

在 台灣街舞代表人物產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ⚡️更多新聞可以關注 MIXFIT IG https://www.instagram.com/mixfitmag/ - #MVP #只是個開始 現為 P.LEAGUE+ 職業籃球聯盟的球員張宗憲,總以亮眼成績表現嶄露鋒芒;不只球場上有著高度關注度,更是引領潮流與街頭文化的代表性人物,也為年輕人帶來...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅elsewhite,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【突如其來的說直播就直播又要開張啦!】興趣使然的直播睽違55天後終於姍姍來遲囉(上一次已經是去年11/14的事情了呢) 去年底12/19由TEAMSKIP主辦的COLLEGE HIGH Vol.16經典團體賽剛結束、我在Youtube影片上線後觀察到一些現象,也發了篇超級長文。 本來就有打算要開這...

台灣街舞代表人物 在 混著 MIXFIT Online Magazine Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-09 02:04:46

- 【酒鬼朋友逗陣來!】 經過一整天繁忙的工作後,與三五好友小酌一下相信是許多人下班後的首選,如果只是找間酒吧似乎又有點無趣。近期 @redbulltaiwan 便推出全新企劃 《Red Bull Bar Block無夜城》 由酒類生活家Youtuber恩熙俊、Bar Surfing創辦人張勳進及...

台灣街舞代表人物 在 湯蘋蘋 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-10-07 20:10:04

完美13 號代表人物 Matt與雄妺 小孩穿kipop根本沒辦法 挪開你的目光 Kipop十月份最新涼秋款式 快點買起來 @kipop_tw 《 KIPOP台灣官方網站 》 在IG主頁有附連結🔗 可以直接在那邊選購商品 - ✔︎ 其他訂購方式 Line : @295pkynd IG : kipo...

台灣街舞代表人物 在 Boyz In The Hood Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-26 13:53:09

- ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ - ❖Showcase❖ 第二組介紹 - IP Lockers @iplockers . 緊接著為大家介紹這次我們Boyz In The Hood10週年所邀請到的第二組表演團體,在台灣街舞界,其出名程度可說是眾所皆...

  • 台灣街舞代表人物 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-20 22:46:16
    有 6 人按讚

    ⚡️更多新聞可以關注 MIXFIT IG

    現為 P.LEAGUE+ 職業籃球聯盟的球員張宗憲,總以亮眼成績表現嶄露鋒芒;不只球場上有著高度關注度,更是引領潮流與街頭文化的代表性人物,也為年輕人帶來極大的影響力。「我是我,為什麼要變成別人?」,無論打球或生活上都堅決保持獨一無二、忠於自我,張宗憲這樣獨具風格的態度正與 Converse 品牌精神不謀而合,也成就了 Converse 選擇與張宗憲合作的原因。
    從小受到家喻戶曉籃球漫畫啟發的張宗憲,對籃球有著無比執著的熱忱,他曾挑戰美國職籃 NBA 夏季聯盟,形容自己就像是漫畫中的角色:「當你到了一個完全陌生的環境,尤其身邊又都是體能條件比自己優秀的對手,每天只能不斷地督促鼓勵自己不能輸,必須更努力地朝夢想前進。」
    張宗憲一路走來勇於挑戰、無所畏懼、不斷創新,如同他「噴射機」的稱號,在籃球領域不停飛越、突破自我。近期除了帶領所屬球隊奪下 P.LEAGUE+ 聯盟總冠軍實現他想一直想為總教練奪得冠軍的期望,同時更以絕佳表現獲頒為 P.LEAGUE+ 聯盟 2020-21 年度 MVP。
    張宗憲身上所展現出來的無限可能性完整展現了 Converse 在籃球以及街頭流行文化歷史中的深刻影響與精神。「能與 Converse 合作很開心,我本身就很喜歡這個品牌,尤其產品更具有高辨識度與獨特性。對於 Converse 鼓舞年輕人做自己、勇於創新的品牌精神,也深感認同,尤其是對籃球、街舞、滑板領域的文化深耕,特別有感覺。」他的加入賦予了品牌源源不斷的能量,也使 Converse 獨特的籃球及街頭流行文化更為壯大。不久的未來,張宗憲也將與 Converse 展開更密切的系列合作。

    #MIXFIT #MIXFITMag #張宗憲 #Converse #台灣噴射機

  • 台灣街舞代表人物 在 Boyz In The Hood Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-27 14:46:33
    有 17 人按讚

    - ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ -

    ❖Showcase❖ 第二組介紹

    - IP Lockers IP Lockers

    緊接著為大家介紹這次我們Boyz In The Hood10週年所邀請到的第二組表演團體,在台灣街舞界,其出名程度可說是眾所皆知,在街舞界非常活耀的國際級Locking舞團「IP Lcokers」。
    舞團的特色在於,就算以蒙面鎖客的造型在做演出,但每個人都還是有非常明顯的風格與味道,其中也有女生鎖客,這也成為了屬於他們IP Lockesr獨一無二的精神以及文化。
    IP Lockers他們也曾在全球最大街舞排舞賽事「Hip Hop International」拿下全球第七名的佳績,也在知名賽事節目「舞力覺醒」擊敗許多競爭對手,拿下了冠軍的殊榮。
    而這次IP Lockesr也即將席捲於Boyz In The Hood10週年的派對上,這種難能可貴的國際級演出,你有辦法忍住不來、不期待嗎?

