

在 嘴編產品中有2989篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過55萬的網紅NOWnews 今日新聞,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 小廚師也太可愛了吧~(#嘴編 想喝西米露) - 台菲混血萌娃自製芋頭西米露 奶音英文教學Q到翻 https://reurl.cc/xEQLZV - 畫面授權:T.A.C You To Travel 帶你去旅行 IG:@t.a.c_you_to_travel 完整影片:https://youtu....

 同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集廣告與「圖文不符上課囉」合作播出 版塊 Block Studio 首度開課,和你分享 #動態特效網站 的設計秘訣! ▹▹▹ http://bit.ly/webdesign77 課程以版塊團隊的核心設計流程 #動態回推設計 及 #大量實際案例,帶你: ☑️ 掌握版塊的網站佈局思維,培養對動態...

嘴編 在 跟著阿雄吃_高雄美食地圖 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-11-22 14:42:18

天氣涼涼 就想吃點熱熱的🤤🤤🤤 #華夏新開幕  連同昆布跟柴魚一起熬煮的龍蝦鍋🦞 #鮮甜又涮嘴 第一口喝起來偏清淡、第二口滿滿海鮮的鮮甜味、再喝一口湯頭尾韻的甘甜感從口腔直衝到大腦啊~是那種一層又一層的堆疊感!  老實說..外面的蝦🦐挑嘴編可不隨便吃 但這間蝦肉的鮮Q度 #我可以💪 ...

嘴編 在 柯基犬肥油 X 吃喝拉撒日誌 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-04 14:16:46

Hurry up and stock up on 11 shopping festival 快趁雙11購物節 囤貨囤起來 🛒 一年一度的雙11購物節 is Coming 少東油當然要好好來和大家介紹一下 @hairymouthpetsnacks 大滿足寵物零食 首次超值優惠活動 🔥 #文末將送出3...

  • 嘴編 在 NOWnews 今日新聞 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 17:50:02
    有 9 人按讚

    小廚師也太可愛了吧~(#嘴編 想喝西米露)

    台菲混血萌娃自製芋頭西米露 奶音英文教學Q到翻
    畫面授權:T.A.C You To Travel 帶你去旅行
    #混血兒 #西米露 #英文 #教學

  • 嘴編 在 NOWnews 今日新聞 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 17:00:47
    有 25 人按讚

    巷仔內看政治⏩ https://bit.ly/2DfrMq5
    #國民黨 #黨主席 #名家論壇 #年輕人

  • 嘴編 在 NOWnews 今日新聞 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 16:40:54
    有 2 人按讚

    拼命告訴自己(筆記) 現在還來得及存錢成千萬富翁(#嘴編 我要財富自由!)
    IOS👉 https://apple.co/3hfSyyv
    android👉 https://bit.ly/3jjDe6x
    #財富自由 #存錢 #秘訣 #退休

  • 嘴編 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-19 19:00:18


    版塊 Block Studio 首度開課,和你分享 #動態特效網站 的設計秘訣!
    ▹▹▹ http://bit.ly/webdesign77
    課程以版塊團隊的核心設計流程 #動態回推設計 及 #大量實際案例,帶你:
    ☑️ 掌握版塊的網站佈局思維,培養對動態特效的敏銳度
    ☑️ 擴展思考面向,想到別人想不到的厲害創意
    ☑️ 學會配置動態特效,提升網站吸睛度
    ☑️ 雕琢網站設計細節,帶給使用者更驚喜的體驗
    課程募資優惠中,6/25 前只要 2400 元 #現省800
    6/16 前購買再享早鳥好禮 #設計工程協作檢核表
    ▹▹▹ http://bit.ly/webdesign77

    本集節目內容由志祺七七頻道製作,不代表「圖文不符上課囉/版塊 Block Studio 」立場。

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 體驗志祺七七文章版:https://blog.simpleinfo.cc/shasha77
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
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    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    00:00 前導
    01:17「動態特效網站課程募資 」廣告段落
    02:17 什麼是植物奶?
    03:21 植物奶風潮
    04:48 植物奶的爭議-Oatly
    06:23 植物奶真的環保嗎?
    07:45 植物奶更健康?
    09:16 我們的觀點
    10:19 提問
    10:37 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?:https://bit.ly/3gCEyhZ
    →星巴克、Blue Bottle 都使用!解決乳糖不耐症又環保,全球爆紅的「燕麥奶」到底是什麼?:https://bit.ly/3xr0F1J
    →Poore, J., & Nemecek, T. (2018). Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science, 360(6392), 987-992.
    →Plant Milk Market Revenue to Hit $21 Billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc.:https://prn.to/3zsbHW7
    →Which Plant-Based Milk Is Best for the Environment?:https://bit.ly/3pSAhuZ
    →衛生福利部 國民健康署:https://bit.ly/3wubbFo
    →The 9 Best Nondairy Substitutes for Milk:https://bit.ly/2TXvQTE
    →White gold: the unstoppable rise of alternative milks:https://bit.ly/3cJf8Op
    →Crying over plant-based milk: neither science nor history favours a dairy monopoly:https://bit.ly/2SqZdh1
    →Vegan ‘dairy’ products face EU ban from using milk cartons and yoghurt pots – and UK could be next:https://bit.ly/3gkHb97
    →Plant-based food industry fights EU proposal to ban dairy comparisons:https://reut.rs/3wrTEh1
    →Which ‘milk’ is best for the environment? We compared dairy, nut, soy, hemp and grain milks:https://bit.ly/3xr0RxZ
    →Hey, Where’s My Oat Milk?:https://bit.ly/3cJK4y3
    →Activists sour on Oatly vegan milk after stake sold to Trump-linked Blackstone:https://bit.ly/3gmN2uA
    →燕麥奶 Oatly 接受黑石的投資,錯了嗎?:https://bit.ly/3vpljhc
    →不只人造肉!燕麥奶夯遭瘋搶,黑石等砸 2 億美元入股:https://bit.ly/2UaPewR




