
為什麼這篇四個朋友解散鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在四個朋友解散這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者nobody (潛龍勿用陽在下也)看板RockMetal標題Re: Stratovarius解散...

四個朋友解散 在 Darkdozz Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 09:11:01

嗨,我肆壹。 就這樣開了一個頻道,也上了四支片, 一切說起來也算任性吧。 早在去年差不多的時間點遇見了 @c41_filmindahouse 裡面的各位,從大家一起去拍照,不論夜拍或出遊, 那時候大家見面的頻率也很高,照片的產能也很高。 某次聊天當中聊到,要不要開一個頻道? 當下覺得可行,可...


Dear Stratovarius Fans,


It is time to stop the silence and announce what some of you have already
been speculating. Stratovarius is no more.


Last October I told the guys that I am stopping the band and told them the
reasons why. This letter is addressed to you, Stratovarius fans, who have
supported the band for so many years. I first thought that I would write just
a very generelized, typical ”music business” statement that basically never
says anything. Then I decided that you deserve to hear at least parts of the
truth what has been going on behind the scenes so you will be able to
understand my decision better.


All the time, since TK and Jörg joined the band, there have been tensions
and negativity flying around. This has been concentrating on me, TK and Jö
rg. The reasons Jari Kainulainen was fired some years back were so absurd
that I am not even try to explain them here. If I write a book one day, maybe
then. Anyways, I think the seeds were planted already back then, something
like 12 years ago. There were many confrontations, Jörg has been complaining
to me about TK and TK complaining to me about Jörg. At a times it was a
mess, although of course, it never would show outside to the fans. It is not
my intention to disrespect TK and Jörg here. They are both fundamentally
good guys. Things just sometimes happen and relationships go to directions we
don’t want them to go. It’s like a divorce, nobody wants it to happen but
sometimes it is best for all so everyone can continue their own lives. Plus I
want to tell how things have been behind the curtains. You always only see
the good side anyway, you don’t really know what is going on.

自從 Kopiteto和 Jorg加入的時刻至今,一直都有緊張和負面的事情圍
繞著。通常都是在我、TK和 Jorg 上。為什麼很多年前 Jari 被火掉是非
遠在十二年前。有很多衝突, Jorg 向我抱怨 TK,然後 TK 向我抱怨 Jorg。

We had amazing years, 14 records, 6 world tours with over a thousand shows
all across the Globe, 3 gold discs, a Finnish Grammy and almost 3 million
records sold. I have arrived to my decision after careful, long and rational
thinking of over a year and I know it is the right way for me. I just felt so
bad being in Stratovarius. Something was terribly wrong in there and nobody
seemed to care.


The countdown really started from the last Stratovarius album in 2005. At
that time the atmosphere in the band was extremely weird. I had spent most of
2004 recovering from my nervous breakdown in April 2004 when I was
hospitalized. It was at this point when things started to change. Jens
supported me immensely during 2004 with his phone calls. We then did that ”
Stratovarius” album, which I think is an awful album and went for the
subsequent tour production. By that time it was apparent to me that things
really were bad. Nobody seemed to care about anything. I had the idea to use
projection screens and for that, you need to produce graphics. I planned
those and basically the whole show. Nobody seemed to have any interest in it.

的氣氛是極端的怪異。我 2004 年花了幾乎一整年,從 2004 四月開始的
,我住進醫院的精神崩潰中回復。那是所有事情開始轉變時刻。 Jens 大

It was more like, the less the better. The atmosphere at the rehearsals was
awful. Lauri Porra who had just joined the band was wondering what is going
on with this band. Jörg Michael came straight from Saxon to this tour
wearing a Saxon shirt during most of the shows. His attitude for most of the
tour was extremely arrogant, pretty much towards everybody. But especially
towards me and TK. And TK’s attitude towards me was lukewarm and polite,
but I could sense the hostility. Of course we as professionals put on very
good shows but it was more craftmanship and rehearsed performance than a
great united band playing emotionally from the heart. I think TK was always
very bitter about that he could not get his songs and/or lyrics on Strato
records. I did not understand this really cause he had/has his solo band
where he could do what he wanted. It took me many years to learn to simply
tell him that I don’t like his songwriting and lyrics and that the main
difference between me and him is that I am writing songs that end up being
Strato songs while he is trying to write Strato songs that end up being
Kotipelto songs, which means they belong on a Kotipelto record.