    The second crew to put on a show at our 10th anniversary wouldn’t even need any introduction in Taiwan or in the international locking community as it is extremely well known and praised. Let us introduce, IP Lockers.

    One of IP Locker’s main figures is the one and only Locking Yao Bai, He is one of those who bust their asses on a daily basis to spread Hip Hop as a culture in Taiwan as well as work hard to put this country on the map in the international Locking community. Yaobai is one of the reasons why IP Lockers earned its now known respect and recognition.

    Even though they put on identical masks while performing, you still can clearly identify each member due to their strong individual steezes, that is something which is kind of unique to IP Lockers. It is also important to mention that IP locker is composed of many talented women, a reminder that women are inherent actors of the Hip-Hop culture.

    They’ve participated in countless national and international showcase battles and jams and earned excellent results and recognition.

    IP Lockers notably ended up at the 7th place of the prestigious ‘Hip Hop International’ event , and won the Chinese TV Show ‘May the Dance Be With You’ after defeating an impressive number of strong opponents.
    This crew has this unique way of spreading their genuine love for this dance to their public while performing, that aspect is what we believe mostly define IP Lockers and we hope that it will never change.

    IP Locker’s gonna set the roof on fire at our Boyz in the Hood 10th Anniversary with a high-level performance. Not excited for this BZHD 10th Anniversary yet? Save the date !
    Boyz In The Hood 10th Anniversary
    ⚡️Welcome to the PARTY⚡️
    .更多資訊 For more info : https://reurl.cc/nKOge

  • 台灣街舞代表人物 在 Boyz In The Hood Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-26 08:00:00
    有 17 人按讚

    - ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ -

    ❖Showcase❖ 第二組介紹

    - IP Lockers IP Lockers

    緊接著為大家介紹這次我們Boyz In The Hood10週年所邀請到的第二組表演團體,在台灣街舞界,其出名程度可說是眾所皆知,在街舞界非常活耀的國際級Locking舞團「IP Lcokers」。
    舞團的特色在於,就算以蒙面鎖客的造型在做演出,但每個人都還是有非常明顯的風格與味道,其中也有女生鎖客,這也成為了屬於他們IP Lockesr獨一無二的精神以及文化。
    IP Lockers他們也曾在全球最大街舞排舞賽事「Hip Hop International」拿下全球第七名的佳績,也在知名賽事節目「舞力覺醒」擊敗許多競爭對手,拿下了冠軍的殊榮。
    而這次IP Lockesr也即將席捲於Boyz In The Hood10週年的派對上,這種難能可貴的國際級演出,你有辦法忍住不來、不期待嗎?

    The second crew to put on a show at our 10th anniversary wouldn’t even need any introduction in Taiwan or in the international locking community as it is extremely well known and praised. Let us introduce, IP Lockers.

    One of IP Locker’s main figures is the one and only Locking Yao Bai, He is one of those who bust their asses on a daily basis to spread Hip Hop as a culture in Taiwan as well as work hard to put this country on the map in the international Locking community. Yaobai is one of the reasons why IP Lockers earned its now known respect and recognition.

    Even though they put on identical masks while performing, you still can clearly identify each member due to their strong individual steezes, that is something which is kind of unique to IP Lockers. It is also important to mention that IP locker is composed of many talented women, a reminder that women are inherent actors of the Hip-Hop culture.

    They’ve participated in countless national and international showcase battles and jams and earned excellent results and recognition.

    IP Lockers notably ended up at the 7th place of the prestigious ‘Hip Hop International’ event , and won the Chinese TV Show ‘May the Dance Be With You’ after defeating an impressive number of strong opponents.
    This crew has this unique way of spreading their genuine love for this dance to their public while performing, that aspect is what we believe mostly define IP Lockers and we hope that it will never change.

    IP Locker’s gonna set the roof on fire at our Boyz in the Hood 10th Anniversary with a high-level performance. Not excited for this BZHD 10th Anniversary yet? Save the date !
    Boyz In The Hood 10th Anniversary
    ⚡️Welcome to the PARTY⚡️
    .更多資訊 For more info : https://reurl.cc/nKOge

  • 台灣街舞代表人物 在 elsewhite Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-01-08 23:50:32


    去年底12/19由TEAMSKIP主辦的COLLEGE HIGH Vol.16經典團體賽剛結束、我在Youtube影片上線後觀察到一些現象,也發了篇超級長文。
    本來就有打算要開這個直播來聊聊這件事、非常剛好的身處風暴中心的雪球老師昨晚也發了一篇文章跟大家分享他的跳舞心路歷程,既然如此、那就直接邀請雪球老師本人來現場跟大家聊聊天吧 🙂
    2021/01/08 (五) PM21:30,一樣老地方elsewhite的Youtube頻道見囉 🙂
    #哈冷士奇 #冒牌九妹 #艾爾喵

    00:00:00 INTRO
    00:06:40 開始直播
    00:09:40 序篇:陳白爛導讀時間
    00:48:22 雪球老師登場兼YG臨走前(?)的TALKING
    01:00:00 Q1. 先請雪球老師自我介紹
    01:18:37 Q2. 你的SKIP系列JUDGE影片經常unlike數都很高?你覺得原因是什麼?
    01:28:23 Q3. 近年Popping所謂的風格之爭,您的看法是?你覺得台灣曾經打壓過EB類型以外的Popper嗎?
    01:47:00 Q4. 身為台灣Popping代表人物之一,你對自己、學生、Popping圈有什麼期許?

