在 寵物chord產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過116萬的網紅謝和弦 R-chord (阿扣),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【遇見牠.衣起讓愛延續 關懷動物邀您一起來!】 今天介紹三位關心動物的藝人朋友, 他們用歌聲撫慰人心、 用專業帶給人們歡樂, 而這次更捐出全新/二手商品 來幫助受虐動物! 健康女孩 小甜甜 張可昀 能量歌姬 李佳薇Jess Lee 音樂狂人 謝和弦 R-chord (阿扣) ...
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅JG野人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,國語唱法太強大? #結他 #cover #自彈自唱 #國語唱法 商業合作▶[email protected] 贊助Donate餵食野人▶https://goo.gl/ixxG5K 訂閲我的頻道 ▶https://goo.gl/RzS8DU 追隨我的Facebook ▶http://...
寵物chord 在 謝和弦R-chord Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-10 19:56:22
【遇見牠.衣起讓愛延續 關懷動物邀您一起來!】 今天介紹三位關心動物的藝人朋友, 他們用歌聲撫慰人心、 用專業帶給人們歡樂, 而這次更捐出全新/二手商品 來幫助受虐動物! 健康女孩 小甜甜 張可昀 能量歌姬 李佳薇Jess Lee 音樂狂人 謝和弦 R-chord (阿扣) 現場有藝人捐贈的寵物...
寵物chord 在 JG野人 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2019-03-21 19:43:41國語唱法太強大?
#結他 #cover #自彈自唱 #國語唱法
訂閲我的頻道 ▶https://goo.gl/RzS8DU
追隨我的Facebook ▶http://goo.gl/asA5FV
商業合作▶junglerchannel@gmail.com -
寵物chord 在 Kermit Tam Youtube 的精選貼文
2016-05-19 18:09:13希望大家多多支持!!!
Facebook Page會每天有新的圖文教學,
記住LIKE 左要Click埋 "All Update" :)
Kermit Facebook Page:
圍威喂Facebook Page:
Kermit hkig: kermit1215
Polygon IG (結他/用品) : polygonmusic
圍威喂 IG : (Ukulele/用品) : wwwukulele -
寵物chord 在 Steven Law Youtube 的精選貼文
2015-08-08 16:26:35Arranged and Played by Steven Law
My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung
Tab: http://wp.me/p15ObL-Ku
寵物chord 在 謝和弦 R-chord (阿扣) Facebook 的精選貼文
健康女孩 小甜甜 張可昀
能量歌姬 李佳薇Jess Lee
音樂狂人 謝和弦 R-chord (阿扣)
💝活動連結💝 http://bit.ly/2DPryEO
#遇見牠衣起讓愛延續 #二手市集 #secondhand
寵物chord 在 YANKI DIN 丁可欣 Facebook 的最讚貼文
聯署方法:1. 打句說話和你的稱呼✍,例如:要求🙅取消❌6.21玉林狗肉節❌,阿John。⚠務必在主貼下面打句簽署,才計入名單之中,在別人轉貼下面打無法計入。⚠
2. 在專頁比個讚,支持❤「愛動物 零虐畜」運動。支持人數愈多,運動就更有號召力。
3. 傳開去,呼籲更多人聯署。🙇♀🙇♂
<標題:香港人接龍,緊隨三百萬人聯署,要求港區全國政協委員,禁止內地食貓狗!> #SaveDogChina
內文:中國廣西玉林市一年一度的「荔枝狗肉節」即將在本月二十一日舉行,全球各地的愛狗人士早已在各個平台發起聯署活動,並將過去玉林市民殘忍虐殺活狗的影片置入,引起廣大網友共鳴;其中在change .org 的平台更是有將近三百萬人聯署,要求當地停止這個虐待狗狗的活動。
三百萬人聯署抵制!玉林狗肉節「照常辦」 噴槍朝活狗眼嘴狂燒:
聯署發起團體:AELLA Asia、動物友善政策關注小組、愛動物 零虐畜(ZeroAnimalAbuse)、愛動物大聯盟(LoveAnimalHK Group)、唐狗就是寶、給狗狗一個家 、香港寵物領養、台灣寵物認養或救助、不要歧視或虐待流浪狗或貓、關注深井 「海韻花園」拯救cccp 流浪貓
另新增網上填表聯署方法,大家也可到此聯署(Alternative way to sign by online petition form):http://bit.ly/2Jom8DP
How to sign:
1. Please say a word and give your name to sign this petition. For example, ❌ban🙅 Yulin Dog Meat Festival, John. ⚠Please make sure you do so in this main post, not others. Otherwise it won't count. ⚠