Laruri Porra不知道這個團到底怎麼了。 Jorg 直接從 Saxon的巡迴加入
我們,然後大部分的表演都穿著 Saxon的 T。他在大部分的表演上都是極
騰雲的歌和 /或歌詞感到不滿。我真的不太瞭解這個,因為他其實有個他
自己的 solo 團,他可以幹他想幹的事情。我花了好多年才學會告訴他我
,而當他想要寫騰雲的歌的時候,最後會變成 Kotipelto的歌,意思是他
們是屬於 Kotipelto專輯的。

It is not
easy to say to someone that you don’t like his music. You guys and girls
dont like all music, neither do I. Neither does TK. I am not anyone to tell
what is good and what is bad music, but I do can tell what kind of music I
like. And TK’s stuff just doesn’t do it for me. I do have to say that I
think he has written many great songs as well during his solo career. Plus he
probably would say the same things about my songwriting. We are just very
different. He has a very different sense of humor than I have. Maybe the
weirdest thing in Strato was that we never really were friends in the band. I
visited TK in 12 years perhaps 5 times. To me Jens was the closest in the
band and lately Lauri Porra, who is a wonderful guy. But none of use was
really ever real friends. It might be surprising to you but that is the truth.

東西就是不合我胃口。我必須要說得是,他的確在他自己 solo 的生涯裡
許整個騰雲裡面最怪的事情是我們從來不是真正的朋友。我在 12 年內也
許拜訪了 TK 五次吧。對我來說 Jens 是團裡面最好的朋友,再來就是最
近的 Lauri Porra,他是個非常棒的人。不過我們之間沒有人互相是真的

The tour continued and Jörg’s drum roadie told me drunk that Jörg is
leaving the band after the tour but he is doing the tour cause ”he is a
businessman”. I guess you could say that Jörg’s attitude pretty much
culminated what he said to me in Seattle on that tour. He told me that he
thinks the band is over. We tried to record, 3rd time, a live DVD in Sao
Paulo but could not use the shootings because we played so badly. It was just
plain awful. Although we rocked lot of crowds on that 120 date world tour,
still the overall vibe was very much like ”going to work”. Not for me
though. Not still at that point. But it felt to me that nobody’s heart was
in the band and it was just for the money.

巡迴演出繼續,然後 Jorg 的鼓管理員醉醺醺的告訴我 Jorg 在巡迴後
live DVD,不過因為他打得太爛所以東西根本不能用。這整個就是一把鳥
。雖然我們在為期 120天的巡迴,讓很多樂迷相當高興,不過整體的感覺

The tour came and went, we survived and Jörg didn’t leave the band. But it
was the weirdest tour I have ever done. Very succesful, but still it felt
like forcing something. It was not fun. It was sad.

巡迴來了又走了,我們還活著 Jorg 沒離團。不過這是我表演過最怪得

The next thing I had in mind was to write a really fresh good old fashioned
Power Metal album in the vein of Visions. I felt our fans deserved it and I
felt it was the right thing to do. This was the infamous ”RR” album. The
songwriting was flowing and the songs sounded really nice and melodic and
very much like old Strato. I was all the time on my toes because of the
situation in the band and I was anticipating difficult recording sessions.
Anyways in late 2006 we completed a demo tape containing 10 brand new songs.
I wasn’t too happy about the demo, but it did serve its purpose, to present
the songs to the record company. I then booked 12 days from Sonic Pump studio
in Helsinki for March 2007. This was the weirdest session I had ever had. Jö
rg was all the time talking about that we have to get the ”Visions hunger”
back, although I don’t think he himself had that hunger. Nobody had. The
session was nothing like the recording sessions before. Nobody had rehearsed
the songs really and everything sounded pretty awful. I tweaked the drum
tracks for a week and gave up. It was around this point when I really was
starting to think why am I keeping this alive when it’s so difficult. I
remember how much time, energy and money we put to Elements 1. There was
nowhere to go after that anymore without just repeating the past. I do know
that TK didn’t like that album at all, which yet again shows the difference
between him me. It doesn’t mean that he has to like it of course, but to me
Elements 1 represents the peak of the Strato evolution and perhaps I should
have stopped the band already then.
下一件我想幹得事情是寫一個非常好的老學究的強力金屬專輯,在 Vision
這是沒什麼名的" RR "專輯。曲很流暢,歌聽起來很棒且有旋律性,同時
已經預料了在錄製上會有困難。無論如何,在 2006 年底我們完成了十首
demo帶,裡面有時首全新的歌,我並沒有對於這卷 demo 很高興,不過他
值得他應得的,就是讓唱片公司聽到。我然後在赫爾辛基的 Sonic Pump
錄音室定了十二天。那是我曾經遭遇過最怪得錄音。 Jorg 一直在講我們
必須要帶回那種「vision 渴望」回來即便我不認為他自己有這種渴望。
錢在Element Part.1。那是個除了回到過去光榮時刻之外,已經無路可走
的不同。這當然並不代表他必須要喜歡那張專輯,不過對我來說 Part 1
代表了 騰雲 進化的頂點,而我可能應該要在那個時候就把這個團停掉。
Last year, 2007, was the turning point for me in many ways. I felt better,
but regarding Strato I felt worse. There were fights about everything, even
about trivialities, which really annoyed me. A lots of fights. A lot. I had
to use a lot of energy to try to get merch to Stratoshop, which was on the
shoulders of Jörg and TK, because there was no merch for people to order but
still they were ordering cause the items were on the page. The SSL
certificate that proves the site is secure was expired a year ago, I tried to
get that fixed, could not do it because I wasn’t authorized to do so. The
most popular items from the shop were sold out and Jörg refused to print
more. I could not understand any of the things that were going on. At the
same time, I was having more fun than in years with my rock opera Saana. When
I was making that, I realized what was lacking in Strato: the enthusiasm,
creativity and fun. It wasn’t like that in years. Saana gave me hope that
there still could be something new for me to learn at this age and it gave me
a whole new world of things and a start for something new. Plus I knew I had
some really cool new Metal songs in the works.

