

  • 女權中文歌 在 Charis Chua Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-26 21:26:04

    *CHARIS 蔡佳靈
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/charischuamusic
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/chariscl
    Weibo微博: http://www.weibo.com/charischua

    #阿拉丁 #Speechless #Aladdin
    Vocals & Keys: CC
    Mixed by: TC
    Videography: TC
    Editing: CC &TC

    中文歌詞來源: http://kun8871.pixnet.net/blog/post/223517820-【中英歌詞】naomi-scott---speechless-默不作聲-
    Here comes a wave meant to wash me away一波大浪向我席捲而來
    A tide that is taking me under 伴隨的潮水將我淹沒
    Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say 口裡吞進沙 使我無法開口
    My voice drowned out in the thunder 我的聲音掩沒在雷鳴聲中

    But I won't cry 但我不會哭
    And I won't start to crumble也不會就此崩潰
    Whenever they try 無論他們如何試著要
    To shut me or cut me down 使我噤聲或擊倒我

    I won't be silenced 我也不會就此沈默
    You can't keep me quiet 無法阻止我發聲
    Won't tremble when you try it無論你怎麼試圖阻撓 我也不會動搖顫抖
    All I know is I won't go speechless我只知道我不會因此什麼話都不說
    Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me 即使想讓我窒息 我也會大口呼吸
    Don't you underestimate me別低估我
    Cause I know that I won't go speechless 因為我知道我不會甘願保持沈默

    Written in stone every rule, every word自古以來的每條規則
    Centuries old and unbending 歷經千年 執拗不變
    Stay in your place better seen and not heard 總要我安份守己 不要有意見
    But now that story is ending 但如今 那樣的故事該結束了

    Cause I, I cannot start to crumble因為我不會崩潰
    So come on and try所以放馬過來吧
    Try to shut me and cut me down 即使試圖讓我噤聲 打倒我

    I won't be silenced我也不會就此緘默
    You can't keep me quiet你無法阻止我發聲
    Won't tremble when you try it 無論你如何阻撓 我也不會動搖顫抖
    All I know is I won't go speechless (speechless)我只知道我不會因此沈默不語
    Let the storm in 就讓暴風襲擊吧
    I cannot be broken 我是不會被打倒的
    No, I won't live unspoken 我不會卑微過一生
    Cause I know that I won't go speechless 我知道我不會就這樣坐以待斃 緘默不語

    Try to lock me in this cage 即使試圖把我鎖進牢籠裡
    I won't just lay me down and die 我也不會因此放棄或倒地不起
    I will take these broken wings 我會帶著殘破的雙翼
    And watch me burn across the sky 炙熱燃燒 飛越蒼穹

    Hear the echoes saying I ... won't be silenced 聽見那傳來的回音...我不會就此沈默
    Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it 即使你不斷試著要動搖我 想看我害怕顫抖的模樣

    All I know is I won't go speechless (speechless)

    Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me 即使想讓我窒息 我也會大口呼吸
    Don't you underestimate me 千萬別低估我
    Cause I know that I won't go speechless 因為我知道我不會甘願什麼都不說
    All I know is I won't go speechless我只知道我不會因此而保持沈默

