

在 台灣單日降雨量產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅英文多一點 A Little More English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #看新聞學英文 強颱尼伯特(Nepartak)強勢來襲!來看看英文新聞怎麼說? 順便學一些片語、字彙,自己造句試試看吧!! (July 6, 2016) CNN News 有線電視新聞網 : Super typhoon Nepartak *takes aim at* Taiwan 超級強颱尼伯特...

台灣單日降雨量 在 啡聞 1 c.c.|法式觀點筆記:文化 X 時事 X 歷史 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-03 20:07:12

#一杯咖啡看時事 你聽過蝗蟲的聲音嗎? 你聽過父母抓蚱蜢的趣聞嗎? 你知道蚱蜢就是蝗蟲嗎? 老一輩臺灣人的童年流光 竟然是東非之角最深層的惡夢? 趕緊跟著Y編 看看到底發生什麼事吧! . . . 你對這則新聞分享感興趣嗎? 喜歡就愛心 + 收藏 再分享給你的朋友吧! ———— 🦗什麼?!蝗蟲成災?...

  • 台灣單日降雨量 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-07-07 11:43:00
    有 32 人按讚



    (July 6, 2016) CNN News 有線電視新聞網 : Super typhoon Nepartak *takes aim at* Taiwan 超級強颱尼伯特直襲臺灣
    Taiwan is *bracing for* the region's first super typhoon of 2016, which is expected to grow in speed and power before it hits the island around Thursday evening local time.
    *take aim at : 瞄準、對準
    - You have to take aim at the monster carefully before you shoot.
    *brace for : 防備
    - The ground staff of Taoyuan Airport are bracing themselves for a possible flood . 桃園機場的地勤人員正在為了可能會發生的洪水做防備。

    (July 6, 2016) BBC News 英國廣播公司 : Vietnam floods *take heavy toll* 越南水災災情慘重
    A massive recovery operation is under way in Vietnam following devastating floods that killed about 50 people.
    Provinces in the centre and the south of the country were hit by *torrential rain* and landslides, which destroyed thousands of homes and roads.
    *take a toll (on) : 造成損失
    - The typhoon will take a horrendous toll on agriculture. 這颱風將會對農業造成驚人的損失。
    *torrential rain : 暴雨
    - Ten people in total have died in the region due to the torrential rain. 在這地區內共有十人因這場暴雨而亡。

    (July 7, 2016) Taipei Times 台北時報 : Nepartak land, sea alerts issued 尼伯特颱風陸上、海上警報發布
    The Central Weather Bureau yesterday *issued sea and land alerts* for Typhoon Nepartak, adding that the storm is likely to *make landfall* on the east coast and severely affect the nation’s weather today and tomorrow.
    *issue sea/land alerts : 發布海上/陸上警報
    - The CWB is likely to issue a land alert this evening. 中央氣象局很有可能在今天傍晚發布陸上警報。
    *make landfall : 登陸
    - This typhoon is estimated to make landfall on the east coast of Taiwan. 這個颱風預計會在台灣東部登陸。

    (July 7, 2016) The China Post 中國郵報 : Electricity use *sets record* as typhoon nears Taiwan 颱風將近,電力使用達新高
    *State-owned* Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) reported Wednesday that the company recorded the highest electricity consumption that afternoon as the *mercury soared* with the approach of Typhoon Nepartak.
    *set a record : 創下紀錄
    - The typhoon set daily rainfall record in Taiwan. 那颱風創下了台灣單日降雨量的新紀錄。
    *mercury soars : 溫度升高
    - Mercury soars to 35 degrees C in this summer. 今年夏天溫度升高到35度。
    *state-owned : 國有的
    - The employees of the state-owned enterprise Taipower have to repair the power facilities during typhoons. 國有企業台電的員工在颱風期間必須暴雨搶修電力設施。
    圖片來源:公有領域 Public Domain,原素材來自 U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Typhoon_Haiyan_2013_making_landfall.gif

