幽默
    2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
    3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
    4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言

    Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)



    Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!


    Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.

    5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束

    6. be done for 完蛋了

    7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了



    Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.

    8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...

    9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*



    Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.

    10. be nominated for 被提名
    11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎



    When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.

    12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
    13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
    14. short list 短名單



    And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.

    15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
    16 split into 分成
    17. share it with all 與大家分享
    18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
    19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院

    還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。

    *未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛


    奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs

    落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

    電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd

    攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D



    Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/

  • 工作得獎感言英文 在 Openbook閱讀誌 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-12-07 18:29:34
    有 311 人按讚








    感謝辛苦的❤工作人員❤:閱讀大使:紀培慧/主視覺設計:廖小子/視覺構成:林峰毅、顧力榮/動畫導演:楊朝皓/音樂設計:許家維/主視覺攝影:quencyyen/服裝協力:DressCode/化妝:Yenting/化妝協力:羅翎/影片導演:廖建華/我的書架簡史設計:吳欣瑋/摺頁設計:陳恩安/摺頁印刷:通南彩色/作家攝影:王志元/典禮攝影:陳宥中、張震洲/典禮主持:姚立強(包子)/典禮表演:陳嫺靜/典禮嘉賓:石虎家族love&life 來虎/講座攝影:張震洲/典禮策展:葉飛、林峰毅/獎座設計:謝文泰建築師事務所/超專業場地協力:AVENUE|work + space/手工書:犬吉工作室/

    鞠躬致意所有❤合作夥伴❤:三民書局、五南文化廣場、中央書局、紀州庵文學森林、友善書業供給合作社、灰熊愛讀書網路書店、何嘉仁書店、金石堂書店、台南政大書城、書林書店、博客來、誠品書店、聯經書房上海書店、紀伊國屋書店、momo書店、myBook樂讀隨我、Readmoo讀墨、TAAZE讀冊生活、TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE、udn讀書吧。




    照片攝影:攝影中 Chung is Photographing


