
為什麼這篇台灣棒球啦啦隊鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在台灣棒球啦啦隊這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者NTUOnline (嗯踢唷昂賴)看板CheerGirlsTW標題Re: [新聞] 台灣棒球啦啦...

台灣棒球啦啦隊 在 Animo運動吧 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 16:35:06

昨晚《野球乾一杯》團隊不小心都去過中秋節忘記更新節目,但大家烤肉烤的很開心也沒把碗敲破,所以今晚有良心地補上線,整集內容依舊保有濃濃的節日氛圍,讓大家還是可以再回味一次中秋節,離下次週休又只剩兩天啦,乾杯! #統一獅辦公室系列請大家多多捧場 #閃亮三姊妹拿到現在來聽其實很潮 #王爸開場的原味兄弟只...


The art of being a Chinese Taipei cheerleader


TAICHUNG, Taiwan -- If you’ve been watching any of the Chinese Taipei games
in Pool A of the World Baseball Classic, you’ve likely noticed the loud,
relentless crowds. There’s nothing like it in the world. Down 10 runs, up 10
runs, first inning, last inning – the loyal Taiwanese fans never, ever stop
at Intercontinental Stadium.

‧ Watch the World Baseball Classic live on FOX, FS1, FS2, FOX Deportes and

So, what keeps them going?

Loving their team and players, sure. But there’s also a squad – a cheer
squad – of 12-14 people that leads the crowd, constantly conducting the
throngs of fans, to keep them going. They sing songs, they stomp on the
dugout, they are the source of all the energy in the ballpark for sometimes
four hours at a time.

“When we’re down 10 runs, I know we’re down, but I’m not a fan anymore,”
cheer captain Travis told me through an interpreter. “I’m down inside, but
as a vice captain, I have to put a smile on my face and say, ‘My job is to
cheer the fans up.’”

“When we’re down, I know that the game is still going on and we have to
still support the team,” cheerleader Seulgi said with a smile. “I know we
have to go even harder.”

Travis, 30, and Seulgi, 24, were chosen as part of an All-Star team to
represent Chinese Taipei in the Classic. Normally, they do their cheering for
local pro baseball and basketball teams during the regular season. Seulgi’s
been doing it for five years, while Travis has been doing it for six.

“I started off as a baseball and basketball fan,” Travis said. “I saw
there was an opening for one of the local basketball teams, Fubon Braves
Bank, for vice-cheerleader captain. I went for that and got hired. I
transferred from the stands to the field.”

For Seulgi, it’s been a lifelong passion that she can now turn into a
full-time job.

“I’ve always been a baseball fan and always liked performing and dancing,”
she said. “My friends told me there was an opportunity to be a baseball
cheerleader. I tried out and got the part.”

Seulgi also cheers for the Hsinchu Lioneers -- a local pro basketball team.

But no matter how much they might love what they do, it’s a lot of work to
stand and yell and jump around for an entire baseball game. It can take its
toll physically. How do they stay in such great shape?

“Weight training and yoga,” Seulgi said.

They’re not lifting giant Arnold Schwarzenegger-level weights, it’s more
for stamina. They also do cardio and practice often during the week. Between
both sports and some behind-the-scenes planning, it’s a busy job for both of
them. Seulgi also takes classes for appearance and etiquette.

Chinese Taipei lost its first game in Pool A to Panama, but bounced back for
a thrilling 11-7 victory over Italy on Friday. The team seems to thrive off
the cheer squad and the boisterous crowd, and opposing teams seem to have
trouble blocking it out.

‧ World Baseball Classic gear

"The environment, I was very surprised with, with the cheerleaders and the
noise throughout their offensive at-bats," manager Mike Piazza said after
Italy’s loss. "... When you're in the stadium, it's a whole different

Win or lose, cheer their hearts out, because it’s their job, but also
because they know they can help foster an intense, almost indescribable
home-field advantage.

“We can add a little bit of influence to the game,” Travis said. “We chant
for a certain player to hit a home run and then he hits one out of the park.
It’s like, ‘Wow, it’s the law of attraction or gravity or something in the
universe.’ Calling on the universe to make something happen.”

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/CheerGirlsTW/M.1678609994.A.550.html
cobras638: Travis 03/12 16:47
NTUOnline: 還有Seulgi 03/12 17:05
woulin: Seulgi是哪位 03/12 17:23
dinter9921: 瑟七 03/12 17:37
stonerr: 瑟七外型跟韓國團體Red Velvet成員 03/13 10:52
stonerr: 康瑟琪有點像,而康瑟琪的英文名是seulgi 03/13 10:52
stonerr: 更正是Seulgi 03/13 10:53