2. Subscribe us. The more people join us, more power we have.
3. Kindly ask more people to sign. 🙇♀🙇♂
A Joint Petition to Urge the HK Regional Committee of CPPCC to Ban Dog-and-Cat-Eating in China, Following 3 Million People's Joint Signature
The annual “Litchi Dog-eating Festival” in Yulin, Guangxi, China, will be held on the 21st of this month. Dog lovers around the world have already initiated joint petitions on various platforms and have posted videos of Yulin citizens cruelly killing dogs alive, striking a responsive chord in the hearts of a huge number of netizens; among them, the change .org platform has received nearly 3 million people's joint signature asking for the this dog-abusing activity to be stopped in Yulin.
Hongkongers are now requested to unite in putting forth the following appeals:
1) Banning dog-and-cat-hunting. In the past decade, syndicates involved in stealing cats and dogs have been running wild on the Chinese Mainland. Dog stealers use highly toxic substances like succinylcholine to steal dogs. There are reports of people having died of poisoning, and some of those whose dogs are stolen have resorted to lynching. All these show that the situation is already intolerable.
2) Banning of cat-and-dog-eating. This is already an international trend. At present, cats and dogs slaughtered on the Chinese Mainland have not passed health quarantine, indicating that law enforcement officers in various provinces and municipalities do not always follow regulations.
3) Accelerating the drafting of the initial form of an "Animal Protection Ordinance", so as to integrate China with the international community regarding animal rights as soon as possible.
After completion of the joint signature campaign, the contents will be sent to members of the Hong Kong Regional Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to promote the banning of dog-and-cat-eating on the Chinese Mainland, and for re-discussion of the "Animal Protection Ordinance" in the National People's Congress, which is already advocated by certain members of the National Committee of CPPCP and studied by universities.
"Boycotted by 3 Million People! Yulin Dog-eating Festival Held as Usual; Dogs' Eyes and Mouths Madly Burnt with Spray Guns"
Petition Sponsored by: AELLA Asia, Animal Friendly Alliance, 愛動物 零虐畜(ZeroAnimalAbuse), 愛動物大聯盟(LoveAnimalHK Group)、Mongrel Dog Lovers、Give Dogs A Home 、香港寵物領養、台灣寵物認養或救助、不要歧視或虐待流浪狗或貓、關注深井 「海韻花園」拯救cccp 流浪貓
Translated by Chapman Chen, Ph.D.
1. 最新聯署人數(FB和網上表格)是21,399,但這個數字仍然不夠,希望大家繼續努力,我們爭取至少有三萬。
寵物chord 在 譚杏藍 Hana Tam Facebook 的最佳貼文
我酒家兩公主biiru soju 應該會買零食吧
#hkfashionwalk #petsrock
【Fashion Walk x Pets Rock】
物似主人形!你有想過寵物都有與我們相似的個性、品味和愛好嗎?睇下小花 譚杏藍 Hana Tam 同灰貓波兒就知道啦!
Fashion Walk今個夏季破天荒與首次於香港曝光的英國跨媒體插畫藝術Pets Rock合作,推出「Fashion Walk X Pets Rock」聯乘活動,多位Pets Rock寵物巨星將與一眾潮人見面。請密切留意,多種精彩活動即將揭曉~7月12日Fashion Walk約定😺🐶🐺🦊🐭🐹🐰!
Pets look like owners! Have you imagine your pets may have similar personality, taste and interest as you? Watch the video and you will strike a chord!
Fashion Walk is going to launch a month-long summer campaign “Fashion Walk X Pets Rock”, a collaboration with the masterminds of British multimedia brand Pets Rock to bring internationally famous pets all the way from the UK to HK! Many Pets Rock’s characters will join the party and you can enjoy various events and privileges during the campaign! Bring your pets and join with us on 12 July!
特別鳴謝Special thanks:
agnès b.
Francfranc Hong Kong
kate spade new york
MAC Cosmetics
#HKFashionWalk #petsrock #pets #microfilm #love #petslovers #cat #meow
Follow us on IG! https://www.instagram.com/hkfashionwalk