題外話: 來聊跟餐廳沒關係的事情吧. 我用的是 Dyson V10 吸塵器, 很久之前有掃地機器人, But, 古董級的床頭櫃離地要近不近, 我每次都要去解救卡住的掃地機器人, 它終於壽終正寢後, 就換無線吸塵器. 貴是貴啦 ~ 但是蠻好操作, 當作每兩天一次的Routine 吧.
題外話: 來聊跟餐廳沒關係的事情吧. 我用的是 Dyson V10 吸塵器, 很久之前有掃地機器人, But, 古董級的床頭櫃離地要近不近, 我每次都要去解救卡住的掃地機器人, 它終於壽終正寢後, 就換無線吸塵器. 貴是貴啦 ~ 但是蠻好操作, 當作每兩天一次的Routine 吧.
這家日本餐廳也是跟 Instagram 朋友去吃的, 感謝陪伴. 小新和食海鮮茶碗蒸與海鮮丼的評價皆不錯.套餐價格有低於 NTD $1000, 而且最近新裝潢重新開幕, 老闆仍舊是同一位, 整體我覺得不錯吃因為漁貨新鮮. 但是你如果常吃 NTD $1000 以上的日式餐廳, 你不適合去. 不要裝傻, 你知道我在說哪幾間日本壽司餐廳, 哈哈. 因為有蠻多菜餚, 細節皆在 @globalfoodelicious 首頁網站!
Off Topic: Let’s chat about some topic not related to the food. I use Dyson V10. I know that many people recommend robot vacuum cleaner. But, my bedside table bottom is quite closed to ground. And I have no idea why the robot won’t detect it. So, I have to rescue my robot vacuum cleaner all the time. So, I change to Dyson.
▍Do you use robot vacuum cleaner?
I went to this Japanese restaurant with my Instagram friend. Ashin restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurant near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. Ashin restaurant’s stewed egg and seafood Donburi are the signature dishes. They recently remodeled and reopened. The overall taste is pretty good since the seafoods are fresh. However, if you often eat expensive Japanese sushi restaurants, this place is not for you. Since there are many dishes, more details at @globalfoodelicious.
🔍 #娜姐大安區美食
🔍 #foodie_daanfood
📣 Blog Website: @globalfoodelicious
#台北美食 #taipeifood #taipeifoodie #taipeieat #大安區美食 #daanfood #忠孝復興美食 #忠孝復興站美食 #市民大道美食 #zhongxiaofuxingfood #taipeijapaneserestaurant #台北日式餐廳 #台北日本餐廳 #大安區日式餐廳 #taipeijapaneserestaurant #taipeisushi #小新和食 #台北壽司 #刺身 #握壽司
大漁one評價 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳解答
除了為啟動禮擔任司儀 (英文 廣東話),還有幸為珍貴的紀錄片聲音導航~ 感謝漁護署 的邀請和高度評價!
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
Website: www.conniewong.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/conniewty
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#MC紫盈 #司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese