

在 履行duty英文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過361萬的網紅蘋果新聞網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《蘋果日報》社長張劍虹:「《蘋果》一定撐下去。」 ★新聞無屏蔽,一指盡覽!點下去就對了 【不懼港府白色恐怖 壹傳媒聲明:堅守崗位,撐到底!】 https://bit.ly/3acJoPe 【不斷更新】港府濫捕再增2人!黎智英等9人遭拘捕 港警:不排除逮更多人 https://...


  • 履行duty英文 在 蘋果新聞網 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-11 00:30:05
    有 1,351 人按讚

    【不懼港府白色恐怖 壹傳媒聲明:堅守崗位,撐到底!】
    【不斷更新】港府濫捕再增2人!黎智英等9人遭拘捕 港警:不排除逮更多人
    【港國安法】黎智英被捕淡定稱「不用擔心」 CEO:《蘋果》一定可以撐下去
    【港國安法】黃之鋒呼籲港人挺《蘋果》 就算明天印白紙也買光報紙
    【港國安法】港人出錢挺!壹傳媒盤中暴漲344% 收盤大漲183%
    #國際新聞 #蘋果國際 #壹傳媒 #黎智英 #港區國安法 #港版國安法 #香港國安法 #香港蘋果日報 #白色恐怖 #WeNeedAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily #FreeJimmyLai #撐蘋果日報


    中文: https://bit.ly/30FEF5A
    English: https://bit.ly/2DGeSS7





    Following the arrests of Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital, and executives of the media group under the national security law on Monday, several hundreds of police officers conducted a raid at the Apple Daily headquarters. Officers were seen rifling through documents in the newsroom, breaching press freedom through intimidation and creating an atmosphere of white terror. Apple Daily is furious and hereby strongly condemns the operation.

    The Hong Kong Police Force have blatantly bypassed the law and abused their power, despite claims about acting according to the rules. They have, for instance, ignored the limitation of the search warrant and rifled through news materials, as well as restricting press members from reporting and obstructing a news organization from operating. In the face of these illegal, unreasonable and barbaric tactics, the staff of Apple Daily will stay fearless and continue speaking the truth amid persecution.

    Beijing’s national security law for Hong Kong claims to guarantee residents’ freedom of speech, of the press and of publication, but the authorities’ actions have proved otherwise. Raiding a news institution is a severe attack on press freedom and should not be tolerated in a civilized society. The regime believes that we will be silenced by intimidation and harassment, and that they can take an international city down the path of autocracy. Hong Kong’s press freedom is now hanging by a thread, but our staff will remain fully committed to our duty to defend the freedom of the press.

    As Publisher of Apple Daily Cheung Kim Hung says: Apple Daily shall fight on.

    💪🏼 VIP撐《蘋果》計劃 每月$300起
    🍎 黎智英:經營非常困難 請支持訂閱

  • 履行duty英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-02 07:00:12
    有 326 人按讚

    [時事英文] 精神錯亂辯護
    The insanity defense, also known as the mental disorder defense, is an affirmative defense by excuse in a criminal case, arguing that the defendant is not responsible for their actions due to an episodic or persistent psychiatric disease at the time of the criminal act. This is contrasted with an excuse of provocation, in which the defendant is responsible, but the responsibility is lessened due to a temporary mental state.
    1. the insanity defense 精神錯亂辯護
    2. mental disorder 精神障礙
    3. an affirmative defense 積極抗辯;確認的抗辯
    4. defendant 被告人
    5. responsible for their actions 為他們的行為負責
    6. episodic 發作的;偶發的
    7. persistent psychiatric disease 持續的精神性疾病
    8. a criminal act 犯罪行為
    9. an excuse of provocation 義憤殺人的免責條款*
    10. be lessened 被減輕
    11. a temporary mental state 暫時的精神狀態
    精神錯亂辯護 ,也叫做精神障礙辯護,是刑事案件中用以積極抗辯的理由,鑑於被告犯罪時偶發或持續的精神性疾病,故無法為其行為負責。這與義憤殺人的免責條款形成對比——在義憤殺人的情況中被告負有刑責,惟由於暫時的精神狀態,刑責得以減輕。
    *an excuse of provocation 詳參——
    The man charged in the slaying of a railway police officer last year was acquitted of murder by the Chiayi District Court yesterday, with judges saying that the suspect, surnamed Cheng, had a mental disorder. However, Cheng was ordered to undergo five years of psychiatric treatment.
    12. be charged with 被控告
    13. the slaying of 殺害⋯⋯
    14. a railway police officer 鐵路警察
    15. be acquitted 被宣判無罪
    16. suspect (n.) 嫌犯
    17. undergo 接受(治療或檢查等);經歷,經受(令人不快的事或變化)
    18. psychiatric treatment 精神病治療
    The parents of Lee Cheng-han, the 25-year-old railway officer killed in July last year, were at the court. Lee Tseng-wen, Lee Cheng-han’s father, told reporters after the verdict was announced: “This is outrageous.”