  • 嘴編 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-14 19:00:23

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #味精 #MSG
    00:00 前導
    01:46 味精是怎麼被「發明」的?
    02:56 味精好吃的秘訣是什麼?
    04:07 味精如何制霸餐廳?
    05:43 中國餐館症候群
    06:55 又是「歧視」惹的禍?
    08:21 所以,味精真的不健康嗎?
    09:48 我們的觀點
    10:19 提問
    10:35 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →蒼藍鴿的醫學天地:「味精」對人體有害? 世紀大謊言! | 蒼藍鴿聊醫學EP102 :https://bit.ly/3uQ5sso
    →The History of Umami (MSG):https://bit.ly/3omK5wv
    →Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2020. Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Advisory Report to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC.
    →味精是不好不健康的化學物質、有毒會致癌?可真是誤會大了!【2019最新】| 食品技師張邦妮 | 安心食代:https://bit.ly/3oddDwC
    →If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache?:https://bit.ly/3omK7o7
    →The Science of Satisfaction:https://bit.ly/3ydXTOC
    →Is MSG as bad as it’s made out to be?:https://bbc.in/2RSNGWO
    →The History of MSG and Its Journey around the World:https://bit.ly/3uLLWxl
    →The discovery of umami: How MSG changed the culinary world:https://bit.ly/3oglVno
    →The Cultural Journey of MSG in America:https://f52.co/3hphVQ1
    →From the blacklist to the spotlight: How MSG is staging a comeback:https://bit.ly/3hvD4bv
    →陳柔縉 (2011). 台灣幸福百事: 你想不到的第一次. Taiwan: 究竟出版社股份有限公司.
    →侯巧蕙. (2012). 台灣日治時期漢人飲食文化之變遷: 以在地書寫為探討核心. 臺灣師範大學台灣文化及語言文學研究所學位論文.
    →The persistent, racist myth of “Chinese restaurant syndrome” just won’t die:https://bit.ly/3fgeSaj
    →Mosby, I. (2009). ‘That Won-Ton Soup Headache’: The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, MSG and the Making of American Food, 1968–1980. Social History of Medicine, 22(1), 133-151
    →Revisiting the ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’ https://bit.ly/3wa5YSx
    →Abend, L. (2017). FOOD FIGHTS AND CULTURE WARS A Secret History of Taste.
    →The Strange Case of Dr. Ho Man Kwok:https://bit.ly/33GgCUC




  • 嘴編 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-19 20:07:21

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
    ✔︎ 購買黃臭泥周邊商品: https://reurl.cc/Ezkbma 💛
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #七宗罪 #貪吃 #大餓
    00:00 前導
    01:49 人類可以多貪吃?
    03:36 中世紀時的貪食之惡
    05:11 其他宗教與文化對貪食的看法
    06:24 貪吃會受到懲罰?
    07:59 貪食是生物本能
    10:20 我們的觀點
    11:58 提問
    12:19 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →Florent Quellier,《饞:貪吃的歷史》。台北,馬可孛羅,2015。
    →The English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with Apocrypha. (2009). Oxford University Press.
    →Prose F. Gluttony. Oxford University Press. 2003.
    →Hill, S. E. (2011). Eating to Excess: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World. abc-clio.
    →Hull, E. M. (2011). Sex, drugs and gluttony: how the brain controls motivated behaviors. Physiology & behavior, 104(1), 173-177.
    →The Evolution of Human Gluttony:hhttps://bit.ly/3f8G7VV
    →Mythbusting Ancient Rome – the truth about the vomitorium:https://bit.ly/2Pb66kd
    →Gluttony: rise, fall, and resurgence of a capital sin”:https://bit.ly/3r0NQaJ
    →Gluttony, Gastronomy, and the Origins of ‘French’ Food:https://bit.ly/3s36XSR
    →Our gigantic problem with portions: why are we all eating too much?:https://bit.ly/30Uv4qO
    →Cargill, K. (2015). The psychology of overeating: food and the culture of consumerism. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    →Hill, S. E. (2011). Eating to Excess: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World: The Meaning of Gluttony and the Fat Body in the Ancient World. abc-clio.
    →Schwartz, H. (1986). Never satisfied: A cultural history of diets, fantasies, and fat. New York: Free Press.
    →Smith T. (2013) Gluttony. In: Thompson P., Kaplan D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer, Dordrecht. https://bit.ly/3cIkDw4
    →破紀錄!28歲男改名「愛台灣鮑鮪鮭魚松葉蟹干貝龍蝦...」36字全台最長 :https://bit.ly/3cMWW5F
    →《大餓》正式預告╱11.15 自然就素美!:https://bit.ly/310Fd5g

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    →饕餮書 蔡珠兒 聯合文學 2006:https://bit.ly/3tAHO23




