
為什麼這篇好想去喔haven離開鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在好想去喔haven離開這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者michellebtb (Michelle)看板GreysAnatomy標題[閒聊] 又有人要離...

好想去喔haven離開 在 Haven 혜문 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 19:24:10

- #雲河星空景觀餐廳 的最後一張照片了🤪 這裡真的超多點可以拍 我只有待2小時左右 照片就好多哈哈 不過因為那天太熱太悶 必拍的拍完我就先離開 不然怕會中暑🥲 其實園區超大 要待一整天都沒問題 也有好多適合小朋友玩的沙坑和鞦韆 帶小朋友一起去也適合 不過蚊子很多 記得準備防蚊液 或是準備一個像我一...



Two Major Cast Members Are About to Leaverey's Anatomy

You might want to sit down for this,rey'sans – two beloved cast members will be leaving the show at the end of its current fourteenth season. Pereadline, Jessica Capshaw (Dr Arizona Robbins) and Sarah Drew (Dr April Kepner) are both departing, after producers opted not to renew their contracts for the new season.

Both actresses are long-standing, core cast members – Capshaw has been on the show for ten seasons, while Drew has been on it for nine – and will reportedly be the only series regulars to leave the show this year. The decision was apparently based on "the show's creative direction", which is vague enough to mean just about anything.

“The characters of Arizona and April are permanently woven into the fabric ofrey’s Anatomyhanks to the extraordinary work of Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew,” said co-showrunner Krista Vernoff. “As writers, our job is to follow the stories where they want to go and sometimes that means saying goodbye to characters we love. It has been a joy and a privilege to work with these phenomenally talented actresses.”

Both Capshaw and Drew posted statements via social media shortly after the news broke this afternoon. "For the past ten years, I have had the rare privilege of not only playing Arizona Robbins, but also being madly in love with playing her,” Capshaw wrote, before going on to praise the character as “one of the first members of the LGBTQ community to be represented in a series regular role on network television.”

In her statement, Drew noted that the news was still very fresh. “I know you’re sad,” she wrote. “I’m sad too. I haven’t really had the time to process this information. I’ve been with it for less than 48 hours, so I’m not ready to say my thank you and give an all encompassing statement about my 9 years here. That will come later :)” She went on to express her love for her character and for her “Grey’s family.”

“It’s always hard for me to say goodbye to any of my characters,” said creator Shonda Rhimes. “Both Arizona Robbins and April Kepner are not only beloved but iconic — both the LBGTQ and devout Christian communities are underrepresented on TV. I will be forever grateful to both Jessica and Sarah for bringing these characters to life with such vibrant performance and for inspiring women around the globe. They will always be a part of our Shondaland family.”

