
為什麼這篇坐上我的太空梭歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在坐上我的太空梭歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者tearslibrary (比比小姐)看板WesternMusic標題[推薦] 太空人歌手Chr...




Chris Hadfield and Barenaked Ladies - I.S.S.

加拿大太空人Chris Hadfield,與Barenaked Ladies樂團的Ed Robertson合唱,I.S.S.
歌名釋義為"Is Somebody Singing",縮寫亦指他工作的國際太空站 (International
Space Sataion)。

表演這首歌的Hadfield 同時也是全世界第一位地球宇宙連線演唱的歌手。

On solid fuel and wires 備好固態燃料和天線
Turn the key and the light the fires 轉開鑰匙、燈光與火焰
We’re leaving Earth today 我們今天就要離開地球
The rockets burning bright 火箭耀眼發光
We’ll soon be out of sight 我們即將消失於視野中
And orbiting in space 並在宇宙中軌道運行
Pushed back in my seat 將座椅後推
Look out my window 望向窗外
There goes home 家越離越遠
That ball of shiny blue 那閃耀的藍色球體
Houses everybody anybody ever knew 每個人都熟悉的家園

So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening 所以唱吧 我正
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon 我可以聽到你的聲音經由月球表面反
If you could see our Nation from the international space station 如果你可以從
You’d know why I want to get back soon (get back soon) 你就會了解我為何如此迫

Eighteen thousand miles an hour 每小時一萬八千英哩
Fueled by science and solar power 太陽能和科學做為能源
The oceans racing past 海水返潮
At half a thousand tons 在500噸的時刻
Ninety minutes Moon to Sun 當月亮離太陽90分鐘
A bullet can’t go half this fast 一顆子彈的擊發也無法到達這樣的速度
(這一段我不太懂, 歡迎指教)

Floating from my seat 從位上飄起
Look out my window 望向窗外
There goes Home (There goes home) 家越離越遠
That brilliant ball of blue 那耀眼的藍色球體
Is where I’m from, and also where I’m going to 既是我來之所亦是我歸之處

So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening 所以唱吧 我正
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon 我可以聽到你的聲音經由月球表面反
If you could see our Nation from the international space station 如果你可以從
You’d know why I want to get back soon (get back soon) 你就會了解我為何如此迫

All back and white just fades to grey 所有黑與白都褪成灰
Where the sunrises sixteen times a day 在那個每天日出16次的地方
You can’t make out borders from up here 你無法在那上頭劃清疆界
Just a spinning ball within a tiny atmosphere (atmosphere) 所見只是一顆旋轉的

Pushed back in my seat 將座椅後推Look out my window 望向窗外
Here comes home (ho-ho-home) 我即將返家
What once was fueled by fear 曾幾何時以恐懼為驅動
Now has fifteen Nation orbiting together here. 現在已有15個國家一同在軌道上運

So sing your song I’m listening out where stars are glistening 所以唱吧 我正
I can hear your voices bouncing off the moon 我可以聽到你的聲音經由月球表面反
If you could see our Nation from the international space station 如果你可以從
You’d know why I want to get back soon (get back soon) 你就會了解我為何如此迫

You’d know why I want to get back soon (getting back to you) 你知道我不久之後
即將歸去 (回到你身邊) *4


David Bowie - Space Oddity (Chris Hadfield Cover)

1959年出生,1995年開始執行太空任務的Chris Hadfield,在離開ISS前特別在太空中錄
製了最後一隻MV,翻唱David Bowie 1969年發行之名曲。

David Bowie受Stanley Kubrick之1968年電影'2001: A Space Odyssey'啟發,寫下這首

註:Chris Hadfield翻唱版本歌詞略有不同。

Ground control to major Tom 地面控制中心呼叫Tom少校
Ground control to major Tom 地面控制中心呼叫Tom少校
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on 服下你的蛋白質錠並帶上你的安全

(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to major Tom (Eight) (10) 地面控制中心 (9) 呼叫Tom
少校 (8)
(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), engines on (Four) (7,6) 開始倒數
(5),引擎啟動 (4)
(Three, two) Check ignition (One) and may gods (Blastoff) love be with you (3
,2) 檢查燃燒 (1),願神之愛 (升空) 與你同在

This is ground control to major Tom, you've really made the grade 地面控制中心
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear 報紙都想知道你穿哪家的襯衫
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare 現在是時候彈射逃生艙,如果你敢

This is major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the door 這裡是Tom少
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way 並且正在以特立獨行的方式飄浮
And the stars look very different today 今天的星星都看起來特別奇怪
Here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world 我正坐在這遠離世界的罐頭之

Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do 地球湛藍而我沒事好做

Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still 即使經過了
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go 我想我的太空梭知道該前往何方
Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows 告訴妻子我非常愛她,而她了解
Ground control to major Tom, your circuits dead, there's something wrong 地面
Can you hear me, major Tom? 你能聽見我嗎,Tom少校?
Can you hear me, major Tom? 你能聽見我嗎,Tom少校?
Can you hear me, major Tom? 你能聽見我嗎,Tom少校?
Can you... 你能...
Here am I sitting in my tin can far above the Moon 我正坐在這遠離月球的罐頭之

Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do 地球湛藍而我沒事好做



Chris Hadfield 在太空中錄製的小知識節目也很有教育意義,親身示範讓觀眾得以一窺

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※ 編輯: tearslibrary 來自: (05/14 21:56)
walkpeople:第一首滿喜歡的 05/16 23:58
OHaiYo:推 05/18 06:56