這真的讓我很困擾。很多爭吵。很多。我必須要花很多經歷在處理 Strato
Shop的事情,而那以前應該是 Jorg和 TK要做個事情,因為沒有人出貨,
不過還是有人在訂,因為網頁還是在。讓整個網頁安全的 SSL認證早在一
最暢銷的東西已經賣完了,而 Jorg 不想要在印了。我不能瞭解所有事情
到底怎麼了。同時,我玩我的 rock opera Saana玩的比過去幾年都起勁。
年來都不是這樣。 Saana給我在這把年紀了還是可以學新東西的希望,並

We did have 8 festival shows during 2007 and it was then, when I was standing
on stage in Wacken Germany before 45 000 metalheads , when I fully realized
that this band is over. I remember clearly playing those same old songs we
had played so many times before and a feeling came to me that told me: this
band has no soul anymore. I looked around and I felt like I am part of a play
that has a script or machine and that there is nothing fresh and exciting
happening anymore. The band sounds awful. Nobody’s heart was in it. It was
just the same old song. Jörg worked at this point full time in artist
production company doing tourmanaging and he was working at Wacken too. He
literally came to play from production office and returned there after.
Everybody was polite, on the surface, but there was no friendship, all I
could sense were the underlying tensions of relatioships that had come to an
end. I had felt during that year that the band existed only for one reason
and that was the money. I had felt that this was the main motivation what
kept Jörg and TK in the band still despite of the underlying tensions. While
standing on Wacken stage to my absolute horror, I understood that also for me
that had now become a reality. I was keeping this alive for money. It was
then when I decided that I must stop the band.

我們在 2007 表演了八場音樂節的演出,然後那就是,當我在德國 Wacken
站在 45000個金屬頭前面時,我完全瞭解這個團已經掰了。我清楚的記得
在 Wacken 工作。他實在的從他的製作公司辦公室來表演然後表演完就回
感覺,那就是這個團還活著的原因只是因為錢。我覺得這是為何 Jorg和

So it was during this show, I decided that it’s over. I was still thinking
about everything but I felt that for my future, it was the only logical thing
to do. I did not want to fire TK and Jörg because they are and have been as
much part of Strato as I have been and it would not be fair to the fans. I
then decided that it is best to lay rest what is already dead. I informed
guys by email in October 2008 about my decision and explained in detail my
reasons hoping they would see my points and agree what is real. Only Jens and
Lauri answered. TK and Jörg did not even answer to that mail. Jens
understood my decision, Lauri did not. I understand him, he got a taste of
what it is to be in a succesful rock band touring the world. It is not easy
to give that up. He did fail to see my side of the story. That TK and Jörg
did not comment anything really speaks for itself. I did want to finish the
Stratovarius saga with style and naive as I am, in February 2008 I wrote a
mail to the band and proposed that we would say goodbye to our fans with
style and do one more tour. I won’t go into details here, but this time I
did get a response from TK and Jörg. I wished them well and wrote back that
I can see there cannot be any more tours with this band because of the
hostile reactions.. So that was that. I felt good about my decision, but not
good that out of legal reasons I have had to wait for this announcement for
so long.

電子郵件在 2008年(?)十月,告訴他們我的決定,並且詳細的解釋我的
理由,希望他們可以看到我的論點同時同意這是真的。只有 Jens 和 Lauri
回答了。 TK 和 Korg沒有回我 mail。 Jens瞭解我的決定, Lauri不了。
不是容易放棄的東西。他沒有看到我這邊的故事。TK和 Jorg 沒有講什麼
雲傳奇, 2008 年二月我寫了一封信給所有團員,並且認為我們應該要和
的東西,不過這次我有收到TK和 Jorg 的回應。我希望他們安好並且回信

Then I thought that since I have all these great songs in my hands, I wanna
put these out somehow. So I contacted a few friends, we laid the basic tracks
in the same place where the Strato RR session had taken place a year ago and
it was just flowing. There was happiness. There was energy. The songs sounded
great. My friends Michael Kiske and Tobias Sammet agreed to sing on the
album. I decided to form a new band called ”REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE” which
would continue the legacy of Stratovarius. In this first album I just wanted
to release these songs finally so I did not have time to search for a
permanent line up. I am now, so if you are interested, drop me a mail! The
album comes out 6.6.2008 through Frontiers Records.

