
為什麼這篇吉茵珂絲技能鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在吉茵珂絲技能這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者colmash (col)看板LoL標題Re: [情報] Jinx 技能組時間Fri Sep 2...



Jinx, the Loose Cannon, revealed
小大炮 吉茵珂絲

Fire up your minigun and take aim with a massive death launcher as Jinx, the
Loose Cannon. Packing major attitude and equipped with a cornucopia of
carnage, Jinx is a marksman primed to leave your foes marked for demolition.



Passive: Get Excited!

Jinx gains a massive movement speed boost whenever a champion or tower that
she's recently attacked is killed or destroyed. This boost decays over time.


Q: Switcheroo!

Jinx swaps weapons:

Fishbones, the rocket launcher: Jinx's basic attacks consume mana but
gain increased range and deal increased damage to her target and nearby
Pow-Pow, the minigun: Jinx's basic attacks grant attack speed for a short
duration, stacking up to three times. Stacks fall off one at a time once Jinx
stops attacking.


W: Zap!

Jinx snaps off an electrical blast that deals damage to and slows the first
enemy hit.


E: Flame Chompers!

Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that detonate after a few seconds,
lighting nearby enemies on fire. Enemy champions who walk over a grenade will
cause it to detonate early, rooting them briefly.


R: Super Mega Death Rocket!

Jinx fires a global rocket that gains damage as it travels. The rocket
explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing damage to the target and
all nearby enemies based on a percentage of their missing health.




Jinx is a versatile marksman armed with an arsenal of eclectic weapons. Her
assortment of arms wreaks a ton of havoc, enabling her to deal brutal bouts
of damage at the expense of mobility. One of the most important facets to
playing Jinx is harnessing the power of Switcheroo! to safely harass her
enemies from distance with her rocket launcher before unleashing a hail of
minigun pain when the moment calls.


Despite her lack of built-in escapes, Jinx stores a few maneuvers inside her
hyperactive brain that help her avoid ganks. Flame Chompers! briefly snares
encroaching junglers, a well-timed Zap! discourages pursuit and careful
management of objectives provide a massive speed boost thanks to Get Excited!
triggering when a tower falls.


And towers will fall. Clearing waves through liberal use of her rocket
launcher's area of effect attacks, Jinx brings constant lane pressure.
Keeping her opponents on their heels, or making it impossible for them to
pressure her, helps ensure she makes it to the mid- and late-game stages
where her tremendous potential truly shines.


One thing, though, that remains to be said: there's almost never a time when
a Super Mega Death Rocket isn't just about the best possible answer to any
problem. Jinx's ultimate is a global execute that picks up speed as it
hurtles towards an unsuspecting victim's facial area. Whether KO-ing a
low-health enemy team during an early-level Baron fight from across the map
or nailing a retreating foe for the last-second kill, there's nothing a
well-placed Super Mega Death Rocket can't do. Except hit non-champions. It
can't do that.


Jinx begins to dish out the damage once teamfights break out. Lacking
reliable peel or protection for herself, though, she relies on her
positioning and her teammates to keep her alive while she sends her enemies
screaming. Jinx's range and damage remain potent throughout the game, making
her ideal in a composition built around long-range poke. In the heat of
battle, using her rocket launcher and Zap! from a distance helps whittle down
enemies until she scores a kill, while Flame Chompers! create zones that
opposing champs would do well to avoid. Once Get Excited! triggers, Jinx
unlocks her clean-up potential, quickly repositioning to avoid threats and
mowing down stragglers trying to run away.


故事看有沒有人能接手..<(_ _)>

Jinx lives to wreak havoc without a thought for consequence, leaving a trail
of mayhem and panic in her wake. A manic and impulsive criminal, she despises
nothing more than boredom, and gleefully unleashes her own volatile brand of
pandemonium to the one place she finds dullest: Piltover. With an arsenal of
deadly toys, she unleashes the brightest explosions and loudest blasts - all
the better to shock and surprise the hapless authorities. Always just out of
the law's reach, Jinx's favorite game is to toy with Piltover's finest -
especially Vi.

