

在 山楂乾沖水產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【夏日大作戰】又到了最想減肥的季節  ⭐️是水腫還是肥胖 ⭐️選對食材減肥事半功倍 #星期二提升正能量  減肥食材一覽 又到了穿背心、短褲的季節,多餘的脂肪立即無所遁形,心目中立即出現兩個字:減肥!從中醫角度來看,減肥宜先了解體質,例如究竟自己是屬於實胖(肉質結實、食慾大、易肚餓)還是...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,烏梅在不少乾果店見得多,不過你知不知道,烏梅其實是由青梅製作而成?梅屬於薔薇科桃李屬植物,青梅味道苦澀,且含有叫「氰酸」的毒素,直接吃不好味。坊間通常會用糖漬或鹽漬的方式加工,因為加工處理,發揮的食用效果更好,青梅有開胃通膽及生津止渴的功效。 不少工廠將青梅加工製成烏梅,5月時採摘即將成熟的青梅。...

山楂乾沖水 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-02 18:58:16

【夏日大作戰】又到了最想減肥的季節  ⭐️是水腫還是肥胖 ⭐️選對食材減肥事半功倍 #星期二提升正能量  減肥食材一覽 又到了穿背心、短褲的季節,多餘的脂肪立即無所遁形,心目中立即出現兩個字:減肥!從中醫角度來看,減肥宜先了解體質,例如究竟自己是屬於實胖(肉質結實、食慾大、易肚餓)還是...

  • 山楂乾沖水 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-16 19:37:24
    有 207 人按讚

    山楂 — 性微溫,有消食健胃、行氣散瘀的功效,可治消化不良、臉上色斑、暗瘡印等,更可降血脂和消脂。惟體弱氣虛及糖尿病者不宜多吃。
    荷葉 -性平,能消暑、清頭目、降脂減肥,適合夏日中暑、頭昏腦脹、暑熱腹瀉、大便出血、流鼻血、高血脂等,惟體質瘦弱、氣血虛弱者不宜。
    粟米鬚 - 性平,能清熱利尿,降血糖。適合高血壓病人、水腫、尿道炎及糖尿病人服用。
    冬瓜 — 性涼,具有清熱祛暑、利水消痰、減肥的功效,適合浮腫、肥胖、暑熱煩悶者飲用。脾腎虛弱易有腹瀉者、陽虛體質不宜。
    紙包米水建議零售價:$15/包| $180/箱(12包)
    建議零售價:$15/包| $180/箱(12包)
    CheckCheckCin 全線分店 | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore 有售
    🛒歡迎 Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp 訂購:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Fat burning ingredients at-a-glance 
    In the season of wearing sleeveless shirt and shorts, you cannot hide any excess fat. You may think about losing weight. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, you should understand your body condition first. For example, you should figure out if you truly have obesity (strong and dense muscle, with a large appetite and always hungry) or have asthenic weight gain (loose muscles, poor appetite, cold and bloated limbs). Besides conditioning the body, eating more Chinese hawthorn and lotus leaf can also improve fat burn. The fresh Chinese hawthorn looks like a mini apple and can be eaten as fruit or can be brewed with water. Fresh lotus leaf can be used directly to cook soup or congee, and they will be found every summer in the market. Dried Chinese hawthorn and dried lotus leaf are more common, and they are available in Chinese medicine shops and dried goods stores.
    If you suffer from edema, you should strengthen the spleen to dispel dampness first. If the edema is obvious, corn silk and winter melon are ingredients that can clear the heat and promote diuresis, which helps to lose weight. You can add a piece of ginger to counter the cold nature. Over 90% of winter melon are made up of water, making them especially suitable for consumption during the hot summer, helping to clear summer heat and replenish moisture. Fresh corn silk can be bought in the market and boiled with water.
    Chinese Hawthorn- mildly warm in nature, can aid digestion and strengthen the stomach, promote qi circulation to remove bruising. Helps to aid digestion, facial freckles and spot, pimple marks and so on. It can also lower blood lipids and improve fat burn. Those with weak body, qi deficiency and diabetes should eat less.
    Lotus leaf- mild in nature, can clear summer heat, improves vision and dizziness and burns fat. Suitable for summer heat stroke, dizziness, summer heat diarrhea, stool bleeding, nosebleeds, high cholesterol, etc., but not suitable for those with weak body and qi and blood deficiency.
    Corn silk - mild in nature, clears heat and promotes diuresis, lower the blood sugar. Suitable for those with high blood pressure, edema, urethritis and diabetes.
    Winter melon – cool in nature, clears summer heat, promotes diuresis, clears phlegm and burns fat. Suitable for those with bloating, fat, summer heat and irritability. Not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and kidneys, prone to diarrhea, or yang deficiency body condition. 
    ✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
    Effects: reduces water retention, relieves abdominal bloating, improves yellowish complexion
    Paper pack rice water list price: $15/pack| $180/case (12 packs)
    Rice water powder list price: $138/box(15 packs)
    ✔ Recommendation: Chinese hawthorn tea
    Ingredients: Water, Chinese Hawthorn, rock sugar, oolong tea
    Effects: Aids weight loss and improves fat burn, regulates qi to enhance blood flow. Suitable for indigestion, dull complexion, skin discoloration and chubbiness.
    Note: This tea is sour in taste. Those with stomach acid reflux and are prone to stomach pain and discomfort should not drink on an empty stomach. Suitable for drinking before menstruation; not suitable for pregnant women and women during menstruation.
    Note: Chinese hawthorn is sour and not suitable to have on an empty stomach. Not suitable for pregnant, menstruating women or those with stomach discomfort.
    List price: $15/pack| $180/case (12 packs)
    Available in: CheckCheckCin shops | Green Common|HKTVmall|Ztore 
    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
    #男 #女 #我胖了 #痰濕 #減肥

  • 山楂乾沖水 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-03-15 11:00:04





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