    “My son was killed in the line of his duty as a police officer and the court gave a not guilty ruling,” he said. “It is painful for me right now. The judges have lost their senses and reason.”
    19. verdict 裁決
    20. in the line of duty 在工作中;在執行任務時
    21. not guilty 無罪
    22. a court ruling 法院判決

    “He was our only son. He worked diligently and was devoted to his family. We have to suffer the pain and sorrow of his death to this day,” he said. “If we could turn back the clock, we would never allow him to work as a police officer.”
    23. suffer 遭受;受苦
    24. pain and sorrow 痛苦與悲傷
    25. turn back the clock 將時間倒轉
    「他是我們的獨生子。他工作勤奮並為家庭犧牲奉獻。直到今天,我們都必須承受他去世的痛苦與悲傷,」他說。「 如果我們可以讓時間倒轉,我們絕不允許他當警察。」
    Cheng, 55, was examined by psychiatrists, who said that he was suffering from schizophrenia when he stabbed Lee Cheng-han. “He was under a delusion that affected his behavior at the time,” the psychiatrists said in a report. “His actions resulted from his mental condition.”
    26. be examined by 被⋯⋯檢查
    27. schizophrenia 思覺失調症;精神分裂症
    28. stab(用刀等銳器)刺
    29. under a delusion 陷入一種妄想(或幻想)
    30. result from 肇因於⋯⋯
    31. mental condition 精神狀況
    “Psychiatrists say that people with schizophrenia must take medication their whole lives. If they do not, they will relapse,” the report said. “Cheng’s mental capacity had deteriorated and he had lost awareness of his action at the time.”

    The judges cited Article 19 of the Criminal Code: “An offense is not punishable if it is committed by a person who is mentally disordered.” Cheng was granted release on NT$500,000 bail, but his family reportedly could not pay the amount, so he remained in detention yesterday.
    32. take medication 服藥
    33. relapse 舊病復發
    34. mental capacity 意思能力*
    35. deteriorate 惡化;變壞
    36. lose awareness 失去意識
    37. an offense 罪過
    38. not punishable 不罰
    39. be granted release 被批准釋放
    40. bail 保釋金
    41. pay the amount 支付該筆金額
    42. remain in detention 持續拘留
    資訊出處: https://bit.ly/2KQz4k9
    [時事英文] 死刑:https://bit.ly/3bVrtg6

  • 履行duty英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-06-08 21:45:42
    有 184 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國退出《巴黎協定》之關鍵詞彙



    雖然老師站在「世界公民」的立場上是絕對反對美國的退出 (個人也覺得美國在很多領域的優勢地位正在被削弱) ,我還是覺得大家在下定論之前應該去分析一下川普作此決定立場與動機,了解川普的想法與美國下此決定後將迎來的改變。

    因此我花了一些時間把川普退出巴黎協定的聲明中的關鍵詞彙都列出來! 由於筆記的長度大約10頁,老師這次將完整的文件放在下方的鏈接中,就不在FB文章中列出所有內容囉。

    關鍵詞彙完整筆記: https://goo.gl/rOQBUB

    1. backlash 反衝
    2. keep promises 保持承諾
    3. Supreme Court justice 美國聯邦最高法院大法官
    4. put in place 就定位,準備就緒
    5. illegal immigration 非法移民
    6. fruits of our labor 我們努力丶勞動的成果
    7. following through on our commitments 遵循我們的承諾
    8. fulfill my solemn duty 履行我的莊嚴責任
    9. enter into an agreement 訂約
    10. absorb the cost 吸收成本
    11. cease all implementation 停止所有實施
    12. non-binding Paris accord 無約束力的巴黎協議
    13. draconian and financial economic burdens 嚴厲的和金融經濟的負擔
    14. impose on 強加於
    15. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) 國家自定預期貢獻
    16. Green Climate Fund 綠色氣候基金
    17. costing the U.S. a vast fortune 耗費了美國的巨額財富
    18. compliance with 遵守,按照
    19. onerous energy restrictions 繁重的能源限制
    20. National Economic Research Associates 國家經濟研究協會
    21. vital American industries 重要的美國工業
    22. subject to 受…約束或影響
    23. harsh economic restrictions 嚴厲的經濟限制
    24. fail to live up to… 沒有達成某種要求或期望
    25. impose no meaningful obligations 沒有強加於任何有意義的義務

    and more: https://goo.gl/rOQBUB

    Fact check: https://goo.gl/wq4nYf


    巴黎氣候峰會詞彙: https://goo.gl/GKqoq0

    川普的自創英文詞彙: https://youtu.be/1e8d4HnLl1U

    時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): http://goo.gl/3EnOO6


    Image source: https://goo.gl/L3y3c4

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