

在 塑膠分類回收產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過13萬的網紅方健儀 Akina Fong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 呢排咁好太陽,梗係把握機會曬太陽,吸收下維他命D。曬還曬,都要記得帶支水出街補充水份,唔好曬乾呀! 萬一你唔記得帶水出街要買,我介紹全新「維他」蒸餾水比你,純正水質,但樽身就轉左做可回收的「聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯」 (rPET),係100%循環再造膠樽。之前我參與過其他環保膠樽回收活動,我了解過,「...

 同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅楊楊Milly 楊婷婭,也在其Youtube影片中提到,👇想叫健康環保外送👇 📌MISS ECO 一口覓食🔍 https://linktr.ee/misseco.tw https://www.facebook.com/misseco.tw/ 📌BAGANHOOD 蔬食餐酒館🔍 https://www.facebook.com/BaganHood...

  • 塑膠分類回收 在 方健儀 Akina Fong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-07 07:00:00
    有 335 人按讚


    萬一你唔記得帶水出街要買,我介紹全新「維他」蒸餾水比你,純正水質,但樽身就轉左做可回收的「聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯」 (rPET),係100%循環再造膠樽。之前我參與過其他環保膠樽回收活動,我了解過,「維他」 嘅膠樽是由塑膠分類回收返來,經嚴格篩選,再進行破碎、高溫清洗、造粒重塑而成,可應用於飲品包裝上,安全又衛生,再拎個樽去「維他」回收機回收,延續個樽嘅生命,保護地球。



  • 塑膠分類回收 在 叫小鶴 HER Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-18 01:24:10
    有 20 人按讚

    I want to shares the fantastic moment with you guys now again of today!This is the best touch moment and memory ever in this year !
    We spend the whole morning to waiting for this amazing 2mins and we left, After this experience I’m really grateful and more respect the animals in the ocean; we people should use our power to protect the beautiful ocean as we can ! (and damn I was too happy and cry like a baby )
    #bigrespect #lovedolphins #cryfortheanimals #touchedmoment #seaandsky #yilantrip

  • 塑膠分類回收 在 叫小鶴 HER Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-17 08:00:00
    有 0 人按讚

    I want to shares the fantastic moment with you guys now again of today!This is the best touch moment and memory ever in this year !
    We spend the whole morning to waiting for this amazing 2mins and we left, After this experience I’m really grateful and more respect the animals in the ocean; we people should use our power to protect the beautiful ocean as we can ! (and damn I was too happy and cry like a baby )
    #bigrespect #lovedolphins #cryfortheanimals #touchedmoment #seaandsky #yilantrip