為什麼這篇報價英文書信鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在報價英文書信這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者lifegetter (白浪)看板Translation標題Re: [中英] 期許客戶給予報價機...
※ 引述《mondena (專心準備考試囉)》之銘言:
: 各位大大好~
: 依照我自己原本的中文~
: 我大概把英文寫成這樣~
: ==========================================================
: Dear Savill
: First of all, thank you for your time to read my letter,
: and raised a legitimate concern, that both show you have
: great interest in our company.
: 您好,首先感謝您閱讀敝公司之信件並提出您的看法,
: 此皆顯示您對敝公司之重視。
We would like to thank you for your close attention to our letter
and your invaluable comments. We really appreciate your interest
in our company.
: We are able to offer the samples of the production at once,
: under the premise that you agreed and provided us the
: details (ex: drawings). We must grasp the opportunity you bestow,
: and meet your satisfaction.
: 若您願意賜予敝公司服務的機會,敝公司可以立刻提供貴公司此項產品之樣本
: ,當然,此舉一定是在您認同許可並提供該產品細節資訊(例如:圖面)的情況
: 之下,敝公司可以保證樣本絕不會讓您失望及不滿。
We can provide immediately the product samples upon request; detailed
information (e.g., 圖面)is also available. Our company is committed to
client satisfaction and we are certain that you will not be disappointed.
: Our main purpose is to emphasize our technology and facilities
: enough to manufacturing the production, obviously, it's able to
: understand that you couldn't know the original intention without
: any business transactions between us.
: 針對此項產品,我們的目的是想突顯敝公司有足夠的能力與技術可以生產
: 及製造,顯然,可以理解的是,在雙方未曾有交流的情況之下,很難讓您
: 明白此項初衷
: Sincerely,
: ==========================================================
: 請問這樣時態和文法有正確嗎?
: 因為是自己練習寫的~希望可以聆聽各位大大的指教~
: 在翻譯成英文時~我有謹記版上大大們強調的"簡而易懂"~
: 可是又怕這樣的書信會讓新客戶覺得沒禮貌~(翻滾中)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
謝謝…該剪指甲了 XD
寄過去給客戶參考,那就是 we have taken the liberty and sent you...
※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (01/10 17:31)