It's not yet clear know how Arizona and April will be written out, but until the season finale airs, you can always console yourself with adorable Insta shots of the two of them together.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GreysAnatomy/M.1520554882.A.C45.html
LoveJxJ: 準備棄劇了......QAQ 03/09 09:04
breakingdown: Oh...No...很喜歡Arizona這個角色… 03/09 09:04
breakingdown: 只希望編劇能大發慈悲…Arizona已經沒腿了…可以讓 03/09 09:05
breakingdown: 她有個happy ending 03/09 09:06
ayk1021: 難過 喜歡最近的April 03/09 09:08
roastbacon: Alex怎麼能待這麼久 03/09 09:35
starchao: no~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~無法接受~~~~~~~~ 03/09 09:39
mina: 嗚 03/09 10:09
Karta0945688: 一早起來看到都快哭了 03/09 10:19
Karta0945688: Arizona是我追下去的唯一動力啊... 03/09 10:20
wkimk: 無法接受,最喜歡az了,最近戲份好少..... 03/09 11:25
thinsatan115: 可以安心棄劇了QAQ 最愛的AZ....... 03/09 12:20
ddchild: QQ 03/09 12:31
singing1010: 不!!!! 03/09 12:42
gttap23: 真的要棄劇了... 03/09 12:49
greysholic: 他們不是自己想離開 是被炒 也是很奇葩 03/09 14:02
sallyhw: APRIL跟JACKSON~~ 03/09 16:01
sallyhw: 不過這二個角色,愈來愈邊緣化 03/09 16:01
sallyhw: GA跟CM後期愈來愈像,成員一集露臉成份愈來愈少 03/09 16:02
protest: 沒辦法接受,April也說自己不久前才知道這件事 03/09 16:20
protest: 本來看到現在的動力就只剩Japril了,現在剛好可以棄 T^T 03/09 16:21
protest: 如果兩人復合一起離開就好,但Jackson很受國外粉絲喜愛 03/09 16:22
l0215e: Arizona啊QQQQQQQQ 03/09 17:31
onlynin: Japril T_T 03/09 20:43
OnlyChi: Arizona~~~~~T___T 03/09 21:44
LoveJxJ: 原來兩人是被炒,實在無法接受!不然去衍生劇好了 03/09 21:46
milkvampire: 好了 我不看了!!!!!! 03/09 22:28
aphrodite91: 不能接受 03/09 23:56
aphrodite91: 沒有復合不想看了 03/09 23:57
kentingyanzi: 天啊好難過喔...... 03/10 01:27
bchen1222: 雖然一度很討厭April 但..QQ 03/10 02:46
phoenie: 超不爽,為什麼不炒Maggie! 現在整齣劇這角色最不討喜 03/10 03:12
giantwen: 這是第一次炒主要腳色嗎? 不懂耶 cost down? 03/10 06:28
protest: 製作人是說因為創意方向的改變,才安排這兩個角色退出 03/10 10:22
protest: 表示身為編劇的責就是跟著故事前進,即使這代表必須送走 03/10 10:22
protest: 喜愛的角色這樣 XD 03/10 10:22
usgsally: Q_Q 03/10 10:53
thinsatan115: 為什麼不是Owen..覺得Owen是最沒什麼成長的角色... 03/10 11:50
jasonb0826: 難怪開始寫爛April這個角色! 03/10 13:09
onme: 原來是被炒 我本來還很佩服他們兩位有這麼穩定的工作竟然主 03/10 13:10
onme: 動辭職 yang跟derek主動辭真的讓我很佩服XD 03/10 13:12
tom91002: 從第10、11季開始,觀眾早就該做好被編劇當白癡的心理準 03/10 13:55
tom91002: 備了吧。看到這消息其實我沒啥感覺。還好我棄了XD。 03/10 13:55
greysholic: 編劇在reddit上被罵翻 昨晚是本節目有史以來最低收視 03/10 14:30
greysholic: 率 真是頗呵 03/10 14:30
flyfish1990: 這齣戲真的越來越瞎了 到後面一直偏maggie 本來看的 03/10 15:22
flyfish1990: 就已經沒意思了mere也越來越邊緣 唉 03/10 15:22
flyfish1990: Japril復合無望那可以準備棄了 本來想陪mere到最後 03/10 15:23
flyfish1990: 但後來我都快分不清誰是主角了 都給maggie演好了 03/10 15:23
flyfish1990: 黑人女主角 才政治正確 03/10 15:24
mycandyyo: CA和Japril真的是我的最愛嗚嗚嗚 03/10 15:32
mycandyyo: AA在備品室談心喝酒的友誼畫面我要拿出來複習了 03/10 15:33
airdor: April跟Arizona T^T,可以棄劇了,還以為Japril有機會的 03/10 16:31
annychange: 她兩要離開太令人桑心了, 後期比較喜歡的角色 03/10 21:03
chloeous: 一個月沒看就得到這麼哀傷的消息…這樣是要演什麼啊… 03/11 00:47
wwwjjj: NO......很喜歡Arizona和April,還有Japril>< 03/11 15:20
lisaonlisa2: ......... 該棄了 03/11 20:07
pilipalala: 什麼...傻眼欸,最喜歡AZ了!不知道這部還剩下什麼可 03/12 01:02
pilipalala: 看之處... 03/12 01:02
tupacshkur: April跟Arizona!!!!!! 03/12 20:42
appolociate: Maggie沒啥好看的 個性的深度也沒出來啊 03/12 21:38
michellebtb: Maggie真的只有惱人,出現這麼久還是無法喜歡她 03/12 22:47
prudence: 哀~還好棄追很久了..喬治走了之後就.. 03/13 19:58
lina83629: AZ!!! 不能承受..................... 03/14 08:03
deehsu: 很喜歡AZ+1,幸好已經棄劇了..要角都快沒了...@@ 03/14 09:04
jerrold: 已棄劇兩年路過…… 03/16 07:51
julie79: MAGGIE真的超無聊的耶 還我JApril >< 03/22 00:03
iohwa: Arizona....真該當初Callie走時就棄的... 03/22 12:41
chienhsu: 嗚嗚嗚原本期待japril複合的... 03/26 02:40
AllisonLuo: Arizona...我全劇最愛的角色... 03/27 23:24
yydd: Maggie真的不討喜 04/08 09:12
l0215e: Jessica Capshaw剛剛在推特上說最後一次從家裡開車去片場 04/11 01:17
l0215e: ,看了好感傷QQ 04/11 01:17

