

在 商用微波爐時間產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, No cell signal, no Wi-Fi, no problem Viral ( ) dance memes ( ) and dance challenges on TikTok largely bypass ( ) Green...

  • 商用微波爐時間 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-07 21:57:19
    有 6 人按讚

    No cell signal, no Wi-Fi, no problem

    Viral ( ) dance memes ( ) and dance challenges on TikTok largely bypass ( ) Green Bank, West Virginia. So do viral sensations like augmented reality filters ( ) on Snapchat and Instagram.

    And when a Facebook fad had people all over the globe dumping ice water on their heads a few summers ago, Charity Warder, now a senior at Pocahontas County High School, was late to the game.

    Sure, Charity has an iPhone, but she uses it mostly as a clock and a calculator. She makes phone calls from a landline, and she rarely texts her friends. Texting and driving? “It’s not a thing here,” she said.

    When Charity wants to get online at home, she sits at her family’s desktop computer, which has a broadband connection that is so sluggish ( ), it takes minutes to load a YouTube video.

    Welcome to Green Bank, population 143, where Wi-Fi is both unavailable and banned and where cellphone signals are nonexistent.

    The near radio silence is a requirement for those living close to the town’s most prominent ( ) and demanding resident, the Green Bank Observatory, home to the world’s largest fully steerable ( ) radio telescope. To protect the sensitive equipment from interference ( ), the federal government in 1958 established the National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square-mile area near the state’s border with Virginia.

    The observatory’s telescope “could detect your phone on Saturn in airplane mode,” states a sign outside its science center building, but is rendered ( ) much weaker if anyone uses electronics that emit radio waves. For those who live within 10 miles of the observatory, the limitations also include a ban on Bluetooth devices and microwaves, unless they are contained in a metal box, known as a Faraday cage, which blocks electromagnetic fields.

    Nearly 15 million Americans live in sparsely ( ) populated communities where there is no broadband internet service at all, a stark ( ) digital divide across America between those with access to uber-fast connections and those with none.

    But in Green Bank, where the restrictions are mandatory, the quiet zone has in many ways created a time warp ( ) in the mountainous region. Phone booths loom ( ) near barns and stand guard on rural roads. Paper maps are still common. Here, people are less distracted by the technologies that have come to dominate 21st-century American life.

    At a time when nearly 60% of American teens say they have been bullied or harassed ( ) online, and studies have found links between social media use and teen mental health problems, the digital limitations around Green Bank have created a unique kind of modern childhood, providing a glimpse into what it means to grow up without the constant buzz ( ) of texting and social media.



    而在幾年前夏天,臉書掀起一陣風潮,使全球各地網友紛紛朝自己頭上傾倒冰塊和水時,目前已是波卡洪塔絲縣高中畢業班學生的Charity Warder,很晚才加入這行列。








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  • 商用微波爐時間 在 Too Cool For Share Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-03-24 15:50:53
    有 27 人按讚

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