

在 問候英文greeting產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅小威的ㄧ生,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Xiao Wei X Balenciaga] I'm so thrilled to be able to work with Balenciaga to launch this exquisite visual campaign. These new bags crafted just for ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅加拿大留學日常 艾弟龍哥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這集教大家如何用英文問候別人以及回答別人的問候 讓大家以後在面對外國人不知道怎麼開頭時 可以使用的4個簡單的英文問候 1. What's up? 2. How are you or How are you doing? 3. Good morning, afternoon, evening 4. ...

  • 問候英文greeting 在 小威的ㄧ生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-12 09:14:56
    有 2,760 人按讚

    [Xiao Wei X Balenciaga]

    I'm so thrilled to be able to work with Balenciaga to launch this exquisite visual campaign. These new bags crafted just for the Chinese Valentine's day, "Chi Xi", is a mix of whimsical graffiti and the Chinese language. The bags perfectly embody the brand's respect for the Chinese market. (Obviously because how would a Chinese customer not fall in love with a bag with Chinese writing on it? the same way a product would appeal to an American consumer if there are English written on it)

    These campaign photos that I modeled for also continue to embrace the "Chinese elderly greeting card" concept used in the previous set of ads. I hope you guys like it!

    很高興可以和Balenciaga(巴黎世家)合作拍出新的這一組宣傳大片 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ 這幾款為了七夕情人節推出的手拿包,融合了俏皮的塗鴉字體和中文,完全可以看得出來品牌對中國客群的重視(畢竟華人消費者怎麼會不愛包包上有中文呢!就像如果要打美國市場就在產品上面寫一些英文美國人一定會很愛是一樣的道理)

    我幫Balenciaga model的這幾張宣傳照也是延續上一組廣告以長輩問候圖為靈感的概念,希望大家喜歡!

    #巴黎世家 #七夕 #balenciaga #長輩圖 #小威的一生 #國際名模

  • 問候英文greeting 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-07-12 22:57:56
    有 6 人按讚


    3 American Intimacies I Don’t Get

    After 17 years in the United States, these public displays still make no sense to me. But I’m trying.

    Hugs Galore
    Hugging wasn’t a thing in my childhood in Hong Kong. When I saw my grandmother, I just shook her hand. In fact, I never hugged anyone until I was 13, when I came to America. The concept of hugging was so foreign to me that I had to study how other people hugged to understand the mechanics of wrapping your arms around someone. Was I supposed to put both arms over the shoulder? Both arms around the belt? One up and one down? It was a confusing time in my life.

    When I finally mustered the courage to hug this girl in school, I’m pretty sure I forearmed her in the face. Yet these days, I’m recklessly hugging everyone, with complete disregard, and hopefully fewer injuries. I hug my friends, I hug people I’ve just met, I hug the UPS man if he delivered a cool package. (Even if he delivers toilet paper, I still give a quick hug.)

    Most of my friends have at least two dating apps on their phones. One friend is having lots of success on Plenty of Fish, another had her heart broken twice by different guys from Bumble, and I have gathered a database of nightmare stories from my own Tinder dates.
    我的大部分朋友手機上都有至少兩款交友APP。其中一個朋友在Plenty of Fish上有不少成功斬獲,另一個朋友被透過Bumble認識的兩個傢伙傷透了心。我自己也在與用Tinder認識的人約會時發生了很多噩夢般的故事。

    I once matched with a woman whose job description was “social influencer.” Deep down I knew this probably meant she was unemployed with 50,000 Instagram followers — some of them real — but I gave it a shot. I took her out to Dave & Busters so if the date went south, I could still enjoy myself playing Mario Kart.
    我曾經在Tinder和一個工作描述寫的是「網路紅人」的女人配對。她在Instagram上有五萬粉絲——其中一部分是真正的粉絲——內心深處,我知道這可能意味著她沒有工作,但我想試試。我帶她去了Dave & Busters娛樂餐廳,所以如果約會失敗,我還可以玩瑪利歐賽車(Mario Kart)。

