高血壓 health update #2
We did a blood test to see exactly what kind or reality I will have to face.
初頭佢哋抽咗血做咗個Test. 我最擔心就係糖尿病心臟病高血壓同埋膽固醇. 我都覺得自己可能有脂肪...
高血壓 health update #2
We did a blood test to see exactly what kind or reality I will have to face.
初頭佢哋抽咗血做咗個Test. 我最擔心就係糖尿病心臟病高血壓同埋膽固醇. 我都覺得自己可能有脂肪肝. 但係原來我冇同埋唔使太擔心糖尿病 😅。
Family history: diabetes, heart disease, high BP and cholesterol = biggest worries. I assumed that I have fatty liver even though I famously don’t drink alcohol.
Surprisingly, I am not AS bad as I thought. No fatty liver and no worries in the diabetes department! What a relief!
New find: Oestrogen levels were high and testosterone was low = a vicious cycle of fat. Looking at some photos of “Hormone Imbalance Body Types” it explains why my waist and bum and legs are so huge. So we are working on this now. It's a long, slow process but I am very excited about this discovery.
New discovery = low vitamin D (apparently very common)! Something to look out for because it helps the respiratory function and may help fight against Covid.
SO… Update:
After 14 days detox - avoidance of toxifying foods supplements and a mild medication prescribed by Dr Ho (pictured) and my blood pressure has come down from a shocking 170/150 to 134/97 - a whole 40 beats!!!!!
During the detox there is a lot you have to do your best to avoid. The key phrase is “Try your best”. So the tricks Lifehub have been telling me to try is:
Chew more 趙多啲
Eat greens first 先食菜
Sleep more 瞓多啲咁個人就冇咁肚餓啦
Drink green tea 飲綠茶
I was never hungry during the detox, and I was a but cheeky and didn’t do too much portion control. So I ate a lot of raw vegetables. I didn’t eat raw because of nutrients, I ate raw because I am cheap! You can cook a bag full of vegetables and then only end up with a cup of cooked vegetables, so I imagined 1.) Surely raw raw veggies will be more filling for the same price! 2.) Maybe my body will work harder to break down raw vegetables.
排毒嘅時間真係唔係太肚餓因為我食咗好多生嘅菜。我成日主菜嘅時候都見到有一包咁大嘅變咗一碗咁細我就知唔係咁抵食啦咁我就決定趙多啲生嘅菜咁就會飽肚啲囉。So far我覺得健康生活要靠信任要搵一個信得過嘅醫生同埋要比信心自己係做得到. Thank you for letting me share.
#health #healthjourney @lifehubwellcare
女性testosterone過高 在 尤稚凱醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
台灣基因營養功能醫學學會的周末課程筆記Part II
環境荷爾蒙-內分泌干擾物質(endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDCs),是指干擾負責維持生物體內恆定、生殖、發育或行為的內生荷爾蒙之外來物質,影響荷爾蒙的合成、分泌、傳輸、結合、作用及排除。會由空氣、水、土壤及食物等途徑進入人體。太可怕了!!!
1. direct interaction with NRs與細胞核受體直接結合影響基因表現。
2. Disturbance of NR signaling,作為拮抗劑與NRs結合但不做用意志NR活性及干擾NR傳訊。
3. Changes in hormone availability 分解代謝內生性激素,降低內生性激素的可用性。
### 天啊,根本從內部破壞改變一個人的基因表現 ###
常見EDCs包括Phthalates (如塑化劑,其代謝物更毒啊)、Parabens(如防腐劑)、Phenols(如介面活性劑)。
1. Phthalates 塑化劑功用為在塑膠成品中添加讓其變得柔軟。對人體的影響:不孕、睪丸變異、糖尿病、底迪變小、多發性卵巢囊腫等。
2. Parabens 對女生來說最可怕,因為常添加在化妝品跟保養品中(使用某些廠牌前一定要先看成分!!!!),有些食品、藥品也有喔。其對健康的影響:其雌激素活性大所以或增加女性癌症的風險(乳癌、卵巢癌)、與男性的精子DNA傷害也有正相關,這些東西太廣泛了超難避免。
3. Bisphenol A = BPA雙酚A 常用在罐頭內壁塗層的原料之一(沒事真的不要吃罐頭食品啊!),與很多種癌症都有正相關:乳癌、卵巢癌、攝護腺癌、子宮頸癌、甚至肺癌,太可怕了,吃了全身壞光光,還會影響生殖及發育、造成肥胖、糖尿病及心血管疾病,好猛的環境荷爾蒙。
以上這些都可以抽血檢驗,看體內是否含量過高,但最好的方式就是少吃少使用相關產品! 還聽到講師提到可以用:Indole-3-Barbinol (十字花科植物萃取物),因為其代謝產物可以調節多個訊息傳遞路徑幫助對抗相關癌症,好想買來吃!!!
1. 只有用Estrogen 雌激素會增加中風風險但會降低乳癌風險,
2. 如果雌激素加上黃體素尤其用MPA類的卻反而增加乳癌風險?!
3. 終於提到男性了,血中testosterone (TT 睪固酮) 對增加攝護腺癌的風險沒有相關,或是TT荷爾蒙補充治療對於增加攝護腺癌的風險也沒有相關! 好顛覆而且講師還附上參考文獻。
整個課上完最想買來吃吃看的是:1. Indole-3-Barbinol (十字花科植物萃取物)因為其代謝產物可以調節多個訊息傳遞路徑幫助對抗荷爾蒙相關癌症 2. AdvaClear 提供肝臟排毒功能所需的營養素,適用於排毒療程。