

在 奈落神樂產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅stu sis,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [188091] 54891. 犬夜叉完結篇:奈落的心臟"InuYasha: The Final Act" Naraku's Heart (2009)★★ [188092] 54892. 犬夜叉完結篇:神樂之風"InuYasha: The Final Act" Kagura's Wind (200...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅再見小南門,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【犬夜叉】鐵碎牙斷了,殺生丸來了,犬夜叉你要怎麼辦?│Part.7│再見小南門 【訂閱 再見小南門 】https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSsHvz_aCD9NMXjzWpwg9qA 【FB 粉絲團】https://www.facebook.com/GBsouther...

  • 奈落神樂 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-28 15:54:57
    有 15 人按讚

    [188091] 54891. 犬夜叉完結篇:奈落的心臟"InuYasha: The Final Act" Naraku's Heart (2009)★★
    [188092] 54892. 犬夜叉完結篇:神樂之風"InuYasha: The Final Act" Kagura's Wind (2009)★★
    [188093] 54893. 犬夜叉完結篇:冥道殘月破"InuYasha: The Final Act" Meido Zangetsuha (2009)★★
    [188094] 54894. 犬夜叉完結篇:龍鱗的鐵碎牙"InuYasha: The Final Act" Dragon-Scaled Tetsusaiga (2009)★★
    [188095] 54895. 犬夜叉完結篇:妖靈大聖的試練"InuYasha: The Final Act" The Great Holy Demon Spirit's Test (2009)★★
    [188096] 54896. 犬夜叉完結篇:魍魎丸的死期"InuYasha: The Final Act" The End of Moryomaru (2009)★★
    [188097] 54897. 犬夜叉完結篇:梓山的靈廟"InuYasha: The Final Act" The Mausoleum of Mount Azusa (2009)★★✚
    [188098] 54898. 犬夜叉完結篇:在群星閃耀之時"InuYasha: The Final Act" Among the Twinkling Stars (2009)★★★
    [188099] 54899. 犬夜叉完結篇:冥界的殺生丸"InuYasha: The Final Act" Sesshomaru in the Underworld (2009)★★
    [188100] 54900. 犬夜叉完結篇:被悲傷染濕的花朵"InuYasha: The Final Act" Flowers Drenched in Sadness (2009)★★

    [188101] 54901. 犬夜叉完結篇:神無的墓誌銘/珊瑚的心 彌勒的覺悟"InuYasha: The Final Act" Kanna's Gravestone / Sango's Feelings, Miroku's Resolve (2009)★★
    [188102] 54902. 犬夜叉完結篇:完整的冥道"InuYasha: The Final Act" A Complete Meido (2009)★★
    [188103] 54903. 犬夜叉完結篇:奈落的追擊"InuYasha: The Final Act" In Pursuit of Naraku (2010)★★
    [188104] 54904. 犬夜叉完結篇:正統的繼承者/瞳子的結界"InuYasha: The Final Act" True Heir / Hitomiko's Barrier (2010)★★
    [188105] 54905. 犬夜叉完結篇:曲靈的邪念/人生的一大事"InuYasha: The Final Act" Magatsuhi's Evil Will / The Day of Days (2010)★★
    [188106] 54906. 犬夜叉完結篇:琥珀的碎片"InuYasha: The Final Act" Kohaku's Shard (2010)★★
    [188107] 54907. 犬夜叉完結篇:四魂之玉完成時"InuYasha: The Final Act" When the Jewel Is Whole (2010)★★
    [188108] 54908. 犬夜叉完結篇:前往奈落的體內/奈落 黑暗的圈套"InuYasha: The Final Act" Inside Naraku / Naraku: The Trap of Darkness (2010)★★
    [188109] 54909. 犬夜叉完結篇:奈落 光的圈套/奈落 虛幻的夢想/無法傳達的思念"InuYasha: The Final Act" Naraku: The Trap of Light / Naraku's Uncertain Wish / Thoughts Fall Short (2010)★★
    [188110] 54910. 犬夜叉完結篇:邁向未來"InuYasha: The Final Act" Toward Tomorrow (2010)★★∿

  • 奈落神樂 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-26 16:37:57
    有 57 人按讚