Piltover had long been known as the City of Progress, a place where peace and
order reigned. That serenity was challenged when a new kind of criminal
arrived, the likes of whom had never been seen. This mysterious outlaw
unleashed a series of warped and destructive capers that endangered the
entire city, and left its people reeling from the worst crime spree in
Piltover's history.

As the string of crimes without rhyme or reason hit the city, sightings of
the lawbreaker emerged. Though the young woman's origins were a mystery, some
saw traces of Piltover hextech in her firearms, while others described the
street fashions of Zaun in her dress. Because her arrival always brought
trouble with it, those who crossed her path soon gave her a name: Jinx.

Jinx's rampage escalated. Caitlyn - the sheriff of Piltover - responded by
declaring a state of emergency and organizing a city-wide manhunt. In typical
Jinx fashion, the criminal marked the Piltover treasury, the city's most
secure building, with a direct challenge to its most abrasive officer. With a
caricature of Vi's face splashed across the treasury's facade, and with a
time and date of her supposed raid, Jinx was openly daring the enforcer to
stop her from robbing it.

Determined to put the troublemaker behind bars, Vi watched and waited outside
the treasury until Jinx's time had finally come. True to her scrawled
promise, the smiling menace showed her face. Knowing this was her chance to
capture the outlaw, Vi gave chase into the building's interior. She smashed
through wall after wall to chase down Jinx, who giggled as she lit up the
evacuated treasury with fiery explosions. Vi finally cornered the criminal
inside the vault, but Jinx wasn't done just yet. With a maniacal laugh, she
fired a barrage of rockets, bringing the entire building down upon them both.

When Vi finally crawled out of the ruins, the battered enforcer found no
trace of Jinx. Adding insult to injury, not a single ounce of gold had been
taken from the ruined vault. Instead, the criminal left a parting message to
her favorite officer of the law - a challenge only now visible through the
gaping opening in Piltover's skyline. The lights of the city spelled out a
simple taunt: you'll never catch me. As Vi read the message, she heard the
distant laughter of her new nemesis, and the city plunged into utter darkness
for the very first time.

http://goo.gl/H4sdW 遊戲基地lol專區
http://goo.gl/iAyRJ 基地3D全造型預覽
http://goo.gl/W4DbX 基地英雄專頁
http://goo.gl/60OG0 基地lol攻略區,
http://goo.gl/BgfRZ 基地同人創作專區,歡迎投稿!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hivgay :金克絲不就好了 翻四個字很難過 09/27 10:45

phenom1 :金珂拉 09/27 10:46
soraka :看這樣的敘述 R應該是像大冰箭一樣的指向技 會打小兵 09/27 10:46
hirdaramani :莖可濕 09/27 10:46
soraka :還以為是像希格斯或潘森那種的 直接攻擊指定地點... 09/27 10:46
soraka :看來會有很多無辜的三郎四鬼被打中 09/27 10:47
justsay :看起來不見得AD 只是沒位移的AP也不好生存ORZ 09/27 10:47
justsay :R只會對英雄觸發 09/27 10:47
coolboy16 :R只對英雄觸發不是? 下面有一句 09/27 10:48
pspfatty :所以他跟Vi還有Cait是三角戀((誤 09/27 10:49
Yadsmood :金珂拉 09/27 10:51
goddess777 :感覺就比奎恩好多了 09/27 10:52

linceass :所以皮爾托福是高譚市??? 09/27 10:54
coolboy16 :Q切換成火箭炮感覺後期很威猛.... 09/27 10:54
peterpee :金克絲啦 我喜歡這個名子 09/27 10:55
madrac :Q 很棒, 其他就還好... 09/27 10:56
Zwubber :荊軻氏 09/27 10:57
jackthegreat:E的定身不知道多久 想拿來打SUP 09/27 10:57
Carmelo :台服翻譯超爛......厄薩斯 09/27 10:58
DoraB :看來Jinx在ARAM會比最近出的那幾隻英雄還好用 09/27 10:59
Ashuya :看來這英雄在ARAM可以存活 爽 09/27 10:59
pspfatty :有Q的增加普攻距離 沒位移技其實還好 09/27 10:59
Ashuya :不知道q增大範圍傷害吃不吃大面具的被動 09/27 11:00

