

在 台東成功鎮景點地圖產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 巨型瀑布,水很深還可以跳水!八邊瀑布完全是瀑布迷的夢幻景點,但一直以來都鮮為人知。它離成功鎮很近,就在眼前(英文諺語(under our noses)我到的時候很開心,因為沒有想到會這麼好玩! ☀🍃😁 您可以在影片中看到我們是如何找到它的:https://youtu.be/dHoK20ei76M ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅Xiaofei小飛,也在其Youtube影片中提到,好空氣、好水、好好吃!無論是精緻美食、跳崖、露營、或當地原住民文化,台東都能帶給你。現在許多餐廳和旅館都有英語菜單和英語服務。台灣的東海岸是國際旅行者的天堂。 看Allan的台東旅游: https://youtu.be/Py1kpyax4Mg 台東旅行地圖: https://reurl.cc/a...

台東成功鎮景點地圖 在 tintin | 台東漫漫遊 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 10:15:51

. 還記得打開國高中史地課本的地圖, 裡頭的河流總是彎彎的曲線嗎? 河流為什麼不走直路啊? 或許你早已經知道了, 河流走彎路是自然界的一種常態, 它在前進的過程中, 會遇到各式各樣的阻礙, 甚至有些障礙是無法逾越的, 所以它只能繞道而行; 也正因為走彎路, 讓它避開了一道道障礙, 最終投入大海溫暖...

  • 台東成功鎮景點地圖 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-10 10:18:00
    有 2,977 人按讚

    巨型瀑布,水很深還可以跳水!八邊瀑布完全是瀑布迷的夢幻景點,但一直以來都鮮為人知。它離成功鎮很近,就在眼前(英文諺語(under our noses)我到的時候很開心,因為沒有想到會這麼好玩!
    Babian Waterfal
    Taitung County, Chenggong Township
    瀑布: 23.09267, 121.33308
    停車: 23.09129, 121.34043
    西海岸的朋友們本週末會下大雨應遠離河流。 但如果你必須去瀑布,台東是好選擇仍然是非常乾燥的。 八邊瀑布是一個游泳的好地方。 水深約4米,請注意安全,準備好自己的裝備。
    Big waterfall, with deep water, and a place to jump! This is a dream spot and it’s been sitting under our noses the whole time, very close to Chenggong Township. I was so happy when I arrived at the waterfall, I never expected it to be this fun! You can see how we found it in the video and also maps in the links above.
    West coast friends please stay away from the rivers this weekend. But if you absolutely must go to a waterfall, Taitung has remained relatively dry. Babian is a fantastic place to go swimming. The water is about 4 meters deep.

  • 台東成功鎮景點地圖 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-26 20:28:00
    有 1,604 人按讚

    Hello台灣,我剛和 白昆禾每週日八點 環島回來,這次環島行的目的是要探勘東海岸的新瀑布,把他們標上地圖。很多人覺得東海岸面海那一側沒有什麼瀑布,我們這次除了造訪一些海上熱門景點,最主要就是要證明他們說錯了。結果......我們真的找到瀑布了,而且每一個都比前一個瀑布更棒! 嗡嗡瀑布是我們去的第一個瀑布,不是很好到 (如果很好抵達的話地圖上早就會有路線了) 我現在正在處理這趟旅程的地圖,之後幾週會陸續發表10個新景點。這趟旅行的紀錄也會上在YouTube,記得訂閱我的頻道還有按下小鈴鐺,新影片出來時才會收到通知哦。 https://www.youtube.com/followxiaofei?sub_confirmation=1
    Hey Taiwan. I just got back from a Huandao with Kunhe. The goal of our trip was to explore and map out some new waterfalls on the east, east coast. The mountains that are facing the sea. Everyone there are not many waterfalls on the ocean side, but we set out to prove them wrong, and also check out a few ocean hotspots. We did find waterfalls! And each one will be nicer than the last. Here is the first one from the trip, Wangwang Waterfall. It’s not easy to get to, if it was easy it would already be on the map with a path to it. I’m working on the maps now, and will publish about 10 new places over the next several weeks, and also be posting videos from the trip on youtube. Please make sure to subscribe there and click on the bell to make sure you get the notifications for new videos.
    Wangwang Waterfall
    Taitung County, Chenggong Township
    停車: 23.05261, 121.33091
    瀑布: 23.05387, 121.31975

  • 台東成功鎮景點地圖 在 旅遊人氣王 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-03-20 15:21:29
    有 4 人按讚





    圖片來源: FB: 阿寬的攝影地圖 Kuan's Photography Map 、 FB: HongMing Zhang / Instagram @weiii_730 @juiyen1213

    參考資訊: 自由時報 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1103657
    自由時報 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/1171089

  • 台東成功鎮景點地圖 在 Xiaofei小飛 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-11-28 18:59:57


    看Allan的台東旅游: https://youtu.be/Py1kpyax4Mg
    台東旅行地圖: https://reurl.cc/alR103

    Stone Umbrella Scenic Area
    Taitung County, Chenggong Township
    GPS:23.17591, 121.40188

    Good Air, Good Food, Good Water. Whether it's fine dining, cliff jumping, camping, or local aboriginal culture, Taitung has something for you. Now many restaurants and hotels offer menus and services in English. The East Coast of Taiwan is an international travelers paradise.

    Facebook: fb.com/followxiaofei
    Instagram: instagram.com/followxiaofei
    Patreon: patreon.com/xiaofei