    Throughout the date, she kept having me take videos of her for her Instagram story. “O.K., do one like that, but turn the phone the other way.” “Let’s do one with the puppy face filter!” “O.K., get one of me playing Mario Kart.” I’m not your cameraman! I want to play Mario Kart, too! I would have walked out if I hadn’t just invested $30 in my Dave & Buster’s game card. Priorities.
    在整個約會過程中,她一直讓我給她拍可以發到Instagram上的影片。「好,這樣拍一個,但把手機換到另一邊去。」「我們用狗狗臉濾鏡拍一個吧!」「好,拍一個我玩瑪利歐賽車的。」我不是你的攝影師!我也想玩瑪利歐賽車!如果不是剛往Dave & Buster’s的遊戲卡裡儲值了30美元,我當場就走了。這才是最重要的。

    We never got to know each other, but that didn’t seem to be an impediment to her, at least not on social media. The next day I saw a post on her Instagram of her playing Mario Kart, with the caption “I love it when bae takes you out for game night.” Um, what? I definitely was not her “bae” and we have never spoken since. As Justin Bieber would say, “Baby you should go and love yourself.”
    我們根本沒能了解對方,但這對她來說似乎並不是問題,至少在社群媒體上不是。第二天,我看到她Instagram上發了她玩瑪利歐賽車的貼文,圖解說「我喜歡寶寶晚上帶我出去玩」。什麼?我肯定不是她的「寶寶」,後來我們再也沒說過話。就像Justin Bieber會說的那樣,「寶貝,你應該去愛你自己。」

    The Rampant Spread of ‘I Love You’
    In many Asian cultures, people rarely, if ever, utter the words “I love you.” But in America “I love you” can be used as an endearing greeting from lovers, as a supportive term from parents to their children and even as a casual goodbye to friends: “That was an amazing brunch, let’s do it again soon. I love you, bye!”

    American culture is just much more intimate than what I was used to growing up. If I said “I love you” to my parents, they would probably think I’m crazy or that I have terminal cancer. I have said it to my friends sometimes, in a drunk-guy-at-the-bar way. “Hey, I love you, bro, you’re awesome, man.” And I have said it to one girl, but to be honest I’m not sure I meant it — it just seemed like the right answer at the moment.

    She was wonderful, and two months into our relationship she told me, “I really like you.” I said, “I really like you too.” Then she said, “I really, really like you,” and looked into my cornea. And I said, “Yes, I really, really like you too!” Frustration came over her and she pushed on: “No! I mean, like, I really, really, really like you!” A-ha — I finally realized what she meant, so I gave her the answer she was looking for: “Oh yeah, I love you.”

    That was a regrettable mistake from this naïve people pleaser. We eventually broke up because we both realized I didn’t mean that. So what does it really mean to say “I love you”? Does it mean nothing more than “You’re cool”? Or is it actually a magical phrase?

    I asked my 70-year-old Chinese father, “Dad, why don’t we ever say ‘I love you’?” And he said, “We don’t have to always say I love you, it’s understood.” Maybe he’s right.

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文

  • 問候英文greeting 在 光明頂創育智庫 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-01-14 18:59:00
    有 8 人按讚

    【E-mail 結尾的英文代表什麼意思?】
    【和老外談生意,E-mail 該怎麼寫?】

    你還在搞不清楚信件開頭是Dear 還是Hi嗎?

    The First E-mail 第一次與外國客戶接洽的E-mail
    E-mail Address 電子信件名稱
    Subject 關於信件主旨
    A proper salutation / greeting 適當的問候
    Introduction 自我介紹
    Content 關於內容
    Ending + Attachment 結尾+附件

    完美的開場與結尾Great opening and ending lines.
    實用的情境片語Useful phrases for various conditions.
    a. 請別人做事時When making a request…
    b. 道歉時When apologizing…
    c. 壞消息When giving bad news…
    d. 抱怨時When complaining…
    好用單字Useful vocabulary

    WUWOW 行動英文學習教務長 Kai

    主講:Kai / Wuwow行動英文學習教育長


  • 問候英文greeting 在 加拿大留學日常 艾弟龍哥 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-01-31 18:00:06


    1. What's up?
    2. How are you or How are you doing?
    3. Good morning, afternoon, evening
    4. It's nice to meet you.


    我們的特別來賓Rolan的Instagram: rolanerwin
    艾弟ig: sean_huang20
    龍哥ig: aaaaidan_n
    Line@官方號: @038nbgcs
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/studyinbcvan/?modal=admin_todo_tour
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/sainvancouver?igshid=zce4z2x8p8if

    ▶商務合作 | Business Enquiry : sainvancouver@gmail.com