    [187761] 54561. 犬夜叉:神樂之舞與神無之鏡"InuYasha" Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror (2001)★★★
    [187762] 54562. 犬夜叉:風之傷被破解了"InuYasha" The Wind Scar Fails (2001)★★★
    [187763] 54563. 犬夜叉:被折斷的鐵碎牙"InuYasha" Tetsusaiga Breaks (2001)★★★
    [187764] 54564. 犬夜叉:灰刃坊的邪惡之劍"InuYasha" Kaijinbo's Evil Sword (2001)★★
    [187765] 54565. 犬夜叉:殺生丸揮舞鬥鬼神"InuYasha" Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin (2001)★★∿
    [187766] 54566. 犬夜叉:獸郎丸與影郎丸"InuYasha" Juromaru and Kageromaru (2001)★★
    [187767] 54567. 犬夜叉:奈落殘留的鬼蜘蛛靈魂"InuYasha" Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku (2001)★★
    [187768] 54568. 犬夜叉:想回到相遇的地方"InuYasha" Return to the Place Where We First Met (2001)★★★∿
    [187769] 54569. 犬夜叉:琥珀失去的記憶"InuYasha" Kohaku's Lost Memory (2001)★★
    [187770] 54570. 犬夜叉:那張臉絕不會自心底消失"InuYasha" That Unforgettable Face! (2001)★★

    [187771] 54571. 犬夜叉:犬夜叉的心被吃了"InuYasha" Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured (2001)★★
    [187772] 54572. 犬夜叉:抑止不了的妖怪本性"InuYasha" The Demon's True Nature (2001)★★★
    [187773] 54573. 犬夜叉:父親的宿敵龍骨精"InuYasha" Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei (2001)★★
    [187774] 54574. 犬夜叉:鐵碎牙的奧義爆流破"InuYasha" The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique (2001)★★★
    [187775] 54575. 犬夜叉:石之花與七寶的初戀"InuYasha" The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Love (2001)★★
    [187776] 54576. 犬夜叉:迷霧深處的美女誘惑"InuYasha" Temptress in the Mist (2002)★★
    [187777] 54577. 犬夜叉:一切源自桃源鄉之夜 上集"InuYasha" Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part I (2002)★★
    [187778] 54578. 犬夜叉:一切源自桃源鄉之夜 下集"InuYasha" Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part II (2002)★★
    [187779] 54579. 犬夜叉:美少女姊妹花拜師學藝"InuYasha" The Beautiful Sister Apprentices (2002)★★
    [187780] 54580. 犬夜叉:黑巫女50年的詛咒"InuYasha" The 50 Year-Old Curse of the Dark Priestess (2002)★★

    [187781] 54581. 犬夜叉:突然出現的桔梗與式神巫女"InuYasha" Kikyo and the Dark Priestess (2002)★★
    [187782] 54582. 犬夜叉:高深莫測的阿樁咒術"InuYasha" Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell (2002)★★
    [187783] 54583. 犬夜叉:阻擋在前的紅白巫女"InuYasha" The Red and White Priestesses (2002)★★‒
    [187784] 54584. 犬夜叉:多寶塔的巨大鬼怪"InuYasha" Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower (2002)★★
    [187785] 54585. 犬夜叉:再會了,青春歲月"InuYasha" Farewell Days of My Youth (2002)★★
    [187786] 54586. 犬夜叉:奈落的結界,神樂的決心"InuYasha" Naraku's Barrier - Kagura's Decision (2002)★★
    [187787] 54587. 犬夜叉:狂亂飛舞的背叛之風"InuYasha" The Howling Wind of Betrayal (2002)★★
    [187788] 54588. 犬夜叉:給七寶充滿憤怒的挑戰書"InuYasha" Shippo Gets an Angry Challenge (2002)★★
    [187789] 54589. 犬夜叉:恐怖的無臉男人"InuYasha" Terror of the Faceless Man (2002)★★
    [187790] 54590. 犬夜叉:再次甦醒的鬼蜘蛛記憶"InuYasha" Onigumo's Memory Restored (2002)★★

    [187791] 54591. 犬夜叉:一場混亂的死鬥"InuYasha" Three-Sided Battle to the Death (2002)★★
    [187792] 54592. 犬夜叉:刀刀齋的奇妙考驗"InuYasha" Totosai's Rigid Training (2002)★★
    [187793] 54593. 犬夜叉:紫織母子與犬夜叉的心情"InuYasha" Shiori's Family and Inuyasha's Feelings (2002)★★
    [187794] 54594. 犬夜叉:破除結界的紅色鐵碎牙"InuYasha" The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier! (2002)★★
    [187795] 54595. 犬夜叉:豹貓四天王的陰謀"InuYasha" The Plot of the Panther Devas (2002)★★
    [187796] 54596. 犬夜叉:目標是殺生丸跟犬夜叉"InuYasha" Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha (2002)★★
    [187797] 54597. 犬夜叉:豹貓族與兩支牙劍"InuYasha" The Panther Tribe and the Two Swords of the Fang (2002)★★
    [187798] 54598. 犬夜叉:向珊瑚表白的唯一的愛"InuYasha" Only You, Sango (2002)★★
    [187799] 54599. 犬夜叉:邪見奪取鐵碎牙的計畫"InuYasha" Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga (2002)★★
    [187800] 54600. 犬夜叉:殺生丸和被擄的小玲"InuYasha" Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin (2002)★★

