

在 小氣財神內容產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 入冬了,先加件衣服一起來讀 #BBC新聞 🎅紅白色聖誕老人的前世今生 The real reason Father Christmas wears red and white 🎄 Why, after all, does Santa Claus wear red and white? 聖誕老...

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2021-08-03 09:05:18

大家對我一開始出道的印象是哪個節目? 國光幫幫忙、全民大悶鍋還是小氣大財神? (很多人的答案一定都是小氣大財神) 其實我最早是從國光幫幫忙的助理開始進入演藝圈的,沒記錯的話應該是2006年吧!已經算是元老級的助理了(你們不會不知道吧😱) 記得那時的我20出頭歲,只是一般模特兒公司的小模,後來也不知道...

  • 小氣財神內容 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-21 07:10:02
    有 63 人按讚

    入冬了,先加件衣服一起來讀 #BBC新聞
    The real reason Father Christmas wears red and white

    🎄 Why, after all, does Santa Claus wear red and white?


    Many people will tell you that the modern Santa is dressed to match the red-and-white colors of a can of Coke, and was popularized by Coca Cola's advertising in the 1930s.


    A good story, but the red-and-white Santa himself wasn't created to advertise Coca-Cola - why, he was touting the rival beverage White Rock back in 1923. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was the one who was invented as a marketing gimmick.

    可口可樂公司當時的確有為宣傳可樂創造一個卡通人物,但那是紅鼻子馴鹿魯道夫,而不是身穿紅白衣服的聖誕老人──他1923年就已經誕生,當時是為了宣傳可口可樂的競爭對手White Rock汽水。

    🤶 The modern Santa Claus is actually much older, a patchwork character woven together from different sources. These include Saint Nicholas, a 4th Century Greek bishop - who famously wore red robes while giving gifts to the poor, especially children - and the English folk figure "Father Christmas", whose original green robes turned red over time.

    現代聖誕老人是用不同歷史人物的故事拼湊而成。這包括一名4世紀的 #希臘主教 聖尼古拉斯,許多神話都記載他身穿紅色外衣給窮人派禮物。另外,聖誕老人的部份特色來自英國神話故事人物 #聖誕神父,他原本身穿綠色外衣,但漸漸變成紅色。

    The Santa we know also owes much to the Dutch figure Sinterklaas - also based on Saint Nicholas - whose legend flourished in the once-Dutch city of New York, popular with prosperous Manhattanites such as Washington Irving and Clement Clarke Moore in the early 1800s.

    但對現代聖誕老人形象影響最深遠的,是受希臘主教聖尼古拉斯的一個荷蘭神話故事人物。他的中文譯名也是 #聖尼古拉斯,在曾經是荷蘭殖民地的紐約市十分流行,受歐文和穆爾等住在紐約曼克頓的作家歡迎。

    🎁 It was in the 1820s, too, that advertisements for Christmas presents became common in the United States.

    而在穆爾的同一個年代,美國零售商為了 #清理年末積壓下來的存貨,開始用廣告鼓勵大眾給其他人買聖誕禮物。

    By the 1840s, Santa himself was a frequent commercial icon in advertisements. Retailers, after all, had to find some way to clear their end-of-year stock. The gift-giving tradition took firm hold.


    In Boston in 1867, 10,000 people paid to see Charles Dickens give readings of his Christmas Carol - a story light on biblical details and heavy on the idea of generosity.

    1867年的底特律,約1萬人排隊買票,就是為了聽英國著名小說家狄更斯朗讀他的小說 #聖誕頌歌(又譯《小氣財神》),內容主要宣揚無私、慷慨解囊的精神。




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