個朋友,我們放了幾條軌,就像一年前騰雲 RR 錄音的時候一樣,而那還
是一樣。很高興,很有幹勁。歌聽起來很棒。我的朋友 Michael Kiske和
Tobias Sammet 同意要在這張專輯上獻聲。我決定要成立一個新樂團,叫
你有興趣的話,寄信給我!新專輯會在 2008 年 6 月 6 號在 Frontiers

I am excited and happy…for the first time in years. I can hardly wait what
the destiny has in store for me with my new band, projects, songwriting. I am
living a very creative times. I have my production company and I am doing
lots of different projects and not only metal but basically anything that
moves me.

我很興奮和快樂 .... 這幾年來第一次。我幾乎不能等我的新團、組合

First I would like to, despite of all, thank Jörg, TK, Jens, Jari, Lauri,
Tuomo, Antti and Jyrki for these 22 years. It was a quite a ride. I wish
Jens, TK, Jörg and Lauri the very best with whatever they decide to do in
their life and success with it.

第一我想要,除了所有人之外,謝謝Jorg, TK, Jens, Jari, Lauri,Tuomo, Antti
和 Jyrki 這 22 年。這是很長的一段旅程。我虛妄 Jens, TK, Jorg 和 Lauri

Last but most importantly, I want to thank you Stratovarius fans for your
love and support and for the great life. We will be seeing each other in
some ways, somewhere. You will always remain in my heart.


With Love, Timo

愛你們的, Timo

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:

※ 編輯: nobody 來自: (04/03 04:20)
MostAlone:我流淚了 04/03 04:23
ayuro:淚推....不過知道一件事實~果然鳥鳥的做專輯專輯也是很鳥 04/03 05:15
Adorse:如果能再做出VISION這樣的專輯.解散也好啦XD 04/03 07:55
jojohibs:Kiske耶... 好想趕快聽到 04/03 09:39
hideandrei:ㄆㄆ敢愛敢恨至少比一推大團擺濫騙錢來的有guts 04/03 11:36
Farly:Timo真男人!!! 謝謝翻譯的沒有人大大 04/03 11:37
rasheedchiu:Merallica:我們團員情比金堅 04/03 12:07
rasheedchiu: t 04/03 12:07
cielu:還滿想哭的 一方面覺得老團解散很可惜 但是Timo這篇聲明 04/03 12:19
cielu:寫得很有誠意 也算是真的有交代了 04/03 12:20
cielu:希望他在新團延續他的音樂生命 有空來台灣巡迴一下...... 04/03 12:20
cielu:啊 感謝翻譯的原po m(_ _)m 04/03 12:21
alice1012v18:it's time to say goodbye 04/03 13:02
alice1012v18:I know it will make you cry... 04/03 13:03
daijow:天阿,看完這篇,我竟然流淚了。 04/03 13:06
alice1012v18:哭哭 今天要翻專輯出來聽一整天 04/03 13:12
folkvampire:推 感謝翻譯 04/03 15:56
craworm:我突然開始尊敬Timo Tolkki了 感謝原PO 感謝Timo 04/03 16:29
bassray: 推 感謝翻譯 04/03 16:39
buddhabikini:4000個雨夜過去之後...騰雲還是散了... 04/03 17:28
wpd:過個三年 大家都缺錢 再度復合... 04/03 17:28
visualrock:其實是re-mastered digipack精選重發 加未公開影像DVD 04/03 17:31
BigChiu:這篇是4月1號的文章嗎? 04/03 17:34
aphu:天哪 辛苦了.. 這篇不推不行 04/03 19:18
s20953:被火掉是三小.... fire? 04/03 19:28
hideyoshiki:心都涼了 04/03 21:29
RockHundred:囧 04/03 22:07
goldflower:感謝翻譯...Timo這篇聲明真的是講了好多深刻的事情 04/03 22:33
goldflower:不過我覺得Lauri好可憐喔= = 04/03 22:33
tiap:哭哭.. 04/04 00:23
cielu:剛查wiki 發現我們lag了一個月 囧? 04/04 01:01
inji:哭>"< 04/04 01:13
savetheworld:大哭...........T_____________T 04/04 02:09
brownbear:應該沒有累格.. Timo的myspace 刊這篇的日期是4/2 04/04 02:58
brownbear:http://0rz.tw/9b3UZ 04/04 03:00
bigbear0311:淚推....感謝翻譯 想想騰雲陪我度過好一段時光!! 04/04 23:31

