

在 大樹菠蘿糖尿病產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,391的網紅Gibson 吉神,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這是吉神最愛吃的水果,小時候在公公家有一棵,但果實沒有如今在水果攤賣的大顆,這可是吉神的美好童年回憶,一般人叫Buah nona,但我們都叫Angmo Nai Nai,而這水果的正式名稱是番荔枝。 This is Gibson no.1 favorite fruit. The fruit is ...

  • 大樹菠蘿糖尿病 在 Gibson 吉神 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-11-02 21:50:08
    有 32 人按讚

    這是吉神最愛吃的水果,小時候在公公家有一棵,但果實沒有如今在水果攤賣的大顆,這可是吉神的美好童年回憶,一般人叫Buah nona,但我們都叫Angmo Nai Nai,而這水果的正式名稱是番荔枝。
    This is Gibson no.1 favorite fruit. The fruit is commonly known as “Buah nona” but we called it Angmo Nai Nai. However, you might be familiar with the name Sugar Apple or Custard Apple.

    #SugarApple #CustardApple #BuahNona #gibsonspg

    根據維基百科指出,番荔枝是Annona squamosa的果實,又稱佛頭果、釋迦、釋迦果、亞大果子(指其果實)、亞大樹(指果樹)、林檎(廣東潮汕地區)、嘜螺陀(廣西)、洋波羅(廣西龍州)、假波羅(廣西憑祥,因其外形與結構都酷似廣西特產水果菠蘿蜜)、番鬼荔枝(廣東粵語區、香港、澳門)等。
    According to Wikipedia, Sugar Apple is the fruit of Annona squamosa, the most widely grown species of Annona and a native of the tropical Americas and West Indies. The Spanish traders and others brought it to Asia.

    Sugar Apple is high in energy, an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, a good source of thiamine and vitamin B6, and provides vitamin B2, B3 B5, B9, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in fair quantities.

