New mat for our pre-crawling baby! Momomi Soft Touch Tatami Mat breaks the rule of babyish design and can fit into interior design without jeopardisin...
New mat for our pre-crawling baby! Momomi Soft Touch Tatami Mat breaks the rule of babyish design and can fit into interior design without jeopardising your baby’s safety. We have the 30mm thick version that has non slip design, stain resistant and easy to clean, perfect for rolling and crawling babies. It is also a good surface for my yoga and Pilates practice! Not to mention it is also a nice carpet to have! Momomi is so nice to have offered my followers a 10% discount. All you need to do is to follow this link to get it. Honestly, I am so fed up with the cartoon mats in the living room for many years through the older boys growing up, I am so pleased with something that actually doesn’t make my house look like a playroom! No wonder they have all the followings from cool mums!
For 10% discount just follow this link:
細細B早幾日滿咗半歲,現在開始識坐吓,扒低時手腳又開始青蛙咁郁郁吓其實就即係差不多學爬。呢個時間嘅tummy time一張細細play mat已經唔夠要開始鋪地下因為呢個年紀,碌來碌去又開始爬,一定要準備一個大D又安全嘅area比佢哋。當然呢個area要 child proof,例如唔可以比BB接觸到電線電制,同埋唔可以有D可開又易碰撞嘅櫃門、尖角等等。仲有個地要鋪個軟墊,因為BB坐同爬都未穏,個頭成日都會撞落地㗎!
不過呢今次細細B個墊就唔同喇,要多謝凱林家介紹我用呢張日本出品嘅Momomi Soft Touch Tatami Mat棉花糖地墊軟綿綿,好舒服!佢2019年升級版採用獨家研發嘅高彈空氣棉,不易變形、更柔軟、更彈、更快乾!佢有分15及30mm厚度,學爬學行嘅BB最啱用30mm厚。佢有透氣設計,四季都適用,而且容易清潔,超快乾,如果整污糟咗,例如食嘢整污糟,立即用濕紙巾擦就乾淨,而且,不易藏毛髮塵蟎。平時只要用吸塵機清潔就可以,仲可以手洗㗎!佢係用獨家高彈空氣棉製造,唔易變形,仲有防滑及隔音設計。最正嘅係佢有11隻超靚超柔和嘅顏色,又有11種尺寸。如果真係揾唔到啱size仲可以訂造!Soft Touch Tatami Mat棉花糖地墊已通過歐盟兒童產品安全認證及擁有Hong Kong Safety Mark,可以放心比BB用!
至於我自己,依家會在墊上做Pilates,有時攰得滯同BB一齊瞓晏覺都超舒服㗎!自從多咗個墊,全家好似多咗個gathering point咁,個個都坐哂埋去。梗係啦,舒服吖嘛!
大家如果想買個靚墊比BB、或者一張地毯地墊兩用,可比BB用自己又可做yoga pilates用,我強力推介呀!而且我有條discount link,大家用呢條link入去仲有9折呀好抵㗎:
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