    [187801] 54601. 犬夜叉:奈落大壞蛋下落不明"InuYasha" Vanishing Point; Naraku Disappears (2002)★★★
    [187802] 54602. 犬夜叉:奔波於現代與戰國之間"InuYasha" Gap Between the Ages (2002)★★
    [187803] 54603. 犬夜叉:妖狼族少女和月虹的約定"InuYasha" The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise (2002)★★
    [187804] 54604. 犬夜叉:速度超快的準新娘"InuYasha" Koga's Bride-To-Be (2002)★★
    [187805] 54605. 犬夜叉:妖氣沖天的鬼頭城"InuYasha" The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle (2002)★★
    [187806] 54606. 犬夜叉:公主被附身的秘密"InuYasha" Secret of the Possessed Princess (2002)★★
    [187807] 54607. 犬夜叉:桔梗的孤獨旅程"InuYasha" Kikyo's Lonely Journey (2002)★★
    [187808] 54608. 犬夜叉:猿神大爺的三個小嘍囉"InuYasha" The Three Sprites of the Monkey God (2002)★★
    [187809] 54609. 犬夜叉:他和他之間的探病大戰"InuYasha" Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers (2002)★★
    [187810] 54610. 犬夜叉:草太大膽的愛情告白"InuYasha" Sota's Brave Confession of Love (2002)★★

    [187811] 54611. 犬夜叉:怪異的巫師和黑雲母"InuYasha" The Suspicious Faith Healer and the Black Kirara (2002)★★
    [187812] 54612. 犬夜叉:復活者的野心"InuYasha" Plot of the Walking Dead (2002)★★
    [187813] 54613. 犬夜叉:神出鬼沒的好色法師"InuYasha" The Mysterious, Lecherous Monk (2002)★★
    [187814] 54614. 犬夜叉:四魂之玉的偽造者 上集"InuYasha" The Sacred Jewel Maker Part I (2002)★★
    [187815] 54615. 犬夜叉:四魂之玉的偽造者 下集"InuYasha" The Sacred Jewel Maker Part II (2002)★★
    [187816] 54616. 犬夜叉:邪見爺爺生病了"InuYasha" Jaken Falls Ill (2003)★★
    [187817] 54617. 犬夜叉:雲母為什麼沒回家?"InuYasha" Kirara Come Home! (2003)★★
    [187818] 54618. 犬夜叉:山洞裡只有桔梗和日暮籬兩人"InuYasha" Kikyo and Kagome: Alone in the Cave (2003)★★∿
    [187819] 54619. 犬夜叉:鋼牙和殺生丸,狹路相逢"InuYasha" Koga and Sesshomaru, A Dangerous Encounter (2003)★★
    [187820] 54620. 犬夜叉:真實的惡夢,可悲的森林之役"InuYasha" The Truth Behind the Nightmare: Battle in the Forest of Sorrow (2003)★★

    [187821] 54621. 犬夜叉:七年之後一場令人懷念的大雪"InuYasha" The Snow from Seven Years Past (2003)★★
    [187822] 54622. 犬夜叉:被亡魂襲擊的妖狼族"InuYasha" Assault on the Wolf-Demon Tribe! (2003)★★
    [187823] 54623. 犬夜叉:七人幫重返人間"InuYasha" The Band of Seven, Resurrected! (2003)★★
    [187824] 54624. 犬夜叉:悄悄接近的毒郎君,霧骨"InuYasha" The Stealthy Poison Master: Mukotsu! (2003)★★
    [187825] 54625. 犬夜叉:恐怖的重裝備鐵甲人"InuYasha" The Ghastly Steel Machine! (2003)★★
    [187826] 54626. 犬夜叉:日暮籬、彌勒、珊瑚!命在旦夕!"InuYasha" Kagome, Miroku, and Sango: Desperate Situation! (2003)★★
    [187827] 54627. 犬夜叉:犬夜叉初次落下男兒淚"InuYasha" Inuyasha Shows His Tears For The First Time (2003)★★
    [187828] 54628. 犬夜叉:純潔無垢之光的秘密"InuYasha" The Secret of the Pure Light (2003)★★
    [187829] 54629. 犬夜叉:前往藏在大霧中的白靈山"InuYasha" Hidden in the Mist: Onward to Mt. Hakurei! (2003)★★
    [187830] 54630. 犬夜叉:七人幫的首領蠻骨現身"InuYasha" Enter Bankotsu, The Leader of the Band of Seven (2003)★★

