
為什麼這篇因為愛你台詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在因為愛你台詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者zheng29 (zz)看板movie標題[請益] 因為愛你裡的台詞!時間Wed Mar 16 ...

因為愛你台詞 在 Sex Chat 談性說愛 |情慾情感 podcast 節目 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 16:24:20

性別、性愛、舞蹈,所有我最喜歡的東西都在這部電影裡頭了。 我必須非常老實的說,《#跨越大西洋的戀人》是一部超級實驗性、十足前衛的電影,但是我真的喜歡,就算機會渺茫,還是希望可以寫一點字,記錄我的喜歡,也希望能找到小到不行的小眾們,願意去電影院給它一個機會。 《跨越大西洋的戀人》描述巴黎(女)舞者...

1.I will not negotiate anymore.
2.There are no accidents and everything comes full circle.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1458141907.A.016.html
ssaw5166: would you03/16 23:25
mint1029: I love you03/16 23:26
agygy: 樓上XD03/16 23:29
acbusiness: my angel, flung out of space03/16 23:29
MxRRxR: Yes, yes I would. I already did..03/16 23:33
verya112: I took what you gave willingly!03/16 23:34
modjo: Ilove you+1 電影史上最佳的I love you 不推嗎?03/16 23:38
bland1121: But…No explanation I offer will satisfy you.03/16 23:38
c80352: I never did.03/16 23:39
c80352: 當下的眼神表情都犯規阿阿阿阿阿03/16 23:40
LEEhom: We are not ugly people.03/16 23:41
LEEhom: Would you +1 哈哈哈03/16 23:42
csimylove: i want it, and i will not deny it03/16 23:43
FlyCarCT: Don't. I want to see you. 謝謝Therese的這個要求 哈03/16 23:44
FlyCarCT: 整部的台詞都是戲啊~二刷二刷吧03/16 23:45
fulva: I miss you二連發,最愛的台詞之一03/16 23:47
jasmine888: I'm not afraid03/16 23:48
levellow: 絕對是Would you啊啊啊 一次是約旅行 一次是同居 兩次03/16 23:49
dxiie: my angel, flung out of space 超愛這句03/16 23:50
ivyfisher: take me to bed (欸03/16 23:51
bbtzoe: How can I hate you~03/16 23:51
YC827: take me to bed +103/16 23:52
melody5323: Ask me things.....please 好愛這句03/17 00:19
yoshiki0502: 真的是影史上最棒的I love you~~~~~~03/17 00:22
lulu0315: I miss you 連續兩次很揪心03/17 00:28
yunw: everything comes full circle.03/17 00:35
pttpttlin: I took what you gave willingly03/17 00:37
melody5323: 喔喔還有Carol:I took what you gave willingly.03/17 00:39
melody5323: 送出去才看到樓上也打這句xD03/17 00:39
pttpttlin: 樓上擊掌!但這句的中文翻譯我並不是很滿意XD03/17 00:49
ivyfisher: 我也覺得這句翻得怪怪的...03/17 00:57
Ting1990: 凱特渾厚的"dearest....",超沉醉...03/17 01:01
yunw: just when it can't get any worse, you run out of cigaret03/17 01:05
sugaradded: I want you to imagine me there to greet you03/17 01:07
melody5323: 樓樓上是Cigarette 哦!03/17 01:07
MxRRxR: 看下來每一句都會自動播放XDDDD03/17 01:09
pttpttlin: Cate限定之Therese Belivet,宛如用唇齒細細品嚐般03/17 01:17
lostname: 推樓上,Cate講得超美味03/17 01:18
※ 編輯: zheng29 (, 03/17/2016 01:22:09
y35246357468: I Love U (配合凱特的堅定眼神顫抖語氣) 03/17 02:30
