[爆卦]吉祥偈 出處是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇吉祥偈 出處鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在吉祥偈 出處這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 吉祥偈產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 上一張封面圖已是2018年頭的事了。 我沒有什麼手拿著羅盤,專業攝影棚拍攝的照片。去年網站大哥叫我換封面圖時,我說我沒有靈感,也因為沒有拿羅盤的照。 找著找著,就只有這張去年在客人新家外先生為我拍的照。 一般出差看風水,不可能有空拍美照,但那天客人忘了帶鑰匙,返回家拿。我在門外站了三十五分鐘左...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Yu Young,也在其Youtube影片中提到,親愛的朋友們早安~今天是農曆七月廿四日🙏恭迎龍樹菩薩聖誕! 龍樹菩薩是著名的大乘佛教論師,在佛教歷史上具崇高地位🙏 因此我特別為大家錄製了一支禮敬龍樹菩薩及分享祂生平的影片~ 希望大家能更了解龍樹菩薩之殊勝事蹟! 凡逢諸佛菩薩聖誕佳期~ 若能持齋、禮拜、誦經、念佛、供花、煙供、供燈等之善行者,勝過...

  • 吉祥偈 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-15 22:28:25
    有 984 人按讚











    識時務者為俊傑呀,各位。 😁😁😁


    My last FB cover photo was updated in 2018.

    I didn’t have any professionally taken photo of me holding my Luo Pan. When my website admin suggested to me to change my cover photo last year, I told him I had no inspiration since there was no such photo.

    Digging through my camera roll, there is only this photo of me taken by my husband, outside my client’s new property.

    There is of course no time to take pretty photos during my usual Feng Shui audits. But that day, the client left the keys at home and rushed back to retrieve. I stood outside her house for about 35 minutes, making small talk with her elderly parents and took this photo in the meantime.

    I like the nature elements in this photo, the white towering clouds framing the blue sky. And me with my Luo Pan and filming videos

    One viewer commented that she did not take a fancy to me. So I guess taking a photo with my mask on will come across as more pleasant-looking. 😁

    I added the verse of auspiciousness because I often see you commenting with this verse I say at the end of my videos. It is especially heartwarming to read them. This is my concluding verse and also my best wishes for you. After all, isn’t auspiciousness what people covet in their lives, when they seek a Feng Shui audit or Destiny analysis.

    The verse for Qianyu was written by my Shifu a few years ago. At that time, I felt it was too heavyweight for me and I was unfit to use it. I was foolish enough to ask Shifu write me another verse.

    Shifu told me off sternly, “Good-for-nothing! That doesn’t mean you will be unfit forever. If you think that way, then don’t come out to help anyone! Let me remind you, all these years you have been hiding behind me. If you refuse to come out to serve sentient beings, I’m going to kick you out.”

    I changed tack immediately, “Shifu! Your verse is amazing! It’s excellent! Wow! Shifu has the foresight to see my future! Thank you for Shifu’s compassionate blessing! I will not let you down!”

    Those who adapt their actions to the times are the wisest, dear readers. 😁😁😁

  • 吉祥偈 在 劉香慈 Chantel Liu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-15 19:13:32
    有 651 人按讚



  • 吉祥偈 在 Alfredo Calligraphy 飛豆的筆 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-02-03 07:55:29
    有 1 人按讚

    #556 #飛豆的筆 #飛豆毛筆手帳 #學心齋 #毛筆 #書法 #書道 #春 #吉祥偈 #吉祥 #alfredospen #chinesecalligraphy #caligrafía