

在 大理石蛋糕紋路產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,696的網紅李樂 韓國生活代購,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大理石蛋糕紋路超美味! 古巴領短袖超帥氣! 香草口味跟巧克力口味! 超讚! 2021 夏天來了! 新款優惠, 官網新款分類項目, 兩件以上一件折100, 請登入會員才有優惠唷! #官網下單完成,請Line我! Line : ( @lgy7206k ) 匯款免運,無貨到付款! 新增香港可刷卡,...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a French style chocolate and vanilla cake: Chocolate Marble Cake (Marbré Au Chocolat). ...

  • 大理石蛋糕紋路 在 李樂 韓國生活代購 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-11 20:00:28
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    2021 夏天來了!

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  • 大理石蛋糕紋路 在 風格饕生活 JIA JIA Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-05-15 22:39:18
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  • 大理石蛋糕紋路 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-08 20:15:00

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a French style chocolate and vanilla cake: Chocolate Marble Cake (Marbré Au Chocolat).

    Marbré Au Chocolat, aka Chocolate Marble Cake is an iconic French store-bought dessert. It’s traditionally baked in a loaf tin in France. This cake is very moist and not sweet, it’s a perfect treat for any time of the day.

    This is a simple recipe and very easy to make, it tastes like pound cake, but the taste is richer and buttery, butter gives lots of flavor. And one serving of cake can taste the flavors of vanilla and cocoa. Heartily recommend. 💕

    📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial
    📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio

    This is an #ASMR​​​​​​​ ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    How to make French Chocolate Marble Cake
    Here is the French Chocolate Marble Cake Recipe

    ☞  Mold size: 16x7x6cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    unsalted butter 100g
    powdered sugar 100g
    egg 2, about 110g
    vanilla extract 1.3g
    honey 9g
    All purpose flour 110g
    baking powder 1.3g
    cocoa powder 9g
    a pinch of salt

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Grease the cake pan with butter, then line with parchment paper.
    2. Use a mesh strainer to sift powdered sugar. Then sift flour and baking powder together. Set aside.
    3. Place softened butter and a pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl. Using a hand mixer on medium speed to cream the butter for 4-5 minutes, or until butter is pale yellow and fluffy. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl once or twice while mixing.
    4. Add half sugar and mix for 1 minute, then add the rest of sugar and vanilla extract, then  mix for another 1 minute.
    5. Add honey, and add egg one by one, and mix well after each egg is added. Scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary.
    6. Add the half sifted flour and baking powder, fold it in gently with spatula until the flour has disappeared. Repeat again with the remaining flour until well combined.
    7. Simply pour 2/3 of the cake batter into a piping bag. Set aside.
    8. Add the cacao powder into the rest of 1/3 of the batter and slowly mix it in until combined. Then pour the cacao batter into another piping bag.
    9. Once the two cake batters are ready, it's time to combine them to create the marble effect. Cut off the tip and pipe the batter into the cake pan, alternating between the two colors.
    10. After placing all the batters, you can use a fork, a bamboo stick or a butter knife to swirl the batters together. It's the fun part of the recipe, you can create your own marble pattern. Now the cake is marbled and ready to bake.
    11. Preheat the oven to 200C, and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160C, bake for 22~24 minutes.
    12. Once baked, remove the cake from the pan, and let cool on the rack.
    00:00 opening
    00:32 Ingredients
    01:24 preparation: butter pan, sieves dry ingredients
    03:53 Make Marble Cake batter
    07:42 Make cacao batter
    09:08 fill the batter and make marble pattern
    11:37 baking
    12:27 taste with cream

  • 大理石蛋糕紋路 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-01 20:15:02

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』要跟大家分享一款簡單樸素,但好吃度跟耐吃度都很高分的糕點,就是巧克力大理石蛋糕 (Marbré au chocolat, Cake Marbré, marble cake).


    此外,大理石蛋糕的紋路也是重點之一,但它沒有固定的花紋標準,兩色麵糊不同的堆疊方式跟攪拌手法,可以營造出不同的紋路表現,非常有意思,超級適合親子同樂,大人小孩一起來創造喜歡的紋路,真的很好玩哦 (大推~)。

    大理石蛋糕據說是源自於德國(Marmorkuchen),不過我們這次的食譜是參考了法國兩間著名廚藝學院:斐杭狄(Ferrandi) 跟藍帶(Le Cordon Bleu)的配方與做法,配方上有微微調整,烤溫上試過一溫到底和兩段式的烤溫烘烤,結果兩段式大勝出,在第一次做好出爐後品嚐蛋糕時就非常喜歡,也推薦給大家。Enjoy. :)

    📍 我們的IG: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial
    📍 我們的FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio

    這支影片還會有無人聲的 #ASMR​​​​​​ 版本:
    巧克力大理石蛋糕 怎麼作呢?
    下面是這道 巧克力大理石蛋糕 Marbré au Chocolat 的做法與食譜:

    ☞ 烤盤尺寸:16x7x6cm

    ✎ 材料 / Ingredients
    奶油 100g
    純糖粉 100g
    中大型蛋 2顆(約110g)
    香草精 1.3g
    蜂蜜 9g
    中筋麵粉 110g
    泡打粉 1.3g
    可可粉 9g
    鹽 一小撮

    ✎ 做法 / Instructions
    1. 烤模裡塗上薄薄一層軟化奶油再鋪上烘焙紙 (抹上一點奶油可以幫助烘焙紙更服貼)
    2. 將容易結塊的純糖粉過篩,再把麵粉跟泡打粉一起過篩,備用
    3. 在打發盆中加入軟化奶油跟一小撮鹽,用手持電動攪拌器以中速攪打約 4-5 分鐘,要打到奶油膨鬆泛白的質地,期間可以刮盆1-2次
    4. 加入一半的糖粉,打一分鐘,打好後再加入剩下的一半糖粉與香草精,再打一分鐘
    5. 加入蜂蜜跟一顆全蛋,要攪打到質地融合才能加入第二顆全蛋(約一分鐘左右),第二顆蛋也一樣要打到質地融和的程度,期間可以刮盆1-2次再攪打
    6. 加入一半的麵粉跟泡打粉,以切拌法混勻,但不要過度攪拌,只要看不見乾粉即可加入剩餘的乾粉,一樣是混勻即可
    7. 取 ⅔ 的麵糊裝進擠花袋備用
    8. 把剩餘的 ⅓  原味麵糊跟可可粉混合均勻後,再填入另一個擠花袋裡
    9. 將2個擠花袋的開口剪出約 1-1.5cm 的口徑,然後交替在烤模裡齊出堆疊相間的麵糊,花紋沒有標準,請隨心所欲揮灑創意吧!(沒擠花袋的朋友可以改用湯匙舀進去)
    10. 擠好麵糊後,可以用叉子、竹籤甚至是筷子等工具來攪動兩色麵糊,創造出有趣的紋路
    11. 烤箱預熱 200°C, 烘烤 15 分鐘,再降至160°C, 烘烤 22~24 分鐘
    12. 出爐後,脫模後在陳架上完全放涼
    影片章節 :
    00:00 開場
    00:32 食材介紹
    01:24 前置準備:處理烤模、糖與乾粉類過篩
    03:53 製作大理石蛋糕麵糊
    07:42 分裝麵糊與製作巧克力麵糊(可可麵糊)
    09:08 交替填入雙色麵糊,製作大理石紋路
    11:37 烤箱溫度與時間設定
    12:00 出爐放涼(蛋糕外觀)
    12:27 搭配鮮奶油一起享用
    13:05 製作巧克力大理石蛋糕的技巧分享與注意事項
    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:



    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

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