selmersax: would you 還有以上各句,好難挑個最愛的啊~ 03/17 02:47
charming23: Would you ?Yes,I would (笑) 03/17 07:57
charming23: 融化>\\\\< 03/17 07:57
detox: Should I Pay Now?? (接著打包發楞的Therese!!) 03/17 08:49
yape: It's too cold I can't think straight. 03/17 08:50
bbtzoe: 哈!大家根本想藉對白躺坑底嘛~ 03/17 09:39
MAXFLOWER: I miss you! 03/17 10:11
Grrr: 馬英九 從天而降 03/17 10:14
a80568911: I miss you... I miss you. 03/17 10:15
MxRRxR: my angel我也出戲了一下XDD 03/17 10:23
agygy: Ma19是什麼鬼啦XDDD 03/17 10:30
verya112: Ma19...瞬間有畫面... 03/17 10:37
chiur: I barely even know what to order for lunch.03/17 10:55
chiur: Smell that. (my delicious neck) To president McKinley. 03/17 11:01
LEEhom: 馬英九 超神煩 哈哈哈 03/17 11:12
jinglun: Goddamn 03/17 11:30
ibex: M19....瞬間出戲 我晚點要三刷會笑場阿阿阿阿 繼續躺坑底 03/17 11:49
nike10: 馬英九是什麼啦煩耶XD 下午要三刷會分心啦 03/17 11:51
dxiie: 不要破壞我最愛的台詞!!03/17 11:58
mjplszz: 馬19是啥鬼啦瞬間笑噴…無法好好看影片了XD03/17 11:59
bbtzoe: 不要破壞我最愛的台詞(>_<)03/17 12:10
lkkpal: 是要讓坑底的大家順間「會花」 03/17 12:25
edison11: 此坑已面臨要立刻向下擴建至少1千平方米, 才容得下~~~ 03/17 12:51
v860112: well...that's that 03/17 12:53
ShanPan: 最有感覺的 I miss you 03/17 13:54
detox: Wow~ Carol.... (canon相機在1950初期在美國非常稀少) 03/17 14:24
detox: 1950-1952 到美國第一批才50臺耶 https://goo.gl/5MfeHR 03/17 14:26
detox: 第21頁 中段有介紹到 03/17 14:31
lkkpal: Bon appetit~(語調超~美 03/17 15:55
only14: She cries, and wets herself...介紹娃娃的時候 03/17 15:56
only14: 有人跟我一樣想歪嗎@@ 03/17 15:56
yashine1027: 可惡 樓上一說害我從此無法正視這句台詞(摀臉 03/17 16:04
lkkpal: 亂入下~Rooney在side effect裡面跟凱瑟琳麗塔瓊斯說「rem 03/17 16:13
lkkpal: ember how wet I made you」...welll..... 03/17 16:13
dawnblack: 這句好歪XDD03/17 17:22
kmuba: 阿..變成馬英九是啥拉哈哈哈 03/17 18:02
winfouez: I would do anything to see you happy. 03/17 18:02
ganztoll22: 馬英九是怎樣!要害人嗆死啊 03/17 18:55
lulu0315: 推介紹娃娃的那句,第一次就想歪(摀臉 03/17 19:57
chiau12345: 兩次的I miss you 。 03/17 19:58
LEEhom: I miss you 聽的好心酸03/17 20:13
chiau12345: 真的超心酸T^T03/17 20:27
bbtzoe: 迴盪在空氣中久久不散的心酸~03/17 20:59
tifchien8: 淚推連續兩次的I miss you 03/17 23:22
citrus608: 剛三刷一直想到馬英九…(捶地 03/17 23:48
winfouez: 看到Therese說i miss you 那段,我就不自主的眼淚泛框~ 03/18 00:04
yape: I miss you 讓我差點窒息在椅子上 03/18 02:21
lilieye: 史上最撩妹的would you////// 03/18 15:52
kun26: Dearest, There are no accidents and everything comes fu 03/19 10:14
foxrui: I took what you gave willingly,這句我覺得應該是要翻成 03/20 14:17
foxrui: 我(Carol)心甘情願接受你(Therese)付出的這一切....對 03/20 14:17
foxrui: 比前後劇情下 03/20 14:19
※ 編輯: zheng29 (, 03/21/2016 17:35:00
godblesssam: 推總統 03/24 02:20
※ 編輯: zheng29 (, 03/24/2016 17:58:11