    [187831] 54631. 犬夜叉:火星撞地球!蠻龍VS風之傷!"InuYasha" The Big Clash: Banryu versus the Wind Scar (2003)★★
    [187832] 54632. 犬夜叉:浮出水面的聖島之結界"InuYasha" Afloat on the Lake Surface: The Barrier of Hijiri Island (2003)★★
    [187833] 54633. 犬夜叉:神聖的金鋼杵和肉身菩薩之謎"InuYasha" The Sacred Vajra and the Mystery of the Living Buddha (2003)★★
    [187834] 54634. 犬夜叉:鋼牙輝煌的戰役"InuYasha" Koga's Solitary Battle (2003)★★
    [187835] 54635. 犬夜叉:黑色光的恐怖吸力"InuYasha" Lured by the Black Light (2003)★★
    [187836] 54636. 犬夜叉:真相終於曝光了"InuYasha" The Exposed Face of Truth (2003)★★
    [187837] 54637. 犬夜叉:消失於火河中的壞蛋"InuYasha" Vanished in a River of Flames (2003)★★
    [187838] 54638. 犬夜叉:白靈山裡面又裡面"InuYasha" Into the Depths of Mt. Hakurei (2003)★★
    [187839] 54639. 犬夜叉:法相莊嚴的雙面聖人"InuYasha" Divine Malice of the Saint (2003)★★
    [187840] 54640. 犬夜叉:再見了!蛇骨的安魂曲"InuYasha" Fare Thee Well: Jakotsu's Requiem (2003)★★

  • 奈落神樂 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-24 02:53:27
    有 9 人按讚

    [187511] 54311. 犬夜叉:揭開奈落的真面目!桔梗的靈魂(上集)"InuYasha" Naraku's True Identity Unveiled (2001)★★★
    [187512] 54312. 犬夜叉:揭開奈落的真面目!桔梗的靈魂(下集)"InuYasha" A Wicked Smile; Kikyo's Wandering Soul (2001)★★
    [187513] 54313. 犬夜叉:日暮籬的聲音與桔梗的親吻"InuYasha" Kagome's Voice and Kikyo's Kiss (2001)★★∿
    [187514] 54314. 犬夜叉:神奇驅魔師,珊瑚登場"InuYasha" Enter Sango the Demon Slayer (2001)★★
    [187515] 54315. 犬夜叉:破解奈落的詭計"InuYasha" Naraku's Insidious Plot (2001)★★★
    [187516] 54316. 犬夜叉:終於揭開四魂之玉之謎"InuYasha" Secret of the Jewel of Four Souls Revealed (2001)★★
    [187517] 54317. 犬夜叉:水神支配的黑暗湖"InuYasha" The Lake of the Evil Water God (2001)★★
    [187518] 54318. 犬夜叉:陷入殘酷陷阱的彌勒"InuYasha" Miroku Falls Into a Dangerous Trap (2001)★★
    [187519] 54319. 犬夜叉:珊瑚的苦惱與琥珀的命運"InuYasha" Sango's Suffering and Kohaku's Life (2001)★★
    [187520] 54320. 犬夜叉:被奪走的鐵碎牙 決戰 奈落城堡"InuYasha" Tetsusaiga Is Stolen! Showdown At Naraku's Castle! (2001)★★

    [187521] 54321. 犬夜叉:心地善良卻悲哀的地念兒"InuYasha" Jinenji, Kind Yet Sad (2001)★★
    [187522] 54322. 犬夜叉:桔梗與犬夜叉陷入邪氣之穴"InuYasha" Kikyo and Inuyasha, Into the Miasma (2001)★★✚
    [187523] 54323. 犬夜叉:被囚禁的桔梗與奈落"InuYasha" Kikyo, Captured by Naraku (2001)★★★
    [187524] 54324. 犬夜叉:鐵碎牙與天生牙"InuYasha" Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga (2001)★★
    [187525] 54325. 犬夜叉:名刀選擇的真正主人"InuYasha" The True Owner of the Great Sword! (2001)★★∿
    [187526] 54326. 犬夜叉:擄走日暮籬!超速的妖狼鋼牙"InuYasha" Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, the Wolf Demon! (2001)★★
    [187527] 54327. 犬夜叉:愛上日暮籬的鋼牙"InuYasha" The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagome! (2001)★★
    [187528] 54328. 犬夜叉:即使分離,兩個人的心仍然在一起"InuYasha" Two Hearts, One Mind (2001)★★
    [187529] 54329. 犬夜叉:天羅地網的死鬥"InuYasha" Trapped In A Duel To The Death! (2001)★★
    [187530] 54330. 犬夜叉:風之使者神樂妖艷的陷阱"InuYasha" The Deadly Trap of Kagura the Wind Sorceress! (2001)★★