pspfatty :只是問題在於增加多少距離跟浩魔量多寡lol 09/27 11:00
kanzerbee :感覺最配瑟雷西,燈籠彌補位移缺乏,又可以打一波 09/27 11:00
DoraB :ARAM需要新的OP角!!! 09/27 11:01
pspfatty :基本上自體帶綁的AD配宅拉或nami應該比較好? 09/27 11:03
Bemyway1990 :所以它是ad???? 有點失望 09/27 11:03
madrac :看 Q 的設計應該最適合 AD 了... 09/27 11:04
ab85291 :看來是一個想設計成AD,卻變成一個TOP得角色,分推OP 09/27 11:07
p20162 :ARAM應該是猛角 09/27 11:10
Homeparty :BD角! 09/27 11:12
coolboy16 :單挑感覺不強阿...怎麼分推 09/27 11:13
coolboy16 :也沒逃跑技 09/27 11:14
s81j81js :沒逃跑技在上路妖魔鬼怪那麼多的地方會被虐慘.... 09/27 11:16
minicg47482 :還要看W跟E的技能距離 不然看起來他根本帶CC的死歌.. 09/27 11:17
justsay :單看技能組 應該很難在上路生存 09/27 11:17
minicg47482 :說難在上路生存還難說 上路都有AP法洛士了 09/27 11:18
justsay :上路法洛士不太主流阿XD 09/27 11:19
Justisaac :我覺得變成中路的可能性比較高XD 09/27 11:19
a76126 :精可吃 09/27 11:20
a0121jacob :peke專用 09/27 11:20
kevincookie :總算出個沒位移技的 09/27 11:23
kevin0515 :這角色也太貧乳了 09/27 11:23

Acer :洗兵推塔快,又有全球流支援,的確可以拿來走中路 09/27 11:23
s81j81js :走中路的話 希格斯表示:...等等 那我的定位勒.... 09/27 11:25
jacky7987 :機可失 09/27 11:33
※ 編輯: colmash 來自: (09/27 11:35)
thinkDie :沒逃跑技 是要等著給VI抓嘛? 09/27 11:36
Blackpepper :小砲 凱特琳的合體進化加強版 09/27 11:36
ym205 :荊軻:圖窮匕現(R),荊軻飛擲可穿越全地圖的匕首, 09/27 11:38
ym205 :玩家後爆炸,具斬首效果! 09/27 11:39
YHank : 但對嘉文四世沒有傷害 09/27 11:43
ym205 :J4 op bj4 09/27 11:47
Zekrom :沒位移對面JG出個VI就很痛苦了吧 09/27 12:00
tsukihito :斬卍超終極死亡火箭卍殺 09/27 12:06
c30303 :還是要打了才知道 法洛士也沒落跑技啊 09/27 12:16
rni :http://i.imgur.com/Is5ylUW.jpg 達瑞文!! 09/27 12:21
WMstudio :跟vi是同一個地點 http://ppt.cc/Lc7C 09/27 12:45
WMstudio :http://ppt.cc/a1~U 09/27 12:45
a963263 :Q感覺可以配魔劍欸,不過魔可能不夠 09/27 12:51
ivan609 :對到vi應該會有隱藏任務吧XDDDD 09/27 12:56
xzsa1471 :官方原文就有說他是射手阿= = 還在那AP... 09/27 13:04
act7682 :壞掉的天野學姊XD 09/27 13:06
k4598760 :感覺又一個魔劍三相流的 09/27 13:24
cianhao :買了! 09/27 13:29
Deanchung :新角色真的是女的嗎@@???? 09/27 13:51
roffyo :金可拉絲 09/27 14:10
curryhats :感覺是ARAM神角 09/27 15:06
GTR34 :又一個AP型遠攻角 09/27 15:54
AustinDave :比較喜歡靖克絲,發音像之外,"靖"有"青"呼應髮 09/27 16:36
AustinDave :色 09/27 17:25
hardyuse :已收入情報區 09/29 12:05

