

在 基努李維未婚妻產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Flora's Garden,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我好喜歡〝駭客任務〞的基努李維,原來他這麼不簡單 看破放下是最難的~~也最自在 在地铁上阅读报纸的人是好莱坞大明星Keanu Reeves。 (Matrix 里的男主角 Neo) 他来自一个问题家庭。在他十二岁时,他的的父亲因为毒品交易被送进监牢,他的母亲是一位脱衣舞女郎。过后他们一家人...

  • 基努李維未婚妻 在 Flora's Garden Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2012-06-22 14:49:47
    有 11 人按讚


    在地铁上阅读报纸的人是好莱坞大明星Keanu Reeves。
    (Matrix 里的男主角 Neo)


    他的未婚妻在即将结婚的当儿在一次车祸中去世。他亲眼目睹他的未婚妻逝死,在那之前在他们也曾经失去了他们的孩子。从那时候起,Keanu Reeves避免跟别的异性交往。


    他最好的朋友之一River Phoenix,也由于过量滥用毒品而暴毙。在同一个时期他爸爸也因为再次犯罪被逮捕。他妹妹得血癌,幸好经过治疗已痊愈,他从他的电影《Matrix》拿了70%的收益捐赠了给治疗她妹妹病病的医院。



    当有人呼唤他为 “ 悲伤的 Keanu”时,他回答说:“你需要快乐地生活,我不。”

    *中文版摘自:《我们要改变 We want to change》

    "This guy reading the newspaper on the subway is Keanu Reeves.

    He is from a problematic family. His father was arrested when he was 12 for drug dealing and his mother was a stripper. His family moved to Canada and there he had several step dads.

    He watched his girlfriend die. They were about to get married, and she died in a car accident. And also before that she had lost her baby. Since then Keanu avoids serious relationships and having kids.

    He's one of the only Hollywood stars without a Mansion. He said: 'I live in a flat, I have everything that I need at anytime, why choose an empty house?'

    One of his best friends died by overdose, he was River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix's brother). Almost in the same year Keanu's father was arrested again.

    His younger sister had leukemia. Today she is cured, and he donated 70% of his gains from the movie Matrix to Hospitals that treat leukemia.

    In one of his birthdays, he go to a little candy shop and bought him a cake, and started eating alone. If a fan walked by he would talk to them and offer some of the cake.

    He doesn't have bodyguards, and he doesn't wear fancy clothes.

    When they asked him about 'Sad Keanu', he replied: 'You need to be happy to live, I don't.'

