
為什麼這篇卡特弟弟鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在卡特弟弟這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者braveshsu (H.A.T.E.U.)看板WesternMusic標題[新聞] 「新好弟弟...

卡特弟弟 在 卡特( -᷅_-᷄ ) Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 10:36:48

你們覺得我是____鬼👻 (A)貪吃 (B)控制 (C)擺爛 還是…..(D)以上皆是🤣 記得小時候我爸最常買的餅乾就是”可樂果” 家裡的零食櫃一年四季都可以吃的到😋 印象最深刻就是家裡有兩隻貪吃鬼要搶🤪 我跟弟弟每次看電視都會一人一包! 我吃酷辣 弟弟吃原味 想到就覺得好可愛 還記得每次為...

現年25歲、Backstreet Boys成員Nick Carter的弟弟Aaron Carter
他欠下兩百萬美金的帳務 但是戶頭僅剩917元可動用


Aaron Carter Files for Bankruptcy
By Erik Hayden, The Hollywood Reporter | November 21, 2013 11:39 PM EST

Aaron Carter is looking to emerge from dire financial straits.

The former teen pop star recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in a Florida
court in order to put behind him money woes incurred from years ago, Carter's
publicist, Steve Honig, told The Hollywood Reporter.

"The overwhelming majority of the debt that he's asking to be discharged is
from more than 10 years ago, and that was when he was a minor and not in
control of his own finances," Honig said.

"So this is a problem that's existed for a long time that he's now made the
decision to do something about in order to be able to move forward with his

The singer's rep said the decision to file for bankruptcy recently was made
"because it became apparent that it was the only way to deal with the
problem." Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Carter's property would be sold in
order to pay debts.

The artist, 25, accrued at least $2 million in debt, yet had only $917
available in his checking account last month, CNN reported from the filed
bankruptcy petition.

The pop singer, the younger brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, released a
hit album in 2000 with Aaron's Party (Come Get It), that included singles
like "I Want Candy" and "That's How I Beat Shaq" along with the title track.
Carter released other solo albums, including Oh Aaron (2001) and Another
Earthquake (2002).

More recently, in 2011, he was added to the cast of The Fantasticks and left
the musical in early 2013. He is currently on a solo North American tour
ending next month.

"Over the last few years he's done a lot of things to put his life back
together, he's been clean and sober for awhile, he's now taking care of his
finances," Honig said.


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◆ From:
hownever:十年後或許就能看到當今另一位上榜。 11/23 13:18
nkbd:XXD 11/23 14:36
braveshsu:一樓說的是某加拿大天后嗎XD 11/23 15:43
Snowmiss: 小 11/23 17:16
OleUnited:Carter家怎麼問題很多的感覺 Leslie Carter也是年紀 11/23 23:24
OleUnited:輕輕就染毒癮然後死了 11/23 23:24
royhsia:之前還曾經聽過他的歌 哎 11/23 23:44
KETSU:才25歲...@@ 11/24 01:28
san122:他小時超可愛,長大後整個崩壞,外表的過瘦感應該也是有碰毒 11/24 11:33
mlunlun:他們家小孩都怪怪的 11/24 14:29
a1b2a3g4h:還好Nick沒歪掉 11/24 14:41
curran:只是胖了 11/24 18:43
erinnick2:Nick現在瘦回來囉 11/25 00:29
crywolfer:他這兩年長駐紐約演舞台,我去看過本人 11/25 15:24
sneak: 他們家小孩都怪怪的 https://noxiv.com 01/16 17:59

