在 多益書dcard產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Yiling Chang 以琳老師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 把之前講過的故事改寫成圖文了✨✨ 想到很多學員其實年紀比我大,還願意叫我「老師」真是太榮幸了😆 你們這些葛格解接屬叔阿姨怎麼那麼可愛(被揍翻) #今年我16歲又149個月 #但我在國中的時候就被叫阿姨了 #年齡攻擊超痛 多益閱讀速度修煉課的故事 - Dcard https://www.dcard...
多益書dcard 在 佛系醬料生 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-08-18 16:06:34
[準大生現在可以做些什麼?](疫情版) 學測上榜生現在已經休息差不多兩個月了吧!在這個你們人生最漫長的假期裡,沒有課業、工作壓力的美好時光中,不出門還可以做些什麼呢?! . . . ➊斷捨離 好好的整理一次你的房間吧!把一些再也用不到的國高中用書,整理變賣或丟棄!(但記得留下大學可能會銜接到的科目)...
多益書dcard 在 樂擎 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2020-05-12 05:06:38
1.小孩子才會委屈,成年人想的是如何解決問題 在學測之中,最煎熬的,實則從不是考最差的 而是那種處在中間,非頂尖,卻也不到底的學生 因沒有申請到最理想的志願,所以還在掙扎要否指考 但又考得不算失常,就這樣放棄申請,又恐懼指考會考更差 這類學生往往從不翹課,循規蹈矩的按時上課、補習、念書 ...
多益書dcard 在 Yiling Chang 以琳老師 Facebook 的精選貼文
多益閱讀速度修煉課的故事 - Dcard
多益書dcard 在 和Cindy學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
大家晚安~終於來跟大家分享第一篇了 :P
1. 你怎麼開始做YouTube的?
1. How did you start your YouTube channel?
This is the question that nearly everyone asks me when someone learned that I’ve got a YouTube channel. It’s just like writing an application: “motivation” is what people are most interested in. Whenever someone asks this question with glittering eyes, waiting for me to share my great ambition of becoming a YouTuber, I couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed because I’ve never had that kind of ambition! Actually, I started my channel because I was too lazy to go out. Just for convenience, I made a video to share my experience. In addition, I shared it because my friends encouraged me to.
I finished my exchange student program in the United States and came back to Taiwan during my last year in University. After I came back, I started teaching TOEFL at a cram school. Some of my classmates were preparing for grad school, and they asked me how to prepare for the TOEFL exam. It’s impossible to give them all the details over a meal, so I decided to make an easy tutorial video for them after some consideration. After watching it, my friends thought it was quite good and encouraged me to share it to the then new social platform “Dcard”. Shortly, since there weren’t many users on Dcard back then, my article became a hit.
A lot of readers commented that they wanted to watch “TOEIC” tutorials after watching the TOEFL tutorial. Since it was winter vacation and I had nothing to do, I’ve decided to make a 20-day TOEIC tutorial series. Looking back, I’ve realized that I had updated daily from the very start of my YouTube channel career! How amazing! I recorded videos in the morning and edited them in the evening. After twenty days, the vacation was over, and more than 2000 viewers had subscribed to my channel.
多益書dcard 在 Dcard Facebook 的最佳貼文
逛逛 Dcard 有趣文章看不完 🙆
剛高三時多益僅400初(忘記到底多少了 不超過450)