

在 合歡花茶功效產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【睡得是福】如何做個睡寶寶?  #睡不好老得快 #最重要是尋找失眠原因 #星期三CheckCheckMail  睡得多不如睡得好 多夢人:「最近心情欠佳,做事提不起勁,放工後直接吃飽就睡,每晚睡足十小時但仍然感覺疲累,半夜容易醒又多夢,怎麼辦?」  CheckCheckCin:中醫...

合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:16:00

【睡得是福】如何做個睡寶寶?  #睡不好老得快 #最重要是尋找失眠原因 #星期三CheckCheckMail  睡得多不如睡得好 多夢人:「最近心情欠佳,做事提不起勁,放工後直接吃飽就睡,每晚睡足十小時但仍然感覺疲累,半夜容易醒又多夢,怎麼辦?」  CheckCheckCin:中醫...

合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 02:20:19

【不快樂時你需要這花~】選對了花還有疏肝解鬱的作用! #BlueMonday收花最開心 #收食得飲得的花更實際 #中醫花語解密 四大疏肝解鬱花 問女生是否喜歡收花?大多數都是「口裡說不,身體卻很誠實」。其實心情低落時更加需要收花!下次不妨送自己或朋友「四大疏肝解鬱花」,簡單令人心花怒放,心花日日...

合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:21:53

發脾氣是為了健康。 #發脾氣都係一種宣洩方法 #強忍反而更傷身 #親子星期六 易動怒的女人多氣滯? 當上了母親都會明白,孩子(甚至丈夫)有時候實在淘氣得讓人氣憤,有時候更覺得自己愈來愈沒有耐性,面對孩子(或丈夫)不可理喻時會霎時動怒。有沒有想過這可能和你的體質有關?常出現煩躁不安、胃痛、多胃...

  • 合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-23 17:09:41
    有 504 人按讚

    - 日間做適量帶氧運動
    - 睡前不過飢或過飽
    - 睡前至少半小時放下電話
    - 睡前避免喝茶、咖啡、奶茶、酒精飲品
    Sleep quality trumps sleep quantity 
    "I have been in a bad mood recently. I don't seem to have energy for anything. I have dinner after work and go straight to bed. After 10 hours of sleep daily, I still feel tired. I wake up easily in the middle of the night and dream a lot. What can I do?"
    CheckCheckCin: Chinese medicine theory believes that nourishing your body through food is better than medicine, and sleeping well is better than eating well. Sleep is an important thing in life, and it is ideal to have enough quality sleep so that you can be energized and have energy. From Chinese medicine perspective, difficulty falling asleep, easily awaken from sleep, difficulty going back to sleep after waking are all considered a form of insomnia. Insomnia is mostly related to these three organs- heart, liver and kidneys. If insomnia is accompanied by irritability, depression, bitter mouth, dry eyes, reddish and short urination and other symptoms, you likely have stagnation of liver qi and liver depression which can cause heat in body. You should drink more floral tea to relieve depression, and pay attention to the following tips to improve sleep quality. 
    Tips for better sleep:
    - Do the right amount of cardio exercise during the day
    - Do not become too hungry or too full before going to bed
    - Put down the phone for at least half an hour before going to bed
    - Avoid drinking tea, coffee, milk tea, alcoholic drinks before going to bed
    Floral tea with honey to de-stress 
    Effects: relieves depression and calms the mind
    Ingredients: 3g jasmine, 6g albizia flower, appropriate amounts of honey
    Preparation: rinse all dry ingredients thoroughly and place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 5 minutes until aroma develops. Add honey to taste. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #失眠

  • 合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-05-21 15:22:11
    有 286 人按讚




    1. 玫瑰花、月季花

    2. 合歡花

    3. 茉莉花

    4. 桂花


    Four flowers to relieve stress

    If you ask a girl if she likes to receive flowers, most will say no even though they do, especially when they are feeling sad. Next time try sending yourself or your friends these four stress relieving flowers!

    1. Rose/Chinese Rose
    Rose is what most ladies like the most and, like Chinese Rose, it is great for stress relief. They look similar and have similar effects. They are warm in nature, can regulate qi and improve mood as well as dispel bruising. You can make a tea with them or add it into your soy milk or desserts. It is most suitable for those professional working ladies with intense stress and prone to qi stagnation body constitution. Note: those with asthenic qi and blood and those who are pregnant should consume with caution.

    2. Albizia flower
    Albizia is mild in nature and great for a cup of tea when you feel down as it can calm the mind, release negative moods, and regulate qi. If you are losing sleep due to your emotions, a cup of albizia tea can also help.

    3. Jasmine
    Jasmine has a refreshing aroma and is white in color, and a lot of people like it for their perfume. From chinese medicine perspective, it is warm in nature and can regulate qi and improve your mood. The scented tea commonly served in restaurants are smoked with Jasmine to achieve the floral fragrance too.

    4. Sweet osmanthus
    Sweet osmanthus is small but has a powerful aroma that can spread quite a distance. It is most commonly used in desserts, tea, and soaked in wine. It is warm in nature and can calm the mind, warm the stomach to relieve pain.

    Tips for drinking floral tea
    Floral tea is fragrant and healthy but it is important to note the following:
    - try to drink your tea soon and do not store overnight
    - use a transparent tea pot to make floral tea
    - don't drink it with an empty stomach
    - keep to 1-2 cups per day, having too much can lead to abdominal bloating and diarrhea
    - buy your floral tea from a reputable seller to avoid high amounts of pesticides

    #男 #女 #我煩燥 #我疲憊 #我有壓力

  • 合歡花茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-09-09 11:47:56
    有 362 人按讚






    Having a bad temper can cause qi stagnation?
    Every mother understands that kids (sometimes husbands too) can be so naughty that it becomes irritating, and sometimes you even feel like you will lose your patience and become angry at your kids or husband. Ever wonder though the emotions might be body constitution related? Those who often experience irritability, abdominal pain and gas, frequent farting, or stool that changes from solid to runny in same bowel movement, you may have qi stagnation body constitution! Those who are easily affected by emotions over time, and added with frequent consumption of raw and cold foods, may go from qi stagnation to asthenic blood body constitution. Then you may see more blemishes on your face or even have dark eye circles. In reality, your kids (or husband) may not be that rebellious, and moms just need to relax and find a suitable way to relieve the heightened emotions and try not to be too stubborn and anxious. Try having some floral tea and eat foods that promotes qi and blood circulation such as lotus root and eggplants, then you might not get mad so easily!
    Try a sip of zen floral tea:
    Ingredients: A bit of Silk Tree Albizia Flower and Jasmine Flower
    Preparation method: Place all ingredients into a thermos and steep in hot water for 5 minutes.
    Effects: Relieve stress and regulate qi, alleviate depression and calms the mind. Alleviates moodiness, tightness in chest and insomnia.

    #男 #女 #小童 #氣滯 #血瘀 #黑眼圈

